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Most of our clients are satisfied with the result and recommend us to others, but there are also dissatisfied ones who believe that SEO is a myth. And we will not contradict them and make excuses. Website promotion in search engines I am index And G o o g l e more reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland than a physics reference book. Not everyone is able to withstand all the difficulties of advancement and reach the end of the chessboard.

We regret that they did not have the patience to bring the matter to a high-quality result and that they are no longer our clients.

And this happened because:

To be honest, we “envy with white envy” those whose business can operate without SEO website promotion. Our clients cannot, like 90% of all businesses...
We cannot break the promise we made to our clients and everyone who needs quality promotion - we do the best SEO in the country.
We promised - and we are doing it.

We keep our word. Your OLIT.

Website promotion up to 1000 requests

Cost from 80,000 rub.

Website promotion up to 3000 requests

Cost from 110,000 rub.

Website promotion for all subject requests

Cost from 200,000 rub.


"As a rule, the budget for search marketing is an individual matter and the cost may vary
from the basic tariffs both down and up."

  • Contextual advertising - to improve recognition rates and increase targeted traffic

  • Targeted advertising in social media - for greater audience coverage

  • Properly configured e-mail marketing - to quickly notify customers

  • Working with brand reputation - responsible persons working through negativity online, communicating and solving problems with clients

We hope that this article will help you decide on the choice of a company to promote your business on the Internet!

Why should you order website promotion from us?

website promotion from OLiT is:

  • Only white, original methods of promotion - confidence in the future!

  • We don't try to "trick" search engine algorithms, we know how to improve your site!

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  • Educating the client on the fundamental principles of search engine optimization!

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  • Using the synergy of internet marketing (SEO+SMM+SERP+classifications+geolocation services+directories+app stores)!

Finally I got to this section and one of the most relevant topics. SEO optimization and website promotion are words familiar to every site administrator and webmaster. SEO optimization has always been a priority in website promotion.

It was also aimed at improving a large number of qualitative characteristics of the site. Changes in ongoing optimization affect more than one section of the site. The entire resource is affected, from technical to external optimization. Codes, structures, texts, links and much more are changed directly.

In this way, the best, high-quality effect and a surge in positions in search results are achieved. With this article, I begin a series of publications aimed at revealing this rather large topic. Let's go through all the main methods in this area.

The content of the article:

What is SEO website promotion?

The concept, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, implies improving website performance for search engines. Today we will get acquainted with the basics of this complex topic.

When the Internet first appeared, there were a relatively small number of sites, a couple of million to be exact. If we compare the scale with today's twenty billion, one can only guess about the difficulties of indexing given volumes of information.

Every year SEO promotion has become a more pressing topic. If the site is not optimized for specific user requests, the target audience may not even be aware of its existence. The task of webmasters is not only to provide useful information, but also to do it correctly. Search engine optimization helps increase quality traffic on resources.

What is SEO optimization?

There are many articles on the Internet that say that no website can do without optimization. However, this is not quite true. Resources normally exist without SEO, but the meaning and income from them is not enough for the owner. It is necessary to talk in more detail about what SEO optimization is. This science helps specialists organize work to promote a resource to high positions for selected requests. From the impressive volumes of relevant phrases, optimizers select those suitable for promoting a particular resource.

You can make the necessary changes in two ways:

What is SEO promotion?

Experts identify several serious and time-consuming areas:

    Keyword analysis. It is impossible to clearly determine which phrases will help the site get to the TOP, and which ones will not cope with the task. The optimizer assigns certain priorities to requests based on market research and the interests of the customer. It is worth considering several development strategies in order to always have an alternative.

    Studying competition. There are many specialized systems and portals that, among millions of resources devoted to the same topic, choose direct competitors. Let's look at the example of women's sites that occupy a special niche among information resources. Some are engaged in describing fashion news and beauty secrets, others reveal issues of motherhood and health. By identifying competing portals, you can avoid their mistakes, eliminate your own mistakes and take advantage of their success strategies. Competitors are only those who work on the same key phrases.

