If you decided to make it popular when creating your account, your Instagram nickname should be memorable. It is an important part of the user’s page and plays one of the main roles during promotion. You should be careful when creating it and do not use a random set of letters and symbols - this will deprive it of meaning, attractiveness and readability.

How to come up with a nickname on Instagram

To come up with a nickname on Instagram, you need creativity and imagination. It can be completely different: an ordinary virtual pseudonym, invented based on the names of films, musical groups, characters in TV series, films and books; real name with a combination of numbers (usually the date of birth - day, month, year in various variations); commercial pages use the company name or a word that best characterizes the activity. In order for a nickname to distinguish a person and distinguish him favorably from others, you should use general recommendations when compiling it.

  • Use not only transcription to write words of the Russian language in letters of the Latin alphabet, but also use foreign words: French, English, Italian, etc.
  • For creativity, you can deliberately distort a word or make a typo. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to spelling - in some cases, errors add originality.
  • Creative and business people who create and sell something can indicate their type of activity.
  • It is not recommended to use long and difficult to read words, even if they make sense. The problem is that they are difficult to remember and often turn off the audience.

You should think carefully about what nickname you come up with on Instagram. Today you won’t surprise anyone with a well-chosen combination of letters, symbols and numbers. If you lack your own imagination, you can use the services of third-party sites, where names are generated in real time from specified parameters. It should be remembered that in the social network settings there are several items related to the name: “Name” and “Username”. Beginners often confuse them. In the first case, you need to write real data (full name) or come up with a pseudonym. The second paragraph contains the “business card” of the account.

You should also decide on the topic. This could be a personal blog, a page promoting wholesale and retail goods (it is important to use one or more types of goods - no more), news from a city, region or country; profile dedicated to creativity (music, drawing, weaving, etc.). Based on the topic, you can come up with a username on Instagram. If there is a brand, you should use that too.

A nickname should arouse interest, not be banal and not parody other, more famous people. After reading the nickname, people should be interested in what content is posted on the page, go to it and, if they like it, subscribe.

Techniques you can use when coming up with an Instagram username

After determining what a nickname should and should not contain, you need to learn how to implement the ideas. As already noted, you can simply use the name of the brand or company (if the name is original, of course). Commercial pages can be titled according to the following scheme: “brand name”, “product name” and “city/region of location” in one sentence. For example, the official profile of McDonald’s in Russia is mcdonalds_rus.

  1. Abbreviation of words by first letters. The result is an abbreviation that can become a business card. But this only works with a suitable brand or company name. Otherwise, such a decision will be unsuccessful and will not bring the desired results.
  2. Reverse spelling of a name or nickname. This will help you create a unique nickname that will attract the attention of the audience. For example, the famous musician Oxxxymiron used the reverse spelling of his pseudonym on the social network Instagram, which gave rise to the nickname norimixxxo.
  3. A combination of letters, numbers and symbols with meaning. It could be a joke or a serious thought-provoking thing. But giving meaning to a name can only be done in a foreign language: firstly, a play on words in Russian, translated into transcription, will look unattractive; secondly, most users speak English, not French or Italian. Therefore, you should focus specifically on the English-speaking audience. But there is an exception: if the topic of the village is highly specialized and aimed at learning a foreign language, for example, Japanese, you can write it in the appropriate hieroglyphs.

If you have no ideas, you can use third-party name generation services. You can specify the first and last letters yourself. Symbols, numbers, and emoticons can be added if desired.

What does the chosen name on Instagram affect?

The nickname chosen by the person is indexed in search engines. Therefore, when a page is searched for keywords, the result with the maximum matches will be returned. That’s why this issue is so important: the natural influx of subscribers, and in the case of commercial development of the project, clients, depends on it.

To do this, a person has all thirty characters to make an original version and thereby express himself. You don't have to use all the matching letters. The shorter the memorable inscription, the better. A common mistake is to write phrases in your own way. This applies most often to sibilant letters (when transmitting text using a foreign alphabet), since they are usually written differently by people and in some cases can disrupt the flow of traffic. Short phrases are better remembered and are easy to enter into the search bar.

If the selected nickname is already in use, you can modify it and try to use it again. Usually, rearranging one letter, adding or changing a number helps. But even minimal changes can lead to a loss of creativity.

Come up with a nickname for Instagram using online services

There are sites on the Internet that contain entire files of free names. But they are usually very simple and not suitable for use in a promoting profile. The most suitable options are contained on the VnickName web resource, where you can select the nickname you are interested in from the list provided and use it completely free of charge. The site has a function for commenting and discussing each option. The avi1 website also has a database, but, unlike VnickName, it contains much fewer offers.

Naturally, many examples of Instagram usernames are repeated on various platforms. There is no point in looking for something original in them. You can take them as a template and remake them to suit your own needs, imparting not only euphony and an attractive appearance, but also meaning.

Online services are useless for coming up with a company account name. It’s much easier to come up with one yourself than to borrow it, since often the name of a company or organization is the nickname for an Instagram profile.

After you have come up with a username on Instagram, you need to start creating it. It can be placed in the middle by placing spaces at the beginning and end of the text; use a beautiful font by installing a special application on your smartphone; or dilute the text with emoticons.

How to come up with a nickname on Instagram? A beautiful nickname is the key to successful promotion on social networks. It should suit the goals of the account, be original and memorable. And there are several steps to a good nickname, let's talk about them.

Username and Nickname: what are the differences?

Many people confuse these concepts. And this is not surprising, because a nickname or nickname is the actual name that your subscribers see, as well. In the account editing section, Nick is the first line, next to the badge icon, and Username is the second, next to the human figure.

The right choice of both will help you be remembered and make it easier to find you among millions of accounts.

Rules for choosing a name

First, you need to decide on the topic of your account. Here are a few possible topics:

  • Blog.
  • Sales are retail or wholesale (and there will also be several branches here). For example, selling perfumes or clothing.
  • News.
  • Art.
  • Musician.

It is from the theme that inspiration for the name should be taken. And, of course, the name of your company or Brand plays an important role. Everything should fit and be as clear as possible for users.

Secondly, the highlight. Your name must be original. And for this you need to meet three conditions:

  1. The name should be of interest.
  2. It should not be associated with anyone but you.
  3. After reading it, the user should be interested in what posts are in the account.

But! Of course, the name Sex tornado may meet these points, but if the topic of your account is not, for example, 18+ videos or call girls, you should not take it. Remember point 1. Yes, you have to keep a lot of things in your head, but if you take into account all the points, your nickname will be successful and will attract new possible clients.

