Sometimes, in a handicraft impulse, you want to make something beautiful with your own hands, but as luck would have it, nothing comes to mind, and so as not to suffer again, I decided to put together a selection of examples of how to make a postcard with your own hands. Here are different examples of postcards and small descriptions of how to make this or that postcard.

I tried to select as many different images as possible, both in style and theme, so that there was plenty to choose from. Of course, each postcard is just an example of how you can make postcards with your own hands.

To mom

How to make a card for mom? It’s clear that it should be the most beautiful and touching, but I want some specifics, right? The first thing you need to do is focus on the reason, it could be:
  • an unplanned card for no reason;
  • Mother's Day or March 8;
  • New Year's and Christmas;
  • birthday or name day;
  • professional holidays.

Of course, no one can stop you from making and giving your mom a postcard dedicated to the first snow or even the release of your favorite TV series, but in general, the main reasons are indicated quite clearly.

A New Year's card for mom can be ordinary (from the point of view of New Year's greetings, of course), it is not necessary to somehow emphasize the special relationship. But a birthday or Mother's Day are special holidays on which it is worth presenting a personal card with the signature “To my beloved mother.”

How to make a birthday card for mom? Sketch out a sketch with a simple pencil, add a little color to get an idea of ​​the color scheme and understand what shades you will need during the work process. So, you need to buy or find in the bins:

  • a blank for your needlework (thick and thin cardboard is suitable);
  • background image - it can be scrap paper, colored paper, any sheet that you like with its ornament, or you can simply artistically splash paint on a sheet of white thick paper or even use monotype and marbling techniques;
  • chipboard for inscription - it is better to purchase a ready-made one or use a special stapler to decorate the edge;
  • a couple of decorative elements - flowers, butterflies, beads and leaves;
  • one or two large decorative elements - flowers or bows;
  • decorative tape;
  • good glue;
  • scalloped ribbon or lace.

First you need to glue the background image to the blank, then arrange large flowers, and only then complement the resulting composition with small decor and lace. Dry the finished work well, decorate it with small decorations and sparkles, and then sign it - mom will be happy with such a sign of attention.

Now you know how to make a card for Mother's Day, and you can easily figure out what a card for an anniversary or angel's day should be like.

Another original option: the essence is that you need to cut out circles from colored paper, and then cut each circle in a spiral and twist it into a bud, you will get cute flowers with which you can decorate a card.

To dad

A DIY birthday card for dad is always very touching and sweet. Choosing a particular "papal" theme is not too easy, but there is a wonderful straw to grab onto - style. If you make a stylish card, then the father will undoubtedly be happy to receive it, even if it does not contain the usual symbols of “masculinity,” which in our country often include cars, weapons and fishing.

Naturally, if the father is celebrating the anniversary of his driving experience, then a car on a postcard is quite appropriate, but on dad’s birthday it is better to present a neutral and beautiful greeting card.

What kind of cards do men like:
  • not too colorful;
  • in a calm, slightly muted palette;
  • with clean lines;
  • in which a lot of effort has been visually invested.
I would like to say especially about the last point. If your mom liked a card made from a piece of lace, a bow and a beautiful chipboard, then dad will appreciate a hand-made poster from paper with an elegant, lacy cutout - painstaking and graceful.

Men admire the process, so before you make a nice card using the scrapbooking technique, think about how you can put your work into the card? This can be working with threads or embroidery, spirography and paper cutting, pyrography and much more.

Incorporate a few elements of hard work and love into your work and your dad's birthday card will be stunning.

So, we make paper cards with our own hands for our beloved daddy. Start by choosing a subject - this could be some element of a male portrait - a stylish beard and glasses in the spirit of hipsters, or the silhouette of dad's favorite pipe, you can also make some kind of heraldic flag or symbol.

Choose colors - they should be calm and beautiful, and also look good in harmony with each other.

Make a pattern for the future postcard and get to work - if this is a regular applique, then cut out all the elements and carefully lay out the future composition. And in the case of artistic cutting, it is better to spend time on the pattern and drawing. By the way, for this work you will need a good breadboard knife.

After all the main elements have been cut out, assemble the card - if you planned it using the scrapbooking technique, then you can simply glue the composition, and if you are trying to create a thin openwork product from cardboard and paper, then select shading colors for each layer - so that the work looked really delicate, you will need to choose shades that will highlight all the slits.

Make a central element on your card, and then put it under a press - this will help prevent the paper from deforming from the moisture contained in the glue.

In honor of the wedding

Making beautiful cards with your own hands for a wedding is not an easy task, and here it is better to watch master classes.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young family, and therefore it is not enough just to draw a card, you need to carefully design and package it, and perhaps supplement it with some other elements.

How to make a beautiful card for congratulations on your wedding day:
  • come up with an idea;
  • find out from the bride and groom the main color of the wedding, or the main theme of the celebration;
  • look at various options for postcards - using scrapbooking techniques, with embroidery, ribbons, and so on;
  • choose several interesting lessons;
  • make a rough postcard from paper and cardboard (and if you are not sure of your result, then it is better to do this step several times);
  • make original cards with your own hands;
  • choose packaging and make it a little more unique;
  • label the envelope and postcard.