    Troubleshoot technical problems. No matter how interesting and useful the site is, even colorful design will not save you if the pages load too slowly. Only SEO specialists can identify and eliminate non-indexable or difficult-to-index materials, move incorrectly located objects and resolve other technical issues.

We should summarize what SEO website promotion is. This is a comprehensive use of external and internal optimization methods. Ideally, such work should be done by experts, but with some effort you can do SEO promotion yourself with no less success.

Why is website search engine optimization needed?

Contrary to popular belief, the Internet has long ceased to be just a source of interesting and useful information. Today it is rightfully one of the most effective marketing tools for sales and other areas of business. A striking example is the exponential growth in the number of online stores, along with the profits of their owners. All serious companies and organizations have official websites. Technologies are regularly improved: applications for online ordering, connections with customer support and other advantages.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people search for products and services online via computers or mobile phones. Search engine promotion is effective for companies that strive to occupy high positions in search results. Even for representatives of highly competitive areas, such as the sale of women's shoes and clothing, with the help of regular application of external and internal optimization methods it will not be difficult to break into the TOP.

Search engine optimization of a website is important for owners of information portals, since with its help the number of guests will increase significantly. An equally significant factor will be the fact that among them there will be a minimum of people who ended up on the portal’s pages by accident. As for online stores, for them SEO optimization is a source of income and the key to its stable increase. The higher the position in search engine results, the better for business. That is why the costs of search engine optimization are completely justified.

The importance of using SEO

Search engine optimization is a subtle science, the incorrect application of which can only harm your position in the world rankings. SEO should be done with knowledge of the matter or with the help of professionals. The key to success will always be the correct selection of the list of promoted requests and further strategy. It is worth highlighting several points confirming the importance of using SEO:

  • Preferences of modern users. Every second buyer carefully approaches the choice of an online store when it comes to serious purchases. People are interested in information presented on the official resource, reviews from other consumers and data from authoritative portals. If there is a choice between an unknown brand and a company that has gained a reputation, the user will certainly choose the second option. We are talking about the prestige of the company. The more reliable information you can find about it, the higher the likelihood that customers will definitely use the services offered.

  • Favorable location. Everything is simple here. If the site is in the TOP 10, it will probably have more guests and clients than the resources for which you have to go to the second, third and other search pages. Statistics say that more than 95% of people stop at the first one.

In today's highly competitive environment, the importance of SEO is undeniable, but the implementation of search engine optimization must be approached as seriously as possible.

Impact on site positions

If we talk about what SEO website promotion leads to, many people think about increasing traffic volumes. Much depends on the goals that the optimizer and the owner of an information resource or online store set for themselves. Search engine optimization is also relevant for sites that have impressive traffic. Master SEOs will also take care of expanding the client base by attracting target clients.

Proper optimization has a positive impact on performance indicators. Makes the promoted resource more popular among users, increases the number of mentions on social networks, increases the size of the client base and brings additional profit. However, you should understand that competitors are not asleep, so attention should be paid to search engine optimization regularly. There will be daredevils who dream of overthrowing leaders from their pedestal.

Website optimization helps to create a product that satisfies the preferences of visitors, bring it to the TOP and maintain positive results for a long time. It would be unwise to ignore current methods when the whole world is actively using such developments to improve business. The results of optimization are not immediately visible, since the work process takes at least several months, but in the end they take sites to a new level.


Now you know the most necessary actions aimed at raising the site’s position in search. The following articles are aimed at a consistent explanation of each method of website promotion. Stay tuned)

  • Read articles on this topic:

Optimization - search engine promotion and optimization or, in short, SEO. This is the process by which resources are promoted in search results. Accordingly, more users see them, and the site receives more profit. What is SEO and how can an unenlightened resource manager promote his website? We will consider these questions today.