Thirdly, having figured out the approximate content of your nickname, you can figure out the main methods of inventing it.

  1. The name or type of activity of your company. Elementarily simple. Moreover, if the company has a unique name, there will definitely not be repetitions. If the name of your company is not ready yet, you can name only your activity and add a geolocation - write your city, for example. But this will be somewhat unoriginal;
  2. Abbreviation. For example, the name of your company is Fashion Shoes. Enter the nickname F.S. unusual? However, this is only possible if the username is good enough, otherwise neither will work and the combination will be very unfortunate;
  3. Changeling. Again, without a good username, nothing will work. But this way you can make a rather original nickname. And this is a good option for a username. For example, the famous rapper Oksimiron used this trick, the address of his Instagram page is @norimixxxo.
  4. A play on words and symbols. Something that will bring a smile, or even better, a Homeric laugh. Something that will look interesting. You can look at English nicknames. For example, if you are engaged in romantic gifts, you can call yourself, for example, “Gift 4 u”. And everyone will understand that your account helps make gifts, and judging by “4 u”, which reads as “for you” or, translated into Russian, “for you”, it is clear that these gifts are romantic. No, I do not doubt your mental abilities; such a detailed transcript is here for those who do not know English.

However, such tricks are best done with English, because most people know it, and not German or French. Although, it all depends on your direction. If, for example, you have a Chinese language school, the name can be made in Chinese. But still, it’s better not to, because your account will also be searched by those who don’t yet know this language.

  1. The best way from the entire list. Imagination. The process of creating a nickname cannot be placed within a narrow framework of methods. After all, true originality lies far beyond the rules. Create, and get the greatest return from your venture.

In order to stand out, you can use a capslock or an emoticon that matches your activity. After all, why not? Nickname can complement the username, make it more specific and add more details so that users understand what to expect when opening your page.

If even after everything written above, the process of selecting a nickname causes insurmountable difficulties, then here you go: .

What does your nickname influence?

Nickname, like the username, is indexed in searches, and therefore it is just as important. After all, future clients will look for you using it. A good nickname will first of all give a good natural influx of audience. In addition, existing clients from other social networks will be more interested in subscribing to you if your nickname is more interesting than “I am Vasya.” By the way, . More about this in the corresponding article.

Secondly, it will let people know what you do and what you have to offer. And this is very important indeed. This will also help you generate organic leads.

Remember that you have 30 characters to express your personality. But, in fact, the shorter the better. And try to avoid sibilants if you write in transliteration - people can write sibilants in different ways, and spelling a nickname incorrectly can reduce your traffic significantly. For example, I don’t recommend writing borscht in your nickname, since it is written in German: borsch. I can’t imagine why you would call it soup, but I’ll warn you just in case.

Let's return to the topic of nickname length. A short nickname is much faster to remember and is also more convenient to enter. And, therefore, it can settle in the heads of subscribers and simply those who once heard or saw it.

Free nicknames: how to determine whether there are many good ones?

In general, there are an infinite number of nickname options. If you are busy alone, you can come up with something with minimal changes, and it will already fit. But it will be less original. In addition, Instagram has now begun to release the nicknames of inactive users, which means that if a user with a cool name has not been online for a long time, the likelihood of taking over his nickname soon increases.

There are many sites and databases of free nicknames on the Internet. There are quite a lot of names there, somewhere around 500, 700 somewhere – 1000, but it’s quite difficult to find a good one – often there are names like: vitalya1989 or zmhmmm and the like. And these are definitely not suitable for us. Therefore, in principle, you can look there for something that suits you specifically, but the greater impact will come from the author’s nickname.

Is there a list of available nicknames somewhere?

As has already been written, such a card index is available on many sites. For example, I found more or less normal names on the website vnickname.ru. But personally, I wouldn’t use nicknames from there - they are too banal.

There is also a database on avi1.ru. It is smaller, but there are also interesting ones. Sometimes there is no point in searching in different databases, because they often repeat each other to one degree or another. Therefore, again, I advise you to rack your brains and come up with it yourself.

Examples of nicknames

Here I will try to systematize examples of some nicknames to cover everyone in need.

For girls

If a girl is free and looking for love, you can play on male perception - choose something feminine and playful. But in fact, to hell with stereotypes, they limit the scope of imagination so much that only something like sexi kitten comes to mind, which already smacks of bestiality mixed with pedophilia.

For example:

  • Beautiful;
  • Single;
  • President's wife;
  • Stalin (a very real nickname of one interesting person);
  • Skyline;
  • Flame Rain;
  • P.S. ;
  • Raccoon (Raccoon);
  • Enotiktatoo (an example specifically for a company. And a very real one - in my city a tattoo girl is registered under that name);
  • Bloodrain (fans of games and films about the vampire Bloodrain will understand this choice. This example is purely for such people).

For guys

As an option, guys can consider the following nicknames:

  • Smoky Wizard;
  • The Last Samurai;
  • Star Warrior;
  • Varg;
  • Wenceslaus;
  • Wolfhound;
  • Sk8er boy;
  • Voldemort;
  • DenAz (mix of first and last names);
  • Purple unicorn

Most beautiful

The concept of beauty is very subjective, and the beauty of nicknames is even more so. Therefore, I will give my subjective examples here. You may or may not like them.

  • Nightbringer;
  • Felicity;
  • Modless;
  • Spoontamer;
  • Property;
  • Fireball;
  • Sotran;
  • Pauler;
  • SeekYou.

In English

In English, as for me, the following nicknames can “shoot”:

  • Feodora;
  • Dulkree;
  • Durn;
  • Faebar;
  • Frostfon;
  • Ianthus;
  • IamVoid;
  • Moramar;
  • Morim;
  • Nikor.

Subtleties of name design

The design of the profile name and description plays a very important role. There are several ways to make them special:

  1. Writing them in the middle. Just put spaces in front of the name and it will be in the middle. Just add a few spaces, save and check your profile to see if the name has moved enough. If not, add more. If it's too good, delete it.
  2. Font. You may have noticed that in some profiles the fonts differ from the standard ones. And you can do this using applications. So enter, fonts for Instagram, install, enter the desired text, select a font, copy and paste where you want. Note: this feature only works with bio (description) and name.
  3. Capslock on Instagram does not look as flashy as during correspondence. This means that your clients will not be indignant, “Why are you yelling at me?” Capslock will simply make your name stand out.
  4. Emoticons will be an excellent addition to your nickname - they will enliven it and make it closer to subscribers.

