How to create a channel on YouTube

If you have already decided to create your own channel on YouTube, then you have decided on the theme of the channel. It is important that not only you like her. At the moment, the most popular topics on YouTube are the following:

  • games;
  • vlogs and informational videos;
  • fashion and beauty blogs;
  • reviews of films, gadgets and games;
  • comedy and stand-up;
  • music videos.

It is important to think about the format for presenting the material and give your channel a “tasty” title. But first of all, it needs to be registered.

How to register a channel on YouTube

First go to the site and press the button To come in in the top right corner of the page. If you already have an account on YouTube, then simply enter your email and password, and then click To come in. If you do not have an account with Google services, you must first register. To do this, press the key Create an account and enter all the necessary data, after which we complete the registration. You can read more about how to register with Google in the article about creation - everything is well described there with pictures.

The next step is to create your own channel. After logging into your account, you will see a button at the top left corner of the page My channel.

After this, a form for creating a channel will open. In it you need to enter the name of your channel and other data. After filling out all the fields, click on the button Create a channel. Now you have your own channel.

On YouTube, it is possible to have more than one channel, but several on the same account: There is an account icon in the top right corner, you need to click on it.

  • A menu will appear in which you need to click on the gear icon next to the button Creative studio.
  • Select at the very bottom Create a channel.

On the next page you need to enter the name of the second channel and select the appropriate category. We accept the terms of use by checking the appropriate box and clicking Ready.

Change the design and set up your YouTube channel

After creating a channel, you need to design it so that the interface attracts users. To do this, press the button Add channel design. You can choose a background from standard pictures or upload a picture from your computer.

YouTube recommends uploading images with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels, but who is he for you to listen to? Just remember that depending on the devices on which the channel will be opened, the background will look different. On smartphones and tablets, only an area with a resolution of 1546x423 pixels is shown, while focusing goes to the center. It is worth making sure that there is enough space at the edge for trimming.

Available options include:

  • Whether or not to show information about videos you liked.
  • Show subscription information or not.
  • Show saved playlists or not.
  • Setting up the view of the Review page (allows you to download a channel trailer, recommend different videos and distribute all videos into playlists).

More options are available in advanced settings. You only need to change the slider. When everything is configured, you need to click on Save.

The final stage is adding a channel description. This is done very simply, first you need to click on Add channel description, which is located directly below the banner.

We write whatever we want and click Ready. This completes the setup.

After creating a channel, you need to start promoting it to attract the maximum number of subscribers. In short, you can do it like this:

  • Describe your videos. Based on the descriptions, the site determines the topics of your videos, and it also decides whether to show them to users in recommended videos. A good description also attracts users, forcing them to watch the video.
  • Add interesting pictures to your videos. Images are shown smaller, so it is best to use short text with large font on them, it attracts attention.
  • Add links to pages on social networks, websites, or subscribe to a channel. You can put them in the description, so you will gather more subscribers. It is also appropriate to use so-called annotations, active links directly in the video.
  • Encourage users to subscribe to your channel in your videos. Almost all successful video bloggers do this, apparently for good reason.

Of course, this is not all advice; in fact, there are quite a lot of tricks that help promote your channel. But we have to start somewhere.

How to delete a channel on YouTube

When you start something, you always need to know how to get rid of it later. That's why even at the stage of creating a channel, you need to know how to delete a channel on Youtube. There are two ways: deleting an account linked to Google+ and Page+.

Let's look at the first method first. When you create a mailbox on, you automatically have a YouTube account. Thus, to delete a channel on YouTube, you essentially need to delete your Google+ account. You can do this by following a few simple steps:

As soon as Google+ goes down, the Youtube channel will also go down. It is worth noting that this does not delete the email account. If you want to delete everything, then you need to act a little differently. However, keep in mind that all Google services will be deleted, including disk and mail. If you decide to take such a radical step, then follow the following instructions:

That's it, your account is now completely deleted.

We will also consider the second method of deletion if the account is linked to Page+. The algorithm is very simple, you just need to follow these steps:

  • First, select the channel that you want to delete; to do this, you need to click on the icon in the top right corner.
  • Next we go to the section Advanced account settings.
  • Click on Delete channel.
  • We also enter the credentials, thereby confirming the deletion.
  • Click on Further, after which the channel is deleted.

It is worth noting that in this case, Page+ is not deleted; it must be deleted separately. If you do not want to delete a YouTube channel, then you can close it, that is, simply delete all the videos on the channel. You can also restrict access to all videos, this is easy to do in Video manager. This way you will save your channel and statistics, but other users will not be able to watch your videos.