SEO Metrics

SEO promotion is a system of actions aimed at increasing the position of a resource in search engine results. Website promotion directly depends on the following indicators:

  • TIC - thematic citation index.
  • PR - Google Page Rank.
  • Trust, or trust, of the site.

To be honest, search engines are not able to assess how useful and important an article is to the user. The robot is simply not able to read the post and understand its meaning. That is why it is necessary to carry out special SEO optimization procedures that will help the search engine understand the importance of the content and show the site in the search results list.

How is optimization useful?

Now SEO promotion has ceased to be just a technical phenomenon. It transformed into a kind of analytical-mathematical-psychological action, which:

  1. Helps protect resources from search engine filters.
  2. Increases the target audience.
  3. Attracts visitors based on low-frequency queries.
  4. Increases sales and increases conversion.
  5. Guarantees high page output for the most important queries for the user.

It is worth noting that SEO promotion is not a one-time procedure. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so you cannot be sure of the stability of your resource’s position. It often happens that in the evening a site is in the top three for the main query, and the next morning it is already 20th in the list of search results. But this is not so scary; you can regain your previous positions thanks to competently carried out internal and external SEO promotion.

Internal optimization

The basis of each SEO promotion is internal resource optimization, which is considered the main one. It is due to this that the likelihood of automatically displaying a resource on the first page of search results increases significantly.

In general, internal optimization consists of the following activities:

  • SEO analysis of the resource regarding compliance with technical requirements. At this stage, webmasters must carry out the so-called error correction. The first thing search robots pay attention to is the quality of the resource. Unoptimized sites with many flaws are immediately downgraded in the rankings.
  • If errors are discovered, they must be corrected immediately.
  • After correcting technical errors, you need a resource, that is, select a list of words and phrases that most accurately describe the theme of the site. Recently, there has been a tendency for search engines to become more human-oriented, so it is necessary not only to automatically generate sets of phrases, but to formulate them as if a real person was asking.
  • Analyze and select keywords.
  • Based on the previously created semantics, write meta tags, Keywords, Title and Description.
  • Adapt menu items and create internal linking.
  • Optimize content according to the requirements of search engines and the wishes of visitors.

Full list

To conduct a full-fledged internal SEO promotion of a website, you need to work on the following positions:

  1. Doubles.
  2. Tags
  3. Site map.
  4. Set up the robots.txt file.
  5. Create high-quality and unique SEO texts.
  6. Make proper linking.
  7. Work with microformats, microdata, usability and interface.

Each of these points should be considered in detail to have a complete understanding of what SEO is.

Takes and tags

The first thing to start promoting is checking the resource for duplicates. The fact is that some website engines create several versions of one web page, and they can be reached from several addresses.

For example, the home page of a particular site may be accessible at the following addresses:


You can check whether site pages have duplicates yourself by adding index.html or index.php in the address bar. If pages open upon request, then you need to look for and delete duplicates, but if the resource throws a 404 error, then everything is fine.

It is necessary to place meta tags H1 - H6 in the text, they will also serve as subheadings. Don't forget about the alt tag, which is applied to images. This need is due to the fact that search engines have not yet learned to recognize images, so they need to be given a brief description. This will not only raise the site in search results, but will also attract new users from image searches.

Title and Description tags are of particular importance when setting up SEO. The title tag gives the title to the document and appears in the title bar of the browser window. In the Description tag, you need to create a brief description of the page content by entering 1-2 key queries into it.

To index or not to index?

Also, every self-respecting resource should have a site map. It may be generated automatically, but if not, then you should create it yourself.

Sitemap.xml is a list of all resource page addresses that tell you where to index. In contrast to this map, there is such a file. like robots.txt, it contains addresses of pages that do not need to be indexed.

This file is not a prerequisite for promotion, but if the resource contains pages that can negatively affect promotion, then it is better to enter their addresses in robots.txt.