It's not just the nickname and username that make a profile successful. More in the article at the link.


So, now you know all the subtleties of choosing and designing a nickname on Instagram. All I can advise you now is not to choose one of my examples or any of the nicknames on the Internet. The best you can only come up with yourself. Your head contains the best tool for advancement - the brain, and in it is an ocean of imagination. Just trust them and yourself.

The word “nickname” comes from the English word “nickname” in translation means (nickname, nickname, pseudonym). Used in social networks, blogs, chats, games, forums. The key is your own first name, last name, the name of your favorite characters, pets, and so on, as long as your imagination is enough.

Nickname on Instagram plays the role of a business card; by entering it in the search, you can get to your page in Instagram. When posting a photo or video, your friends will see you using the nickname you created. Therefore, before creating an account, you can dream up what nickname you can come up with for Instagram, and no one limits you, not in the number of symbols, words or their meaning. In addition, in the future you can easily replace it with another one. It is worth remembering that you cannot use the signs “slash”, “space” and the English word “Follow”, which translates as “follow”, so you encourage people to follow you.

A nickname for Instagram can be created based on your last name, but if your last name is so popular, for example, “petrov,” it’s immediately clear that this nickname is already taken. In this situation, you can attach the first letter or syllable of your name. Let's say your name is Alexander, then you can come up with the following names: alikpetrov, alexpetrov, al_petrov, a_petrov, alipetrov. Also common are such globally networked users as: milashka2000 or krasapet198. In this case, you don’t have to adhere to certain writing rules, even those I described above. You can create your own original and uncomplicated nickname, which will not be taken by someone else.

If nothing original comes to mind at all, you can write your real full name. But this is done in rare cases, if the user wants to guarantee his safety or remain unrecognized in the event of any friction with other network users, then it is better to push himself a little and come up with a nickname.

Nickname generator for Instagram

Sometimes inventing a nickname is not at all realistic. Not because I have a bad imagination, but simply because everything is busy. It's difficult to come up with a unique name with so many users. In this case, a server like this can help you: nickname generator for Instagram .

The most convenient thing is that the service not only generates nicknames, but also checks whether they are active on social networks. A name is created in English from 3 to 15 characters, and all rules are followed Instagram registration. The principle of operation of the service is different for all online generators and they are completely free. Their essence is that you need to enter your first name, last name, date of birth or write your hobby.

Nicknames on Instagram are account names by which followers can identify specific accounts. Finding the right name can take a long time, but it is an important process because... Instagram nicknames reflect your personality. Correctly chosen username in Instagram helps attract new followers and promote content.

And so, you have in general and in particular, in addition to this, you know how beautiful they are and where you can buy or download them and you know the rules for composing under your pictures. You are also quite savvy in creating and know the intricacies of this social network at a high level. But success may not be complete without the right nickname on Instagram, because the name, along with the name, play a very important role in the design of the account, as noted above, so let’s move on to this topic and talk about how to correctly find a nickname or find the very idea for it "birth".

How to choose a nickname for Instagram?

When using a popular brand in a nickname, remember the responsibility for copyright infringement. Undoubtedly, a high-profile username on Instagram will attract the attention of followers to your account, but it can later lead to a number of problems. Therefore, it is better to show all your creativity and conquer the social network under an amazing nickname.

Nicky on Instagram for guys

Nicknames on Instagram for the stronger half of humanity can reflect the type of activity or hobby, as well as nationality, age, or simply contain a first/last name. Brutal Instagram users are happy to use their own nicknames or pseudonyms, which most fully reflect the essence of the account owner.

When choosing nicknames for Instagram, a man should understand the importance of following certain rules:

  • Whatever “daring” content is posted on the feed, the name should not contain overt racist, pornographic or other offensive elements. The social network's policy does not accept the use of words and phrases that express hatred towards other Instagram members and nationalities.
  • Separate personal and corporate space. For a blog, group or business profile, it is advisable to select an “industry” name. Nicknames for Instagram with a name are ideal for pages whose subscribers are friends and relatives.
  • There is a limit on the number of characters in a nickname - no more than 30 characters. Usernames can include letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. But this does not mean that you need to “pack” all the key and hard-to-pronounce words into space. The simpler the nickname, the easier it will be remembered by potential subscribers.

Of course, the first and main requirement is to be unique. It is a mistake to believe that using a “copy of a copy” you can achieve success on the Internet platform. At a minimum, plagiarism will not bring practical benefit; at most, it will add hassle in the light of copyright law.

Beautiful nicknames for guys on Instagram

For guys, the “beauty” of the chosen name rarely plays a role; it’s another matter if a man runs a blog with beautiful photographs or develops a business in a “pretty direction.” Yes, yes, the cosmetics, fashion and perfume industries are no less relevant to men. And don't forget about the millions of talented male photographers.

Therefore, belonging to the world of beauty must be reflected in the profile name. This could be an Instagram nickname in English with translation (for example, @Winner_Forever - winner forever), Russian phrases in Latin letters (@Lubim_Odinochestvom) or a brand name with the addition of thematic words.

Beautiful nicknames also mean melodic combinations that are easy and pleasant to remember. Their translation is not always as beautiful (@Pepper – pepper), but it invariably attracts the attention of the target audience.

Try playing with words while focusing on the content - if you're planning to post great landscapes, why not add the word "landscape" to the name? For those who run online stores of cosmetics, clothing, shoes or perfume, it is also necessary to indicate this word in the nickname.

Name for Instagram Region/language of originname for Instagram
Aaban Angel name India
Aabharan Gemstone
Aadb good wish
Aadrsh Ideal Assamese
Aadhan Be first India
Akemi The beauty of dawn Japan
Akira Bright and clear dawn
Eichi Wisdom
Enoka Educated Hawaii
Kanoa Free
Sovann Like gold Cambodian
Peyton Warrior City Irish
Roibin Bright Glory
Kwayera Dawn Africa
Mhina Delightful
Zena Hospitable Philippines

Nicky for Instagram for guys in English

Nicknames for Instagram in English are perhaps the most popular option among users of the social network. And it's not that the vast majority of Instagram followers are native English speakers. Among Russian-speaking users there are many who promptly selected an original combination of English words.

Nicknames like @Tough_Nut (a tough nut) or @Sexy_Monster (a sexy monster) no longer seem exotic. After all, the more unique and creative nicknames for Instagram are, the greater the number of followers one or another account can gain.