Other occasions and recipients

Rest assured, handmade birthday cards will delight the recipients - after all, this is not just a DIY postcard made in a master class, it is a real man-made miracle that keeps a piece of the soul.

You can make cards for mom and dad with your own hands, or you can delight your friends before each holiday with an original greeting - all you need is free time, good master classes and a little patience.

3D postcards look especially impressive. How to make a three-dimensional postcard? Come up with (or look at experienced authors) an idea on how you can shape it so that you get voluminous postcards. You may want to use more decorative elements, or you may decide to make a simple DIY birthday card with 3D elements.

By the way, if you are wondering how to make a postcard for your mother or friend with voluminous paper elements, take a closer look at children's books. Surely you still have several copies, when opened, carriages and castles, trees and horses appeared between the pages.

Take a close look at how these elements are made and glued together - you may be able to reproduce this in your sketch.

Or try to do something in the shabby chic style and scrapbooking with your own hands - it’s not as difficult as it seems, the entire main volume effect is created by layering elements. By the way, flat cards are also good. :)

I think now you have enough ideas for creating greeting cards, postcards and tags - craft for your own pleasure and bring joy to your loved ones!

Moving card - “Waterfall of Hearts”:

Some more ideas for inspiration:

“ProShow Producer” allows you to make interesting gifts, including postcards. This utility is available to every user, regardless of their experience in making digital presentations. contains a wide range of tools for creating colorful presentations and more than 150 different special effects and transitions.

Making a video postcard in 5 minutes

In order to make a video postcard, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

Step 1.

Download the ProShow Producer program to your computer. You have access to a free trial version of the utility, which does not take up much space on your hard drive, downloads and installs in a matter of minutes.

Step 2.

Install the program and get started. To install ProShow Producer, you don’t need to be a computer genius, just follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard. It will place a shortcut on the desktop, clicking on which will launch.

Step 3.

We suggest you make a video postcard using a quick algorithm of actions. Immediately after opening the program, select “Slide show in 5 minutes.” A window with ready-made program templates will open, click on the “Holiday” line. Ready-made solutions available to you will appear in the right field; if there is no suitable option, then click on the “New templates” icon. There are wedding, love, children's, greeting, and many other slide shows.

Step 4.

Create a slideshow. Select photos for your video card by clicking on the icon on the right side of the menu. The utility also provides the ability to upload an entire folder of photos; the recommended number of photos is written below in gray font. Photos can be shuffled together randomly, or done manually by clicking on the green arrows.

Step 5.

Select background music for video cards. This article will help you with this:. The program allows you to adjust its volume and apply various effects, just click on the corresponding icon. Select the Sync feature, which lets you adjust the duration of each slide to match the length of the music. Click "Done".

Step 6

After updating the slide preview, your video card will appear in the main menu. To give it your own title, click on the little pencil image below the first slide. In the editor that opens, select the “Slide” tab, then in the list of layers – Heading 1, type the desired text, use various effects for it, such as fill, reflection, outline.

The title of the video postcard is written in the same way. You can read more about this step in the article:

Step 7

To make an original postcard, we suggest you use the colorful effects of the ProShow Producer program. Three-dimensional compositions and animation of any level of complexity are available to you, for example, panoramic design, leaf fall, fog, snow. Now you can not only make it yourself, but also tell your friends how to make a video postcard, spending just a few minutes on it.

Postcards have been and remain a traditional form of congratulations. It is customary to give them not only for birthdays, but also for such significant events as marriage, birth of a child, etc. The modern software industry opens up endless possibilities for users and allows them to make a beautiful video card at home. To do this you will need high quality and a little imagination. From this article you will learn how to prepare a video greeting using the VideoMONTAGE utility.

Step 1. Download the program

First, you need to download the video editor from the official website. This process will not take much time, since the size of the distribution is only 65 MB. As soon as the archive with the program is downloaded, it will need to be unpacked. Using the installation wizard's recommendations, you will quickly install the application on your PC. Next, launch “Video Montage” and get to work.

Step 2: Add a video

As soon as you see the main menu of the program, click the “Video postcard” section. The first thing you will need to do is add the original video, which will form the basis of the congratulations. To create a video card, you can upload a clip of any format from any folder on your computer. Immediately after this, proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Choose a design

The next stage of working on a postcard is choosing its design. The program offers several thematic categories, within which there are ready-made design options. Thus, you can choose your favorite children's, holiday, romantic frame, etc. To apply one of the templates, simply click on it and click the “Next” button. If desired, you can adjust the size and position of the video using the appropriate keys.