Content as a means of promotion

Technical work on a resource plays an important role, but skillful SEO copywriting should not be discounted. High-quality content increases the relevance of the text in the eyes of the search engine and reduces the resource’s dependence on changes in search engine algorithms.

Uniqueness, the presence of keywords and the absence of errors do not guarantee that the search engine will like the text. Recently, the requirements for texts have become somewhat stricter. Based on the wishes of the average user, the text should be logical, informative and have a clear structure (subheadings, lists, etc.).

Reviews always come to the same conclusion: they are necessary for users to find a resource for basic key queries. It is equally important to create links between the pages of the site. You can place several keywords in one text; the main thing when writing content is to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Long texts appeal to search engines, but not to users, so they must provide information in an interesting, concise, and concise manner.
  2. The uniqueness and literacy of the text is paramount.
  3. Keywords should appear no more than 1-2 times per 100 words. And the first and last paragraph must contain exact entries.

Usability and microformat

An important condition for internal optimization is the presence of microformats - special tags that mark up the page and help search engines understand what the page is about.

As for usability, the site should have a simple, intuitive interface so that the user can quickly go to the page with the necessary information. The level of sales, registrations and other behavioral characteristics depends on the ease of use of the resource.

No less important is the loading speed. If the pages are “heavy”, then it will be much easier for the user to close this site and move on to another, where he will not have to wait long. To increase loading speed, you first need to choose a high-quality hosting, reduce the size and quality of images, and remove unnecessary resource requests.

External optimization

In addition to internal SEO promotion aimed at improving content and navigation, there is such a thing as external optimization. Its key point is to create a good reputation for the site among other resources. This is achieved by increasing the link mass. Simply put, a database of sites with similar topics is created that link to the main resource. This increases the level of trust in the site and, accordingly, increases its position in search results.

External optimization is a rather labor-intensive process, because it consists not only of selecting good resources to create a link base, but also of compiling link anchors for each key query.

Tasks and goals

The main tasks of external optimization are considered to be promotion for high-frequency and low-frequency queries. At the initial stage, external SEO promotion actively cooperates with internal SEO. It depends on the selection of keywords and the creation of a semantic core. The task of external optimization is to use links from other resources to help these keywords get to the first positions in search results.

Methods, processes, analytics

Each experienced SEO specialist has his own optimization methods, but often for external promotion they simply buy links on the relevant exchanges. Each purchased link is placed on the anchor. That is, the webmaster installs the purchased link to the keyword. Thus, the user can click on a keyword and go to a page on another resource.

It is important to pay attention to the speed of link building. Of course, you can purchase the required number of links once and not be distracted by this anymore. But it’s better to do everything gradually, smoothly and use different ones (perpetual and rented). If you quickly provide a resource with link mass, it may fall under search engine penalties; such actions will be regarded as black hat optimization.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

As practice shows, without large investments it is almost impossible to get to the top of search results for high-frequency queries, but if you play around with low-frequency queries, you can get your place in the sun. Correctly setting up SEO in compatibility with low frequency promotion will allow you to:

  • Receive a high percentage of the target audience.
  • Save budget on promotion.
  • Ensure high positions in search engine results.

With such prospects, it is worth understanding that optimizing a resource for low-frequency queries is a labor-intensive process, and if you make mistakes due to inexperience, you can lose some visitors. This type of SEO promotion consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to select relevant pages with suitable low-frequency queries.
  2. Carry out their technical optimization for further promotion.
  3. Perform internal linking.
  4. Select sites for purchasing links.

In general, this procedure is also relevant for high-frequency queries, but there are two problems. Firstly, in the second case there is higher competition and it is very difficult to get to the top. Secondly, you will have to spend a large amount of resources on purchasing external links, but no one can guarantee that the resource will remain in the first positions of the search results for a long time. That's what SEO is - a real war between webmasters for the best positions.