Considering that many account owners use a special form (search bar) in search of exciting content, use simple and interesting phrases. Complex combinations are not popular in any language. You can come up with nicknames for Instagram for guys in English yourself or use special services for selecting custom names.

Name for Instagram
Aethelbeorn Noble Warrior English
Ain Merciful
Alhard Brave
Alvyn wise friend
Audel old friend
Beval Like the wind
Case Bringer of Peace
Cayle Brave
Corwin Friend of the heart.
Dalbert Bright; proud
Dugan To deserve
Ecgbeorht Smart
Eddrick Strength and luck
Faer Traveler
Faine good-natured
Freca Brave
Gildas Gilded.
Halbart Brilliant hero
Kennard Strong
Lonnell Young lion
Martin Warrior of Mars
Maximilian Greatest
Norbert Shining from the north
Ogelsby Nightmarish
Rickman Powerful

Cool nicknames for guys on Instagram

The coolest nicknames for Instagram are obtained if certain conditions are met. The first of these, as already mentioned, is uniqueness and originality. There is a wide range of options here, because every man has his own idea of ​​“coolness.”

A cool Instagram username can reflect:

  • Business. If you are opening a store, it is advisable for the profile name to match the company name. The goal of Instagram here is to promote the product to the market, attract the target audience and increase brand awareness.
  • Personal profile. Here you can use a shortened version of your name (for example, @GaryVee) or just use your full name (@SimonSinek). If you want to immediately declare yourself, you can add the name of your favorite movie, game, book, hobby, etc. to your nickname.
  • Blog. Profiles offering original content require maximum attention to the composition of the name. You can’t “free ride” here; you need to use all the creativity you have. Simple and specific nicknames for Instagram with and without translation (for example, @powerofpositivity) can attract the attention of potential subscribers from the search bar.

We can safely say that a cool nickname means any name that meets the key principles of choosing the ideal username. In the best case, the profile name will consist of one short, capacious word - @Dancing (dancing), but a phrase that is one of a kind, for example @Zhitel_Interneta, can be no less attractive.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Yuudai Great hero Japan
Yukio Gets what he wants
Taigen Big ambitions
Takeo Warrior
Tatsuo Male dragon
Ronin Samurai without a master
Sadao Determined man
Axel Father of the world Denmark
Balduin Brave
Diederik Ruler of the People
Ejnar Warrior
Magnus Big
Addolgar Pious Wales
Amerawdwr Emperor
Anwar Wild
Badden Boar
Bleddyn Wolf hero
Cadman Warrior
Cynan Main
Emhyr Ruler
Folant Strong
Reve Dream France
Rey King Spanish

Cool nicknames for guys on Instagram

One of the most common name options are cool nicknames for Instagram. A phrase containing humorous or funny words (syllables) evokes a lively response, especially among young people, and it is precisely people 16-25 years old who are the main users of ISIS.

Make your followers laugh and you can be sure that they will come back to your profile again and again. By the way, a good way to increase the loyalty of your audience is to use trends and memes. Something that lasts for a long time (a hit) can become a good bait for the target audience.

However, for pages that are the face of a brand, this type of nickname is not suitable. People simply won’t take your business seriously—take this into account when choosing a nickname.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Adolph Noble Hero German
Chago Heel Spain
Chanti Slick
Cid Rooster
Cuartio Born fourth.
Primeiro Born first.
Agyfen Knocks out English
Brigham Lives on the bridge
Heolstor Deer
Leanian Salmon
Dobieslaw Striving for glory Polish
Amald Eagle Power German
Berowalt Mighty like a bear.
Eberhard Strong as a boar
Hewlett Little Hugh
Jantis Sharp spear
Kiefer Barrel-maker
Meyer Farmer
Aler From alder English
Ardell From Hare Hollow
Barse Freshwater perch
Beverly From the beaver glade
Brockleigh From badger meadow
Corey Hill hollow
Worton From a vegetable farm
Yates Lives by the gate

Interesting nicknames for Instagram for guys

The most popular category is considered to be interesting nicknames for Instagram. It includes unusual phrases, names made up of syllables or words using different fonts, languages, and special characters. Creative and unique names like @Happiness_Inside (inner happiness) can highlight the character of the account owner and expand the circle of subscribers.

To create interesting nicknames use:

  • Punctuation marks and Unicode symbols;
  • Numbers indicating memorable dates or year of birth/registration;
  • Zodiac signs;
  • First/last name, brand or hobby name.

By combining various data, you can get a really bright nickname for a guy’s Instagram in English or Russian (written in Latin - Cyrillic is prohibited). Moreover, by adding special characters (dots, underscores, slashes, etc.), you can be sure that you will be the only rightful owner of an interesting username.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Bong Mythical bird - phoenix Korea
Chin Precious
Chin-Mae Is it true
Cho Beautiful
Chun Spring
Doh Achievement
Dong-Yul Eastern passion
Haneul Sky
Hei Wisdom
Hyun Virtuous
Seung Victory
Yon Lotus blossom
Michiya Wisdom Japan
Monterio Big boy
Nikko sunlight
Raidon God of Thunder
Csepel Young forest Hungary
Frigyes World
Gerzson Stranger
Kaplony Tiger
Karsa Falcon
Kartal Eagle
Abayomi Brings joy Egypt
Akiiki Friendly
Akins Brave.
Okpara Firstborn
Sadiki Loyal

Instagram name for girls

Lovely ladies make up the lion's share of Instagram users in the world. It was they who took the initiative to create beautiful nicknames for Instagram, which is quite logical - after all, every woman strives to be unique and original. Just like the Instagram name, examples of which we looked at for men.

In the case of the fair half of humanity, it is much easier to create cute, cozy and attractive images. After all, it’s not shameful for a girl to add hearts or words to her name, such as “sweetheart,” “beautiful,” “gentle,” and other “cutes,” and you can take nicknames for Instagram in English with translation or use the great and powerful.

The requirements for choosing names are, in principle, similar. First of all, you determine what the account is for (business, blog, personal communication), and then proceed to registration. Simply put, nicknames for girls are a vast area, not limited by anything. So, what nicknames for Instagram are deservedly popular?

Beautiful nicknames for Instagram for girls

Perhaps not every girl wants to be cool, but undoubtedly everyone wants to be beautiful. This is evidenced by attractive graphic content flashing across social media feeds. A beautiful nickname for Instagram is no less important for ladies than great photos, and sometimes even more.

Account names like …babochka_HA_ladoni… or Lady_Vodoley attract the attention of the opposite sex and new subscribers. Beautiful phrases written using special characters, playful additions and unusual combinations of syllables can significantly increase audience loyalty.