Restoring a YouTube channel

Deleted? Now it's time to restore. To do this, you need to send a request to Google administration. However, you must act very quickly. The process of permanently deleting your channel content takes about 2 weeks, so we advise you to change your mind within this period after deleting the channel. If Google did not manage to delete your data, everything can be restored without difficulty. Otherwise, it will be impossible to restore the channel.

Hi guys. Outside, summer is in full swing, without stopping from work (it’s great when you can take it with you), we are planning a new trip and 2 rafting trips with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous article, we looked at you step by step, and today we will directly start creating our own YouTube channel and then setting it up.

Let me clarify right away that without a Google account, you will not be able to create a YouTube channel. If you previously registered and created a single Google account, then in order to create your channel, you need to log in to it. In this case, you can skip the instructions for creating a new account and go to the “How to create a YouTube channel” section of the article.

Well, for those who are completely new, let’s start one by one.

How to create a new Google account

Step 1

Let's go to and in the right corner click the blue “Login” button.

Step 2

In the login window that opens, click “Create an account.”

Step 3

We fill out the standard form, all the necessary data to create a new profile.

You can use your email address in the questionnaire; it is not necessary to create a new one in the system. For example, my account was created using my email address.

You also don’t have to fill in the phone number, but in the future, in order for all functions to be available (official affiliate programs, etc.), YouTube will still ask you to enter and confirm the number. So it’s better to use your number right away.

I also recommend that after creating an account, you do double authentication via SMS, then no one will be able to access your profile with all Google services, including YouTube.

Watch the video instructions.

How to create a YouTube channel

Creating a channel is even easier.

Step 1

Return to, in the left column click on the “My Channel” tab " and you will see a window for creating a new channel or go to “YouTube Settings”.

And in the very first settings tab, click “Create channel”, there are two buttons there.

Step 2

A window appears in which you need to write what your channel will be called.

There are 3 options for naming the channel:

  1. If it’s a personal channel, then leave your first and last name.
  2. You can name the channel after your project.
  3. Tailor to the target search query. I talked about this in an article about how to choose a theme for your channel (link will come later).

In any case, you can change the name of your channel in the future.

All! Congratulations! You've created a completely empty new YouTube channel. Now I will also look at how you can create a second channel and basic account settings, and in subsequent articles we will deal with setting up the channel itself (appearance, optimization, design, etc.).

How to create a second channel

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, you need to go to “YouTube Settings” again.

You will see instead of a button where it was simply written “Create a channel”, a button “Show all channels or create a new one” appears.

Let's look at the necessary account settings

For those who have created a new Google account, let's look at the account settings, do not confuse them with setting up all the functions of the channel itself. We will set up the channel itself, as I already said, later, everything in order so that you don’t get confused.

So, let's go again here, where we clicked the "Create channel" button.

On the left are the settings tabs.

general information

In this section, you can later change the channel name, password, view all your channels and create a new one.

By clicking on the “Advanced” button, functions will open with which you can:

  1. Set channel URLs. (For example: BlinovBlog).
  2. Link the channel to your Google Plus page.
  3. See sites that have access to your account.
  4. Delete your channel.

Linked accounts

In the second settings tab, you can link your channel to a Twitter page, and when you upload new videos on the Twitter microblog, news about the added video will be automatically posted. Since I manually publish news about video releases on social networks, I have this function disabled.


Here you can configure which of your preferences will be shown to users and subscribers. You can hide which videos you liked, who you followed, and which videos you downloaded.

For example, if you want your subscribers not to see a video from a certain section in their news, then you can hide it. This is how I hide, for example, video instructions for beginners.


Alerts are channel news that comes to your email. For example, when someone subscribes to a channel or leaves a comment on a video, you receive an email. To avoid filling your mailbox with such garbage, you can turn off unnecessary notifications.

The remaining 2 tabs: playback and connected TVs can be ignored.

What to do next?


In the chat, you can directly ask any question about YouTube and the development of your channel. Also find a manager who will help you set everything up and promote your videos.

That's all for today. Congratulations on creating your YouTube channel. I hope you will start studying it seriously, and I will help you with this. If you have questions, ask them in the comments and go to the next article.

Making money on Youtube is more interesting and easier than all other types of financial activities on the Internet. Who wouldn’t want to have their own video blog, for which the site pays money? But in order to reach this level, you must first gain popularity. How to create your own channel on Youtube, design it beautifully and correctly? Today I will tell you about the intricacies associated with this process.

Why do you need a Youtube channel?

In order to become popular on the Internet, it is not enough just to leave comments and write posts. Video bloggers who work primarily with YouTube and Instagram are really popular on the RuNet. Creating a channel on Youtube is practically the first step to popularity and earnings.