Help from a friend

Now it becomes clear what SEO is. There is only one question left to decide: to deal with this complex process yourself or to entrust the matter to professionals?

To promote websites, they often use the services of various resources. For example, Seo-Mix. According to the managers, this is a unique project that not only helps with promotion, but also provides an opportunity to earn money. Its essence is simple: the site owner orders advertising, and the resource promotes it. Due to its low prices, this project is very popular among advertisers. As for earnings, for each visit to the resource once every 20 minutes, a registered user can receive up to 5 rubles, which can be withdrawn to an online wallet.

The Seo-Sprint project promotes websites using similar methods. Customers want to improve the behavioral characteristics of resources and pay the managers of this project. Those, in turn, attract performers who, for a modest fee, watch advertisements, visit pages, write comments, etc.

That's all the secrets of website promotion. You can study the basics of SEO promotion on your own, you can order promotion from professionals, or you can combine these two processes by creating good content yourself, increasing your link mass and purchasing several weeks of favorable behavioral characteristics. In any case, the choice always remains with the webmaster.

Everyone who has ever started creating their own website has thought about SEO promotion of the site in search engines such as Yandex, Google, etc. How does it all work, what knowledge is needed for SEO optimization of a website, what subtleties exist. Many people consider SEO website promotion a complex process that is impossible to understand, but it is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, at the very beginning you will not become a professional in website optimization, but you may well be able to get some pages into the top 10.

  • Stage 3. Distribution of queries from the semantic core across landing pages
  • Stage 4. Internal and external work of a SEO specialist
  • Stage 5. Yandex and Google filters: reasons for overlap, signs, solution

In this article we will look in detail at how to promote a website and how to get it into the top 10. As soon as search engines appeared, there were immediately people who could adjust their position in organic results through their actions.

Stage 1. Terms

The terms presented in the table below are required to be studied. With their help, you can better understand how to carry out search engine optimization of a website.

General terms


passage; search robot; vital requests; wordstat; domain; host; organic results; affiliate; update; LF, HF, microLF; exact entry; key; relevance; request; Whois; traffic; frequency; behavioral factors; search engines; ranging

canonical page; mirror;
h1-h6; title; description; meta tags; semantic core;
admin; CNC; content; promoted page; usability; duplicate pages; CMS

link exchanges; doorway; cloaking;
PR/PageRank; tIC;

List of articles that will help you understand in more detail the meaning of the terms from the table:

  • Website promotion for priority requests, ranking in the top 10
  • Using context and promotion together and separately
  • Promotion to increase the company’s online sales. Industry restrictions

Stage 2. Compiling a semantic core

The semantic core is a list of queries for which the site is promoted in search engines. You can collect the semantic core in such free services as,,,,,, tools, soovle, trends, google, Pastukhov database.

These online services require registration. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the methodology for compiling the semantic core.

At the very beginning, we compile a primary list of words and phrases related to the topic of the page being promoted. It can be:

  1. variants of the name of a product, service, synonyms of these words, translation, transliteration;
  2. abbreviated versions of words;
  3. options for the names of the components of a product or service;
  4. Brands associated with the product or service (that you sell) or popular words;
  5. buyer options and problems that your product or service solves;
  6. all kinds of epithets characterizing a product or service.

Once the initial list is ready, we begin to expand it by adding queries that are associated with your product or service. The list has become wider, now you need to go even deeper into the topic and find narrower concepts related to your product or service.

The list is ready, it is large and not sorted. You need to “clean up” queries that you don’t need or those that have low frequency (frequency for the Yandex search engine can be checked in their free tool

You can read more about the influence of keywords in document ranking and drawing up the correct semantic core in these articles:

    Is it worth doing SEO optimization of a website for low-frequency queries: four arguments for

  • SEO website setup yourself: step-by-step instructions
  • How to choose the right queries for promotion in search. What can the old site do that the new site can’t?
  • Why are the websites of some companies promoted for high-frequency queries, while others are promoted only for low-frequency queries?
  • Promoting a young website for high-frequency and highly competitive queries

Stage 3. Distribution of queries from the semantic core

Once you have collected and sorted the semantic core, you can begin to select queries for which you will promote your pages. There are many online services on the Internet to make it easier to cluster queries by landing pages, but you can also do it manually.