However, it is worth considering that business profiles and blogger accounts require a special approach to choosing a nickname, rather than just pages for internal communication with friends and family. The use of diminutive suffixes, familiarity and excessive emancipation is unacceptable here.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Aika love song Japan
Aiko Darling, little love
Aimi I love beauty
Aiya Beautiful silk
Akiko Autumn child
Akina Spring Flower
Akira Bright and clear dawn
Amaterasu Sun Goddess
Amaya Night rain
Ami Friend
Asami Morning beauty
Ayaka colorful flower
Chikako Child of Wisdom
Cho Butterfly
Emiko Smiling child
Sakurako Sakura child
Shina Virtue, good
Annemette Bitter pearl. Danish
Annemie Bitter grace. Dutch
Amor Be in love Philippine
Zinna radiant flower
Zweena Beautiful
Umika Goddess
Urmi Wave
Uzuri beauty
Varali Moon
Ventura Luck
Verona Is it true

Nickname for Instagram for a girl in English with translation

A nickname for a girl on Instagram in English is a very popular request on the Internet. The fact is that the variety of options for use is not limited to the correct spelling of an English word - here you can combine Russian and foreign syllables and phrases, dilute the phrase with punctuation marks, etc.

Another thing is when you use an Instagram nickname with a translation, then you must pay attention to the correctness of the profile design. After all, because of one wrong letter, the meaning can radically change (Flee - run, run away; Flea - flea). Moreover, the inattentive owner herself will be responsible for the outflow of page visitors.

Names for Instagram for a girl in English containing the words girl (girl), love (love), style (style, stylish), beauty (beauty, beautiful), etc. are in great demand. Also, parts of the body are used in an original way - eye (eyes), chest (chest), hand (hand), nail (nail). The last word is true for pages presenting nail extension and modeling services.

It is logical that creating a rare and beautiful name for Instagram in English is not so easy, but the effort is definitely worth it. If the nickname you find is already taken, try “playing” with words, adding numbers and special characters.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Aida Wealthy English
Aldercy home
Amalia Hardworking
Amia Beloved
Ardeen Warm
Ardel Impatient
Audene Nobility; strength
Azurine Blue sky
Beadu Warrior
Belinda Very beautiful
Blysse Joy
Bonie Fine
Cadyna Rhythmic
Carmina Song
Daizy Day. Flower name
Devondra Divine
Eada Wealthy
Faithe Faithful
Fayre Beautiful
Gardenia Flower
Holea Holy
Joli Cheerful; pretty
Kellsie Brave
Luvena Little darling
Mercilla Compassion; condescension
Oldwyn Special Friend
Oleda Winged
Skyla Sky, shelter
Yetta Generous

Cool nicknames for Instagram for girls

Nicknames for Instagram for girls in Russian and English can be not only beautiful, but also truly cool. In the female version, cool means ease of remembering and exclusivity. It will take a lot of work to get your potential subscribers to literally gasp at your name, but it's definitely worth it.

A cool nickname for Instagram primarily reflects a lady’s worldview and her own style. Phrases like @50%angela.50%demona or @Miloye_Zlo emphasize the daring character of the account owner, her courage and determination. “Vanilla” expressions (@Ne_tvoya_Mechta), revelations (@my_secret), humor (@nut) and other remarks and words in the “trend” can maximize the influence of the account and increase the interest of the audience.

As with other variations, pay attention to the purpose of the profile and remember simplicity. A million hearts and special characters may look cute and creative, but first of all, you are limited to 30 characters. Secondly, no one will type 100500 Unicode characters into the search bar.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Adamma Child of beauty Africa
Adedagbo Happiness is the crown
Adesimbo Noble Birth
Alika The most beautiful
Sukutai Embrace
Theme Queen
Zawadi Present
Omusupe She is the most valuable
Irem Gardens in Heaven Türkiye
Achlys Dark Greece
Anwen Very beautiful Wales
Awel Wind
Banon Queen.
Braith Freckles
Bregus fragile
Cath Cat
Ceinwen Beautiful gems
Apasra Decorate Thai
Chailai Pretty
Chalermwan Famous beauty
Charanya young girl
Suzuki Bell Japan
Takane Mountain peak
Takara Treasure
Sato Sugar

Cool nicknames for Instagram for girls

For girls with humor, a cool nickname for Instagram would be an ideal option. It could be a funny joke, a meme, an original way of ridiculing your shortcomings. In general, something that can amuse visitors and attract them to your account. In the rhythm of modern life, a humorous background is extremely important, which means funny nicknames, like statuses on other social networks, are universally popular.

When filling out the name field, you should make sure that:

  • The selected username does not carry negative information in relation to other members of the social network. Instagram's policy prohibits the use of names that incite class and national hatred, calls for unlawful acts, etc.
  • The nickname is easy to write, pronounce and remember. The number of daily visitors and new subscribers directly depends on this.
  • You are maintaining a personal account, not a business page or online store. When promoting goods and services, it is important not to compromise the brand, but to develop it in every possible way. In general, humor is not appropriate.

The names of cartoons and cartoon characters, movie characters, famous online characters and memes are successfully used as funny and cool nicknames. Unusual phrases, by the way, if presented correctly, can themselves become a brand (or meme), and the influence of your profile will increase significantly during this time.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Kalwa Heroine Finnish
Mielikki Pleasant
Alroy Redhead Irish
Aurnia Golden Lady
Breandan Little Raven
Breena Fairytale Palace
Carleen Petite and feminine
Carroll Song of Joy
Coreen Virgo
Deedra Longing or sadness
Hisolda Wonderful lady
Yomaris I am the sun Spanish
Mora Blueberry
Paloma Pigeon
Raeka Unique
Mariposa Butterfly
Melosa Tender, sweet
Isleta Small island
Esperanza Hope
Fuensanta Holy fountain
Dulcinea Darling

Interesting nicknames for Instagram for girls

An interesting nickname for Instagram implies, first of all, the originality of the presentation of ordinary words. Banal phrases like “melody of rain”, “sweet dream” or “sultry beauty”, if presented correctly (with appropriate punctuation marks, a suitable description and an attractive photo) can expand the circle of subscribers.

You can play with an unusual Instagram nickname with a name and turn it into a bright, catchy profile passport (for example, @AlenaFe, @A_len) or add your date of birth, year of registration and other memorable events to your first/last name (@AlenaFe2019). A good way to diversify a username is to add a zodiac sign, hobby, revelation, etc.

