Yesterday, network users were presented with an interesting addition to “Stories” - “ Masks" - an animated image or a static drawing that is superimposed on the face in real time.

At the moment, the showcase is decorated with about 44 masks, which you can choose when adding a new story.

Anyone can submit their own mask options for moderation, and if successful, the mask will be available to all network users.

The update is already available in Android and iOS mobile applications.

How to add a mask to your photo in VKontakte history?

So, we will do all the actions in the official VKontakte application - this is important, since third-party clients may not yet support this option.

1. If suddenly, when you go into the application and add a story, you do not find any masks, do not despair and simply update the application.

2. Open the application and go to the " Stories».

3. Then click on the button “ Masks» and select the mask you like from the list that opens.

Click on it and wait for it to download to your phone (on average, this takes a couple of seconds).

4. Smile and take a photo. Feel free to publish the result in your stories.

That's all, happy using!

Yesterday, network users were presented with an interesting addition to “Stories” - “ Masks" - an animated image or a static drawing that is superimposed on the face in real time.

At the moment, the showcase is decorated with about 44 masks, which you can choose when adding a new story.

Anyone can submit their own mask options for moderation, and if successful, the mask will be available to all network users.

The update is already available in Android and iOS mobile applications.

How to add a mask to your photo in VKontakte history?

So, we will do all the actions in the official VKontakte application - this is important, since third-party clients may not yet support this option.

1. If suddenly, when you go into the application and add a story, you do not find any masks, do not despair and simply update the application.

2. Open the application and go to the " Stories».

3. Then click on the button “ Masks» and select the mask you like from the list that opens.

Click on it and wait for it to download to your phone (on average, this takes a couple of seconds).

4. Smile and take a photo. Feel free to publish the result in your stories.

That's all, happy using!

Glad to welcome you to my blog!

Let me explain, instead of boring photos, you can create original ones by selecting an image from a huge library.

How to Create Masks on VKontakte

So, this is an animation or drawing that is superimposed on the face. You don't have to be a Photoshop god to take advantage of this opportunity.

This image is superimposed in real time automatically, you do not need to adjust it in size, position of the eyes, head, and so on. You can select drawings to suit your mood or the mood of your interlocutors.

How to use a VK mask

There's really nothing complicated here.

For the masks to appear, you need to have an Android device or iPhone and install (update) the official application to the latest version.

When creating a story, just click the “Masks” button. And from a large number of images choose the most suitable one. You can experiment and try different options. Once you have decided on a drawing or animation, save the image and share it with friends.

Video instructions on how to make a VKontakte Mask

If you want to suggest your own version of a drawing or animation, then check out the documentation in thematic group. If you are confident in your abilities, then submit your masterpiece for consideration by the moderators. Who knows, maybe it will end up on a showcase that will be used by a huge number of people.


Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

"Masks" on VKontakte– another cool feature for users of one of the most popular social networks. The new feature provides users with the opportunity to try on the masks of famous superheroes and create their own. We will tell you about all the details below.

How to remove the restriction when listening to music on VK

Masks in VK: what they are, how to use them

If you use the Snapchat, ICQ, Facebook or MSQRD application, then you should understand what we are talking about. After all, these services have already introduced a new feature. Masks in VK will resemble approximately the same thing. The user will be able to apply various equipment and attributes of famous characters and heroes to his face, try on unusual hairstyles and simply fool around with his appearance.

How to enable and add Masks to VK

The new feature will only work in the mobile version, as it is directly linked to . And, as you know, you cannot add stories in the desktop version of the social network. To apply a mask, you will need to create a new story in VK, select photo or video mode, and then try on new images. Please note that if you add a mask to a video of your participation, it will automatically move with you. In a word, you can shoot a lot of cool videos and take funny photos.

How to make, draw your own mask?

In addition to the standard set of masks in VK, you can also draw your own. However, this may require special knowledge, so not everyone can master this art. Finished faces will need to be sent for moderation, after which they will be added to the general collection.

VKontakte has already appeared a sufficient number of emoticons that can be attached to stories. For those who don’t yet know what VK stories are and how to attach them, I’ll tell you. On VKontakte, when you log into the social network from your phone, there is a function that allows you to add an entertaining video. By clicking on the "History" button, you will have the opportunity to make a video and not just that.

You can attach an emoticon to it, draw something, and now you can attach an interactive mask that will move with you in the video or just move near you.

How to attach a VKontakte Mask?

Let me start with the fact that they have just appeared in the stories functionality and are available only for the IOS and Android operating systems. But many people, when they log into their phone, don’t understand why they’re not there! Yes, simply because they will only be available after the update. Update the VKontakte application and your masks will be with you! I still don’t understand how to do this, so I’ll explain how to install the masks in the video.

You open the application and, along with emoticons, stickers and the ability to draw a picture, you have another tab. Go there and see that the set is now available to you.

Use it and create a video that you can then post on the page or send to your friends, and they will be interested in how you managed to make such a cool video. I hope that only after I understand where the update button is, such a function will appear for me...