  1. Selecting a page for SEO optimization.
  2. We evaluate the frequency of queries you collected that relate to the topic of the page you are promoting.
  3. We select the most frequent queries from one or more, the main thing is not the number of promoted queries, but their frequency in the systems. We analyze the compatibility of requests, i.e. We evaluate their compatibility on one page. This can be done using competitor analysis. If the same pages are ranked for these queries, then great, the distribution is ready, but if not, then you need to either move the query to another cluster or create a new page for the query.

You can also read about the differences in promotion on topics such as: legal services, real estate, construction services, tourism, cars, online stores.

Stage 4. Optimization

Website optimization can be internal and external, both are important for promotion. Let's start with understanding the search engine. When ranking Internet documents, the system takes into account external and internal factors. External factors include links from other Internet resources; the higher the authority of the linker to you, the greater the weight of the link, and in the future your page will have more weight.

There are much more internal SEO factors of the site. These are texts, tags, pictures, internal links. Here are a few points that play a big role in ranking documents:

  • full occurrence of the query in the text of the document, that is, “quote” without changing the word form;
  • the weight of query keywords is the ratio of the number of times a word from a query is used to the total number of words on the page;
  • the content of keywords in the title, they should be in the first positions;
  • proximity of keywords to the top of the page;
  • the presence of keywords from the request in the headings;
  • the presence of keywords in text descriptions of pictures;
  • Internal link anchors should include an explanation of where the link leads.

And now more about internal optimization. Since you have already completed the initial stage of work for promotion by collecting a semantic core, you can begin to compile title, description, h1-h6. Title is the title that is displayed in search engines; it can also be viewed either in the page code or by hovering the mouse over the tab with the page.

When compiling the title, we pay attention to:

  • numbers;
  • dates;
  • length. Shorter titles are better understood by systems;
  • synonyms and variants;
  • call to action (for example, “buy”, “order”);
  • related keywords;
  • questions.

Important rules for understanding the composition of headings for site optimization: the heading should be no more than 140 characters (this is the number that is displayed in search engines, the information after that simply will not be visible to users), the heading should contain the exact occurrence of the most frequent query for which you will promote the page, and this request should come at the beginning. In the title there is no dot at the end, and in general the dot is not used when composing the title; if you need to divide a passage, use a dash - “|”. Also, when composing headlines, conduct an analysis of the titles of competitors in the top 10, add those points that you do not have.

Composing descriptions is almost the same as composing headlines, the only differences are that descriptions are much longer, they use full sentences, sentences not only with exact occurrences of search queries, but also with adjectives describing a product, service, article, etc. d.

In h1-h6, the highest frequency query is most often used, which succinctly characterizes the information on the page.

Internal SEO optimization also includes texts. Internal search engine optimization of a website on its own is impossible without writing good texts. They should be easy to read, written in human language, unique, and contain accurate, inaccurate, and relevant occurrences of search queries. Yes, the text must contain both precise and relevant queries, but at the same time, the text must look natural, otherwise you are in danger of falling under the filter. An analysis of what queries, how many and where exactly should be placed can be carried out by viewing competitors from the top 10; the number of words in the text is determined in the same way.

We can talk about internal page optimization for a very long time, since it affects all external and internal components. The main points are the quality of content, adjusting the html code and correcting errors in it, editing the design in terms of page loading speed in the user’s browser, “visibility” of pages in different browsers, matching the design style to the direction of the resource’s activity, improving usability: navigation is made as convenient as possible for the user, the general structure and principles of navigation for the entire resource are organized, the correct internal linking of pages: creating a cross-reference structure, with the help of this you can achieve visible results. The only thing that can be added here is that when doing internal SEO optimization of a website yourself, make convenient and high-quality pages for users.