The most interesting and memorable nicknames come from girls who are not shy about showing their main character traits or exposing their feelings. If you are a romantic person, then why not mention the words “rain”, “romance”, “feeling” and other similar words in your nickname. The same applies to other ladies - highlight the zest in yourself and indicate it in an original way in the name line. Then your Instagram profile will be doomed to success.

Name for Instagram Nicknames for Instagram: meanings Region/language of origin Instagram name
Jin Gemstone; Truth Korean
Kyong Brightness
Soo Excellence, durability
Anani Orange tree Hawaii
Kailani Sea and sky.
Kaili Deity
Kiana Moon Goddess
Lokelani Little red rose
lolana Soar like a hawk
Malu Peacefulness
Noelani Beautiful girl from heaven
Okelani From Paradise
Chankrisna Sweet smelling tree Cambodia
Chanlina Moon light
Chanmony Shines like the moon
Chavy A little angel
Darareaksmey Bright Star
Jorani Shining Pearl
Mealea Flower garland
Nakry Night flower
Sotheara Sweet flower
Sovandary Golden Star
Sovaneary Golden girl
Kenyangi white heron Uganda
Nasiche Born in the locust season
Aakarshika Having attractive power India
Aanandi Always a happy woman
Aarushi The first rays of the sun
Akasa Open air; Space
Akhilarka The all-pervading radiance and radiance of the sun
Yoormilai The one who can control the senses
Yolanda purple flower
Yolotzyn Little heart

Recommendations for choosing a username for Instagram

  • Content Compliance. If you plan to post to develop a personal or corporate brand, then childishness in filling out information about yourself is not encouraged. And, conversely, a serious nickname can significantly reduce the effectiveness of entertainment content.
  • Research the Internet site for plagiarism, i.e. check if there is a similar name on the social network.
  • Make sure the name reads correctly. If those around you cannot understand the meaning of the name, then this will significantly reduce the influence of the page.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment – ​​perhaps your nickname will become incredibly popular.

It is advisable to choose a username with a good “lifespan”, that is, one that will be in demand even after a few years. Trends are good for instant popularity, but in the long run, status, interesting and original nicknames win. In general, we hope that you have enough information to create a quality account, you can take it into account and go for it.

Considering that the total number of Instagram social network accounts is several hundred million people, most new users have difficulty coming up with an original, interesting and beautiful nickname.

Many people don’t even think about how to come up with a nickname on Instagram, using the first words, numbers, symbols and combinations that come to mind. This approach has a right to life, but to create a really good nickname for a social network, it is recommended to adhere to some rules.

Technical capabilities

It’s worth noting right away that the original nickname on Instagram should not contain problems, ampersands, as well as a number of certain words (for example, a ban has been introduced on the word Follow and some others). You can come up with a name without all this without much difficulty.

In addition, the invented login should not be offensive and should not be a swear word. If the system initially misses such a nickname, then in the future the administration of the social network may block the account.

You can find out what nicknames you can come up with on Instagram from the service’s support service, who can email you the rules for creating a login.

What to consider?

Before you come up with a nickname for Instagram, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations that will help you create an interesting and original nickname:

The new name should, if possible, be concise and euphonious. If the login is clear, simple and short, then your friends and new subscribers will easily understand it, which is undoubtedly an important advantage for gaining popularity. At the same time, dissonant names, on the contrary, repel people. A good example is the following: vika_angelika, alina_polina, sveta_konffeta. You probably shouldn’t think long about what nickname to come up with on Instagram if the new account has a specific theme or focus. For example: foto_saintpetersburg, photo_vkusnaya_eda, etc.

  • It is quite possible to use your passport data, or more precisely your full name, in your nickname. For example, if your name is Smirnov Ivan Ivanovich, then you can register Instagram as SII_Ivan.
  • When choosing which nickname to make on Instagram, you can also use unusual words and phrases: banan_obezyany, sovetskaya_stolovaya, hihihi_i_hahaha. Despite the fact that such names clearly do not sound euphonious, they undoubtedly attract the attention of third-party users.
  • Popular solutions. Of course, many of us try to imitate famous people, so when choosing which nickname to put on Instagram, it is often right to look at the names that are used by popular personalities. At the same time, there can be a huge number of solutions, so it is quite difficult to give examples.

Choosing a nickname for Instagram is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance - all you need to do is think for a few minutes. Often this is enough to come up with something original and interesting.

At the same time, if in the future a new idea comes to your mind for a nickname, which you can come up with at any time, even in a dream, then at any time using the settings menu you can change your name on the social network - this can be done an unlimited number of times . Therefore, when choosing what nickname you can write on Instagram, you don’t have to think about it for a few hours or days even at the time of registration - while you have few subscribers, it’s unlikely that anyone will pay any attention to your nickname.


What makes Instagram users different from each other? Unique username. It is also called nickname (from English nick name) or username (from English username). We tell you how to choose the right name and which nickname to choose on Instagram in this article.

It is allowed to use Latin letters (English keyboard layout), numbers, underscores and periods in the username, but not at the beginning or end of the name.

You can't make a nickname.alexandr_ivanov alexandr_ivanov. because a period is not allowed at the end or beginning of a name

It is prohibited to use words like follow or like in your nickname. Instagram will not allow you to register with this name. Even if you succeed, there is a high probability that the social network administrators will delete your account without further investigation.

We recommend not using multiple underscores in a row. For example, like this: alexandr___ivanov When you first see such a name on Instagram, it’s not visually clear how many underscores there are. Very often your friends or potential clients will not be able to find you because of this misunderstanding.

Here's something else you should know. After registration, the name is allowed to be changed in the settings an unlimited number of times. So finally relax :)

Let's come up with a nickname

For business. Use your company name or website domain name. For example, the online store lamoda.ru on Instagram is called lamodaru.

For schoolchildren and creatives. Cool, trendy words, names of superheroes from the Marvel or DC universe. Instagram names in the style of ironman283, lalka_vanek, kek_ahmet and ololoshechka will suit you

For everyone else. The easiest way to come up with a nickname is to use your first and last name, for example ekaterina.sergeevna, katya_sergeevna or sergeevna.k

Now that you have given a name to your account, it’s time to tell the whole Instagram about it. How? Read the article Promotion on Instagram. Program or service, that is the question


Funny names on Instagram

July 28, 2014 Basic, Interesting, funny Instagram names

Nickname (nickname, nickname; English nickname - originally “nickname”, “nickname”); also a network name - a pseudonym used by a user on the Internet, usually in places of communication (in a chat, forum, blog). Most often, the word is derived from one’s own name or surname, the name of mythical characters or heroes, objects or animals, or has a symbolic figurative meaning. Most likely, the starting point of the history of nicknames can be called the time of the appearance of the first Unix systems, where the nickname was the name for logging into the system.