Step 4. Enter text and download music

In this step we will tell you how to process the video you uploaded to your future postcard project. First you need to edit the text that will be displayed along with the video clip. The content of the text can be at your discretion - the title of the postcard, a couple of lines of congratulations, or even a whole verse. Font type and color can be easily changed in the left column. The resulting signature can be moved to any part of the postcard - both above and below the clip. After adding the text, take care of the voice acting - click the “Add music” option. Here you will be asked to select a melody from the built-in catalog or upload your track from your computer.

Step 5. Save the video card

So we showed you how to make a video card in 5 minutes. To view the finished greeting, click on the play button. If you are satisfied with the result, proceed to the final step - exporting the postcard to the desired format. From the available list, select the most convenient way for you to record a video: AVI file, DVD, HD video, clip for a smartphone or other device, etc. Next, specify the conversion settings for the selected method. Confirm recording the video postcard by pressing the “Create video” button.

For many, postcards have long become a relic of the past. People started using electronic greetings, forgetting how symbolic and meaningful original handmade cards can be for the recipient.

However, no matter how advanced the technology, beautiful postcards made with love and attention will always remain an original symbolic gift for any person, because they, like old photos, are custodians of memories and emotions, which is priceless.

Today, especially for you, the 1001 Advice team has prepared a unique review of ideas on the topic “The most original do-it-yourself postcards.”

It presents unusual and interesting postcards that even schoolchildren can make.

We also presented for you ideas for DIY cards using more complex techniques, namely scrapbooking, quilling, with the help of which you will realize extraordinary ideas for greeting cards and invitations for birthdays, New Years, weddings, etc.

About ideas and beautiful examples of what kind of postcards to make with your own hands, further...

DIY postcards made from simple materials: ideas, techniques, methods of implementation

To create cards with your own hands, especially if you are creating in the company of little toddlers, for whom this activity is very important and responsible, stock up on pieces of ribbons, fabric, burlap, colored paper and cardboard, buttons, beads and pebbles and many other materials that can be used to create a postcard.

Glue in our home art kit, tape, scissors and thread should also be present.

The simplest DIY greeting cards

Undoubtedly, we do not strive to make something unique right away, especially if children create cards with their own hands.

It is clear that kids, as a rule, make their own greeting cards for mothers, grandmothers, and teachers.

To create a postcard with your own hands, a good idea is very important, which will determine our further actions.

Taking multi-colored sheets of cardboard, you can cut out a blank for a postcard. Next, using a stencil, we cut out cute and colorful flowers, butterflies, and certain figures from colored paper, which will be located on our greeting card.

Having cut out the parts, glue them onto the surface of the cardboard, and your homemade masterpiece is ready. Be sure to leave space for a signature, or print out the congratulations on a printer in advance.

Of course, we talked about this process quite simply. You can get acquainted with more interesting postcard ideas by looking through our selection of examples.

In it you will see what kind of cards you can make with your own hands in such a simple way for a birthday, New Year, March 8, Defenders of the Motherland Day, christenings, etc.

Original do-it-yourself cards using quilling technique

The quilling technique has long grown into an art that involves the creation of entire masterpieces from twisted pieces of colored paper.

You can also make your own cards using the quilling technique. Using this original technique, you can make magnificent cards with your own hands in the form of flowers, curls, leaves, twigs, bouquets, which will very appropriately complement sincere words of congratulations, written by hand or prepared in advance in a printed version.

Do-it-yourself quilling cards can be supplemented with rhinestones, beads, beads, fabric inserts, openwork, or ribbons, which will look just great.

In addition to the usual components of a kit for working with paper products, to create quilling masterpieces you will need a special awl, tweezers, pins, a paper knife, a comb to create unusual elements, and, of course, multi-colored paper with which the quilling elements will be performed.

Unusual DIY cards using scrapbooking technique

Another wonderful technique that deserves special attention is scrapbooking. Using this method, you can design not only postcards, but also family albums and notebooks.

You can create your own postcards using the scrapbooking technique not only on paper, but also on cardboard and wood.

To implement this technique, you must prepare some materials in advance, namely cardboard, colored paper, glue, ribbons, lace and fabric pieces, dry leaves and decorative flowers, beads, etc.

As you can see, our list includes diverse elements that allow you to create your own postcards according to your unique idea. The idea is very important not only for the process itself, but also for choosing the appropriate decor.

If the card is made on thick cardboard, even coffee beans and cereals can be used.

DIY postcards: product styling

Choosing the best idea is very important so that your own postcards turn out successful and exclusive. This is especially true for types such as wedding invitations.

Sometimes future spouses want everything to be perfect and unique at their wedding, so they are not too lazy to make invitation cards with their own hands for all the guests.

Below, look at the ideas for such cards, after viewing which you will immediately understand how to make these wonderful invitations.

How about a postcard for dad in the form of a man whose suit is made of fabric, or a postcard with a fabric insert that creates an imitation of a girl’s dress. Very creative!

In our review you will see ideas for postcards of different styles, which your family and friends will undoubtedly appreciate.

DIY postcards: amazing variations of homemade postcards