For a beginner, external SEO optimization is more difficult than internal SEO. Here you need to consciously carry out optimization work; the site being promoted can easily fall under the filters of Yandex and Google systems. External SEO optimization: citation (number of backlinks and their quality), behavioral factors (time spent on the page, bounce rate and return rate, number of page views, click-through rate (CTR) in search results), external links.

Optimizing your site yourself by increasing the number of external links can increase your ranking in organic results. Links can be permanent or rented. They can be purchased on services such as sape, webeffector, rookee, gogetlinks, rotapost, feedsite, getgoodlinks. When purchasing links, you need to carefully analyze donors, check their indexing, the age of the resource, the quality of the content, and the number of links posted. You can read more about purchasing links for external SEO (CEO) promotion of a website yourself and their impact on ranking in the articles “Getting your optimized website to the top 10 pages using links” and “Promotion using link exchanges.”

Stage 5. Yandex and Google filters

Each search engine has its own filters with which it removes low-quality pages from the index.

Main filters of the Yandex search system:

Reasons for overlap


The “AGS” filter is its task to remove low-quality SEO optimized website pages from search results.

Almost complete loss of SEO site traffic

Reset the TCI - remove some of the links aimed at search engine optimization of the site, but if all the pages are out of the index, you need to pay attention to independently eliminating all the reasons for applying a filter for search engine optimization

A sharp decline in rankings in search results and a drop in traffic

You can remove it by reducing the number or completely removing external links

Cheating behavioral factors

For independently boosting behavioral factors for site optimization

A sharp drop in positions and traffic of an optimized site, new pages are slowly entering the index

Stop manipulation completely. You will have to wait several months for the filter to be canceled

Affiliates - created to fight companies that make several sites and try to grab all the first places in the search results

Identifies by the same contact information, similar topics, data in whois, structure, IP, CMS

There is only one site left in the search results

To exit, you need to change all the data by which Yandex can identify affiliates

Adult content

Complete exclusion from search results for queries that do not relate to 18+ topics

Eliminate all factors that indicate adult content

Nepot filter. Yandex does not recognize its existence

SEO optimization - filter for exceeding it

For too many keywords

The filter will leave the pages in the index, but they will not receive high positions - there will be no traffic. A large number of keys, especially unnatural ones, should be avoided

Reduce occurrences of key phrases

Due to the use of teaser networks, which contain ads with so-called “shock content”

Decreases in search results

Link explosion

For the sharp increase in the number of external links

Losing positions

Remove most of the link mass

Baden Baden

For large or unformatted texts, overspam

Decline in traffic, sharp decline in rankings. A notification appears in Y.Webmaster

Make quality content. You can write texts for the site yourself, for free

Basic filters of the Google search engine:

Reasons for overlap


Optimization, website promotion with a large number of links from low-quality resources. It also punishes invisible links and spammy structures in anchors. Be more careful when promoting website pages yourself

Decrease in rankings and traffic, new pages are indexed slowly

Hundreds of thousands of pages may contain an answer to a user’s key query, but most likely only the first ten will be viewed. Therefore, getting into the TOP 10 means achieving success in business promotion. To do this, you need to understand the differences and connections between internal and external optimization, what are the features and advantages of each.