Have you come across such funny names for Instagram?




˜”*° . . °*”˜

  1. Every character in your nickname should have a meaning. Do not unnecessarily use non-alphabetic characters like ~!*]#+$%(/. Such nicknames are difficult to read and are not remembered by interlocutors at all. The exception is the & sign to denote a pair of related words. It is also quite acceptable to highlight your nickname symmetrically on both sides, for example : *don’t care*.
  2. Do not use nicknames longer than 20 characters. I think it’s clear here: long nicknames are difficult to read, and often even prohibited by software.
  3. Absolutely do not use symbols in your nicknames that are not on a standard keyboard (for example, playing card symbols and musical notes). Many of your interlocutors will be able to see only banal empty squares instead of these symbols. This is one of the most common and serious mistakes.
  4. Compound nicknames must have separators between words - a space, an underscore, a dash, or simply individual words with a capital letter. In this case, a space is not the best option, because Spaces are often not allowed in nicknames. Examples of correct nicknames: BabaYaga, porvu_bayan
  5. Do not use your first or last name, as well as any personal data (phone number, passport, date of birth, city of residence, etc.) as nicknames. Firstly, it is banal and not at all unique, and secondly, it is bad for information security purposes. Lena_iz_Pitera and Misha1995 are bad nicknames. It is allowed to use your name in an unusual phrase, for example: Helen_Troyan.
  6. Do not use serial numbers and indices if your favorite nickname is busy. Taking the nickname Racer2 or Racer2010 if the nickname Racer is busy means showing everyone your mediocrity and dullness.
  7. It is better to use Latin letters when writing a nickname if it is short (approximately up to 8 characters), and Russian letters if the nickname is long. Examples of good nicknames for this parameter: Migera, goodOk, Muskrat, delphinarum. Note: not all communication systems (chat rooms, forums, social networks) allow the use of Russian characters in nicknames; in such cases, use a shortened transliteration.
  8. Sources of ideas for your nicknames: spelling and explanatory dictionaries, technical and historical reference books (scientific terminology), literary heroes (novels, short stories, fairy tales, myths, movies), names of professions and hobby elements (for example, car brands), personality traits and much more.

Funny Instagram names for girls

Naturally, every girl wants to be the most charming and attractive, and on the Internet to appear so. And it is based on this desire to “appear” that the most common mistakes arise. Errors in female nicknames: Diminutive names like “Lenochka”, “Nastena”, “Katena”. Such nicknames are suitable only for primary and secondary schoolgirls. If you want to be taken more seriously (especially by the opposite sex), avoid kindergarten terminology. Nicknames related to cats. No, we have nothing against the cat family, just be more forward-thinking and don’t remain in the memory of your interlocutors as “pussies” and “meows”. Not everyone around you has nice feelings towards cats, and many males generally associate such nicknames with your sexual availability. Nicknames related to sex. If you are not communicating on a specialized sex forum, try to avoid nicknames that hint at sex and eroticism. There are maniacs everywhere. Nicknames that show your personal problems (for example: lonely, I'm angry today). The problems will go away, but the impression of the nickname will remain.

To come up with a cool nickname for yourself, use the following sources of ideas:

  • A good source of nicknames is literature, fairy tales, myths. Think about which of the heroines you associate yourself with and choose her name as your pseudonym.
  • For compound nicknames (2-3 words), use adjectives that characterize purely feminine traits.
  • Terminology of women's professions and hobbies. Examples: cross-stitch, Make-up artist.
  • Names of great women in history, incl. actresses Choose the names of those individuals who are close to you in worldview. Example: NewMadonna
  • Beautiful natural phenomena. For example: rainbow, drops.

Nicknames for guys

Errors in male nicknames: Erotic and sexual nicknames. The same advice as for girls - avoid such nicknames. The image of a sex giant is unlikely to evoke a positive response in girls; rather, on the contrary, you will appear as a mentally unhealthy person with sexual problems. As a rule, good nicknames for boys personify masculine qualities or abilities for some activity. Although a lot depends on the topic and audience where you communicate.

To come up with a “cool” nickname, we can offer the following ideas:

  • As in the case of female nicknames, use the names of literary characters.
  • Dictionaries of technical and scientific terminology, men's professions and hobbies. Cars, computers and other electronics, mathematics, construction, military equipment. Examples: sleeper, military_hacker, blue_metal, AudiMan.
  • Names of actors of famous films, names of politicians, athletes (racers, boxers), etc. Choose people who are similar in temperament. Examples: Tyson's Fist, Tsoi_Alive.
  • Severe natural phenomena (storm, avalanche, snowfall, etc.). Nicknames like PiterskyStorm sound mysterious
  • Dilute technical terms with adjectives that characterize your qualities as a man.

In very rare cases, it is allowed to mix the qualities of men and women in nicknames in order to stand out. In general, when choosing a nickname, try to use the power of your intellect and imagination, open up your inner world a little for your interlocutors, and show your scientific and professional knowledge. This will add to your popularity in the virtual world of the Internet.

Example of funny nicknames:

٠ ☺ru⎳evoi☺٠ αρμολьΔ (((__ღBruneTochkaღ___)))
Ṗṙĭṇṡḙṡṡᾀ [walking smiley] ٠ ☺ru⎳evoi☺ ٠-
l˙·٠ ●๑FaNTuK๑● ٠·˙l Benkovskaya Alena))* [I have the Most Beautiful Nickname]
RyaByoNok mainkiyo ~Cute~ FIRDAVS
† λҿҏᾇ † ·٠ ●๑…☉λя-λя….๑● ٠· G@L@V@breaking
۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩MrNяFа۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩_︻デ═一-- Ѡ Made_in_PARADISE♔ Pþσçτσ ξґσ çąçτьę
I LOVE IVANKA ° ★Anyone has no eyes.★ ° ζαmα ησ ζεδε
=>>Ek$t@zI= ·٠ ●๑…АНгﻉλ☉ChEK….๑● ٠· ۞ __۞
SeSmקéµkล JlŀΘδuฬoro δקลmukล ·٠ ● MERI ●٠· [Ǝɦнv☼Ɔ]
˜”*° ΔyΨy u °*”˜ Дêβōчķẳ © hẵῥαķŧéῥổm ● ° `THE THING_TO_THE_THE_HAND IS PULLED`● °
†Psychopatka† *_*Terribly cool*_* POSITIFFFCHIK
oleg CLEAR™ çåmá ne çßøya kyga måm mßøya
Sashulka alimpius inferno ÅLℯKℭÅℋD®θℬℋÅ
♡˜”° T❍λьΚ☉ τβ☉я °”˜♡ AWez Have?°°°
  • -‘?’- R® -‘?’-
  • ? achieve it if necessary!?
  • *_*ViTaMi?*_*
  • ?”*°}{°*”?
  • admin