It is a well-known fact that after monetizing the site, the owners of blogs, which consistently have several hundred thousand views, began to earn round sums of dollars, so the activities of a video blogger not only increase their popularity, but also justify themselves financially.

How can you make money from video views, you ask. Income on YouTube is real for popular vlogs, the views of which reach hundreds of thousands per day. If you achieve this level of fame, then the channel can begin to bring in good profits. At the same time, connecting to the monetization service is free, and money is awarded not only for views, but also for affiliate advertising. Popular bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Before you start creating a channel, think about what content you want to fill it with. If you don't have any ideas or interests, then why make meaningless videos about nothing? It is important to take this issue seriously and count on a certain audience from the very beginning.

Popular topics on the Internet are beauty blogs, children's programs, reviews of games, digital technology, etc. Among them there are high-quality and informative videos, and there are options with weaker content. If you are not sure that your proposal in the same areas will be better and more interesting, think several times before you start shooting a video.

Often creating a channel on Youtube is important for owners of author's blogs or stores. By recording a video reviewing your products and services, you automatically expand your customer base and inspire more trust. Having your own channel on YouTube is the best form of advertising. By linking websites, forums, YouTube channels with social networks, you can achieve a wider reach of audiences interested in the product.

Design problem

Channels with original design attract much more visitors than regular posts. First of all, pay attention to:

  1. “Hat.”
  2. Original intro (trailer). The more attractive the intro, the more likely it is that the visitor will subscribe to you and follow you for updates. This is especially true for channels that have just started their activities.
  3. Presentation of information and video design.
  4. Original editing and sound.
  5. Availability of information.

Without taking these points into account, your channel is unlikely to become popular.

Registration and creation

So, you have decided why you need a channel on Youtube, and what you will publish there. Below are instructions on how to create a channel on the site right now. The first thing you need to do is create an account on Google.

Your YouTube account is linked to Google, and without your email you will not be able to register.

It is not necessary to create a email, because if you already have an account on, you can simply enter the address and confirm it by clicking on the link in the letter.

Creating an account on YouTube occurs in several stages:

  1. Visit
  2. Look at the upper right corner, there is a “Login” link.
  3. The login window has a “Create an account” section. Click on it.
  4. The site will ask you to fill out a form. You can replace the information you entered later, but still take it seriously. Here you indicate your phone number (you will need it later when connecting affiliate programs and monetization), email. This is where you will need your Google email address.
  5. The site supports a double authentication system via SMS message to the phone. If you install this application, the channel will be completely protected from scammers.

Create a channel

After registration, we return to the main page of the site. In the left column there is a section “My Channel”. You can also enter here through the “YouTube Settings” section. Pay attention to the first tab called “Create”. Click here, a window will open where you will need to enter the name of the channel, and then check the box to agree to the terms of use and click on the “Done” button.

There are three options for naming the channel:

  1. If you are the author of a blog, a well-known person (even if in narrow circles), use your name.
  2. If it will cover the activities of a project (musical group, store), name it by the name of the project.
  3. The third option is to name the channel with a name aimed at the target audience. Here you will need to think carefully, since the result can be very profitable in terms of promotion.

If you find the channel name inappropriate in the future, you can change it at any time. A successful and popular blogger usually does not change anything, since the name is associated in the audience with the blogger himself, and an unsuccessful change can lead to a partial loss of the audience.

Create a second channel for the same Google account

One account can have multiple channels. To create another one, just go to “YouTube Settings”, where instead of the create an account button there will be a section “Show all channels or create a new one”. Then we follow a similar algorithm.

YouTube video hosting has seriously established itself in the life of every modern person. It's no secret that with his help and your talent you can even earn money. What can I say, by watching people’s videos, you bring them not only fame, but also income. Nowadays, some channels earn more than some hard worker in a mine. But no matter how you look at it, you can’t just start getting rich on YouTube; at a minimum, you need to create this very channel.

The instructions that will be attached just below are impossible to follow if you are not registered on the YouTube service, so if you don’t have your own account, then you need to create one.

For those who are already on YouTube and are logged into their accounts, there are two ways to create one. First:

The second one is a little more complicated, but you need to know it, since it will be useful in the future:

This could be the end of the article, because after completing all the above steps, you will create your new channel on YouTube, but it’s still worth giving advice on what you can call it and for what purposes you should do it.

  • If you want to create it for personal use, that is, you don’t want to promote it and promote to the masses all the content that will be on it, then you can leave the default name - your first and last name.
  • If in the future you plan to diligently work on it, so to speak, popularize it, then you should think about giving it the name of your project.
  • Also, special craftsmen give the name, taking into account popular search queries. This is done to make it easier for users to find them.

Although naming options have now been considered, it is still worth knowing that the name can be changed at any time, so if you later come up with something better, then feel free to go to the settings and change it.