    How to come up with a good and memorable nickname for Instagram

    • 1 Things to remember
    • 2 Examples of the best nicknames
    • 3 How to come up with a nickname

    Hello, dear readers of my blog Start-luck. Today we will be creative. Of course, Instagram is primarily about content, but the name chosen by the user is also of great importance. Imagine, today you call yourself sexy-kitty, gain 100,000 subscribers, and in 5 years you start posting photos from your wedding on this account. Not every husband will approve of such a name. You will either have to forget about the account, or simply regret what you did.

    Fortunately, there are some rules that will tell you what nickname to come up with on Instagram. Today I will talk about them, show how the creative process occurs and even give some specific examples. Take them before others take them!

    Things to remember

    Don’t forget that your Instagram nickname can and should only be written in English. In this case, participants around the world will be able to find you. In principle, even if you really want to create a name in Russian, you will not succeed during registration. So, let's not focus on this point.

    It’s great if you manage to find a shorter nickname. It is easier and more convenient to remember. However, there are a lot of people registered on Instagram, so most of the short nicknames are already taken. But that's okay.

    You have underscore, numbers and a period at your disposal. Use them to make your nickname less long and difficult to remember. Why is this so important? Recently I came across the account of a blogger on Instagram. He can't get out of my head. This is a popular girl, the wife of a millionaire, on a social network she is called tetyamotya.

    Agree, it is difficult to forget such a name. Whether you like it or not, sooner or later I will definitely return to her page, and you will visit it, and even if not, you will remember - 100%. Let's look at some of the most successful nickname options that can be found on the Instagram social network. This will help you come up with something of your own.

    Examples of the best nicknames

    I really liked the nickname 1924us. It’s not particularly clear what these numbers mean; apparently, it’s some kind of significant year, which is what the emphasis is placed on in the name, which deeply penetrates the memory. I’m convinced that it won’t be that easy to forget, and if you do, sooner or later you’ll try to pick it up. By the way, the profile itself is no less original and memorable. I recommend subscribing.

    Another interesting account, both in terms of nickname and its content, is jeffonlain. This is a Parisian guy, photographer Jefferson Kent York. As you can see, there was no point in calling by name - it would have been too long, but it turned out to be quite friendly and short. If your name is Yulia, hurry up - Ulyaonline is still free.

    In addition to online, some use offline or simply off. Don’t forget about other consoles that are familiar to everyone. For example, hd or pix.

    Don't be afraid to misspell a name if it's for the sake of simplification. For example, if your name is Dasha, and the nickname Dashahd is already taken, you can name the account Dasa_HD. At the time of writing this article, he is free, like Dasa_nasa.

    The rhyme in the nickname also helps to remember the profile. I have already spoken about Aunt Mota, so I will not focus my attention on this point. Let's talk about mistakes instead. One of the popular profiles that publishes cityscapes is called kostennn. The single N was occupied, so apparently we had to use a triple. Well, it didn't affect the account's memorability or fame.

    You can do it by analogy, for example, with the name Katya - Kkkatya, katttya or katyaya. This is a fairly popular name, so many simple variations are already in use. You can put your initials in front, where Ani-katya will mean that you are Aniskina or Animalskaya. By the way, in Hebrew the word “ani” means “I”.

    How to come up with a nickname

    Let me tell you how anything is invented. In this case, it will be easier for you to come up with a name for yourself on Instagram. To begin with, an unshakable foundation is taken. For example, you want to use your name in the title. Let your name be Anya. That's it, you've decided on this.

    Next, you can open the website namechk.com, where you can check names for employment. If you do this during the registration process, you will be subconsciously driven by the desire to complete the process. It is better not to rush, but to approach the issue calmly and thoughtfully.

    I entered this nickname into the search bar of the service and the Instagram icon was highlighted in yellow. It turns out that the minimum length of an Instagram nickname is 5 characters.

    We need to come up with an alternative. I'm starting to think about what options I have for stretching out the characters. If you find it difficult to be “creative” at first, use a piece of paper and a pen. Take them and set yourself a goal to come up with five solutions to the problem. Why so much?

    You need to learn to squeeze new thoughts out of yourself. Even if at first glance they seem stupid. In just 10 minutes, in order to finish it quickly, you will “finish off” the list with any nonsense, the main thing is to write it down and finally close it. Perhaps this time it won’t work out perfectly, but over time it will be much easier for you to come up with something on your own.

    You spend too much time reading and the Internet. You are capable of coming up with something of your own. It takes a little effort. So, here’s my example: how can a girl named Anya increase the length of her Instagram nickname?

    • Add numbers.
    • Add some short word in English.
    • Use rhyme.
    • Initials.
    • Since the profile will be related to cooking, take some interesting term from there in addition.

    Next, we choose one of the options that we like best. Let's assume it's a rhyme. Next I go to the rhyming dictionary. rifme.net. From the list I find the most suitable option, let's say: Anya blush. By the way, while I’m reading I’m still finding some good words – “tyrant” and “volcano”. You can write, say, “Anya is the daughter of a tyrant,” and to shorten a nickname that is too long, we use numbers.

    I go to the website translit.net to translate Russian text into English, enter my request, translate it into translit.

    Now I'm looking at what can be shortened here. By the way, don't forget that you can use numbers, periods and underscores. You cannot use a space in your nickname.

    Look, I turn to the Internet for help in creativity. There is nothing wrong. If you want to use a culinary term in your nickname, open the corresponding dictionary, the name of a star or satellite - a reference book. There you can find many interesting words that will make your nickname short, memorable and beautiful.

    Well, don’t forget that in the early stages of promotion, whether you like it or not, you will have to use cheating. I can recommend the SocLike service. Thanks to it, you can quickly get the required number of normal subscribers, which will not include “manicures” and other advertising offers. Plus, they won't fall off. Your account will make a good impression.

    How to quickly promote Instagram