Creating a second channel on YouTube

On YouTube you can have not one channel, but several. This is very convenient, because you can create one for personal use, and promote the second in every possible way, while simultaneously posting your material there. Moreover, the second one is created absolutely free of charge and in almost the same way as the first one.

That's all, you have successfully created your second channel. It will have the same name as the +page. In order to switch between two or more (depending on how many you have created), you need to click on the already familiar user icon and select a user from the list. Then, on the left panel, enter the section My channel.

Creating a third channel on YouTube

As mentioned above, you can create two or more channels on YouTube. However, the method of creating the first three is slightly different from each other, so it would be reasonable to describe the method of creating the third separately so that no one has any unnecessary questions.

That's all. By following these instructions, you will create a new channel – the third. If in the future you want to get yourself a fourth one, then simply repeat the instructions just given. Of course, all the methods are very similar to each other, but since they have slight differences, it was reasonable to clearly demonstrate step-by-step instructions so that every new user could understand the question posed.

account settings

Having talked about how to create new channels on YouTube, it would be foolish to remain silent about their settings, because if you decide to seriously engage in creative activities on video hosting, then you will need to contact them anyway. However, now there is no point in going into detail about all the settings; it would be more logical to briefly describe each configuration so that you know for the future in which section what can be changed.

So, you already know how to enter YouTube settings: click on the user icon and select the item of the same name in the drop-down menu.

On the page that opens, in the left panel you can see all the categories of settings. It is they who will now be dismantled.

general information

This section is already painfully familiar to you, it is in it that you can create a new channel, but besides this, there are many other useful things in it. For example, by following the link Additionally, you can set your own address, delete your channel, link it to Google Plus and see the sites that have access to the account you created.

Linked accounts

In chapter Linked accounts everything is much simpler. Here you can link your Twitter account to YouTube. This is necessary so that when you post your new works, a notification is published on Twitter about the release of a new video. If you don’t have Twitter, or you are used to publishing news of this kind yourself, then this function can be disabled.


In this section everything is even simpler. By checking boxes or, conversely, unchecking them, you can prevent the display of various types of information. For example: information about subscribers, saved playlists, videos you liked, and so on. Just read all the points and you will understand everything.


If you want notifications to be sent to your email that someone has subscribed to you or commented on your video, then go to this settings section. Here you can specify under what circumstances notifications will be sent to you by email.


There are two more items left in the settings: playback and connected TVs. There is no point in considering them, since the settings in them are quite meager and are of little use to anyone, but you, of course, can familiarize yourself with them.

As a result, we figured out how to create channels on YouTube. As many may note, this is done quite simply. Although the creation of the first three has some differences from each other, the instructions are very similar, and the simple interface of the video hosting itself ensures that every user, even the most “green” one, will be able to understand all the manipulations being performed.

I, Natalya Krasnova, am again glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog and today we will create our own channel on YouTube. I already have a channel and have subscribers, but I made a firm decision to create another one. Do you know why I needed another channel?

It's all because of a comment on my blog. Yes, it was after reading the commentary on the article “” that I had the desire not only to find out what a doorway channel is, but also to create it.

If I have decided to create another channel on YouTube, then it’s time to show you the registration process, and we will only need to register once on Google to open up a lot of new opportunities. “How to make your own channel on YouTube?” - you ask. “Look at the example,” I will answer.

Let's get started?

1 step. I hope that your favorite browser is open and all we have to do is enter this address in the address bar:

Step 2. Click on the “Login” button.

Step 4 Fill out the fields of the registration form.

a) Full name, if you are under 18 years old, you can register your mom or dad, but only with their permission. Remember that you can register on YouTube from the age of 18!

b) Create a username - this name will be your Google email address, so it should be easy to remember.

c) Create a password and write it down in your notebook. Fill in the fields: password, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, spare email address.

At the last stage, enter the captcha, accept the terms of use and click on the “next” link.

After successful registration, Google congratulates and informs us that we now have the opportunity to subscribe to YoutTube channels, hold video meetings, use a map and much more.

Step 5 Click on the square icon and then on “YouTube”.

Step 6 We went to the YouTube channel, and now click on the “Login” link, the transition is carried out automatically.

Step 7 In the upper right corner you will see a blue icon resembling a picture of a person, click on the icon and go to the “Creative Studio” tab.

Step 8 As you might guess, at this stage you need to create your own channel, so click on the “Create channel” link.

Step 9 Look at your channel from the outside. It requires setup! Upload a photo, think about the text to describe the channel.

We will still talk about how to properly design and set up your channel, so I suggest you subscribe to blog updates and follow the release of new articles.

Until new meetings, until new lessons, .