SEO optimization tools

Internal SEO optimization of the website

Internal optimization consists of:

  • In a competent and internet site. For greater efficiency, keys are written in the Title, in the names of pages or sections. Use tags and meta tags. The number of characters of content on a page, which you need to be able to calculate, is extremely important.
  • In promoting the page by title, description, keywords, headings and captions for pictures. Everything matters - theme, size, water content and uniqueness.
  • Properly composed, which should accurately characterize the topics and activities of the resource using keywords.
  • The need to work on the internal structure of the web resource, in a carefully developed site map. Check and remove duplicate pages, extra Title and broken links, eliminate all technical errors.
  • With special attention to usability– the most important SEO tool. Your Internet resource should work quickly, have a high-quality project design, formatting and be user-friendly.
  • A professional is needed to increase the attractiveness of a resource for search engines and readers. If the site contains articles that are unattractive to machines and uninteresting to visitors, then you should not hope for promotion. Using SEO copywriting techniques, unique articles are written using keywords. But to increase the ranking and attractiveness of the site, constant updating of unique content is necessary. When the optimizer ranks, those pages or websites where the text content is more literate and real appear in the first results. SEO analysis shows that resources that use SEO copywriting occupy higher positions in the rankings than texts written for robots.
  • In constant work on the text, page relevance And image optimization.
  • In the implementation, the purpose of which is to increase the statistical weight of pages within the project. It is better to promote the main page by HF requests, while it is better to equip secondary pages with mid-frequency SCH requests, internal thematic links that will connect all the pages of the site in a circle.

Off-page SEO optimization

  • External optimization determines number of quality links to your website, which are located on third-party sources. Google's ratio of the number of links to their quality is called PR, and Yandex uses a thematic citation index TIC.
  • The external optimization tool is external linking, which allows you to place links to another on the pages of any site. The trick is to redirect users to another web resource, which improves its performance. But if partner sites exchange links, then such optimization methods become worthless. Linking is needed so that participants do not intersect or refer to each other. The link that has a thematic key is preferable to which search engines respond, which has a positive impact on website ranking. High-frequency queries (HF) have the maximum weight on the main page, so proper placement of the link in a suitable place guarantees an increase in the resource’s ranking.
  • Links increase traffic by users of this resource and contribute to the growth of rankings in search engines, increasing their mass should be done gradually, without sudden jumps. In order for the link to be natural, you need to carefully analyze the site from which you are purchasing it. If previously the acquisition of link mass with the necessary anchors from influential and ranking sites was welcomed, now it is a weakly working promotion tool.
  • External SEO optimization involves... Particular attention should be paid to those websites whose age, volume, and SEO indicators are not up to par, but whose user traffic is comparable to that of their main competitors. To do this, you need to determine the competition in your thematic niche and use competition assessment programs for search queries. Determine external links to the resource, visitors and keywords and internal optimization of competitor sites. Of course, this is painstaking work, but in the future it can bring additional profit for your business.

How to achieve success in promotion?

In addition to SEO optimization tools for continuously improving your website for users and search engines, for development and success in promotion you need:

  1. Have an interest in online business. To bring a resource to the top of the search results, you should be interested in the process of its promotion as a whole.
  2. Deal only with familiar topics, then it will be easier for you to navigate thematic promotion. Remember that competent, well-readable unique texts have long been distinguished by search engines and attract new potential buyers to the site’s pages.
  3. Do not step on your own or similar rakes. Repeatedly analyze other people's and your own failures and, of course, successes. Other people's successful promotions in your topic after conversion to your own resource will definitely bring dividends.
  4. Carry out simple, uncomplicated innovations. This is the only way you can stand out and win the favor of many users. An unusual event or a charismatic angle on quite familiar things will be sufficient.
  5. In addition to large popular topics, use less popular ones. It is the latter that often work in a viral manner. Users love to jump from one resource to another site in search of new, interesting or more complete information. An unusual angle and new products often, thanks to viral content, bring the site to higher positions and increase income.

Types and comparison of online advertising

After SEO optimization, you should think about increasing sales, attracting customers and creating a positive image of your resource using online advertising.

SEO (search engine optimization)

The ultimate goal of the CEO is to acquire interested visitors to the resource. There are several benefits of such advertising:
  • Reaching a huge number of visitors by searching for information, goods and services through search engines;
  • Compared to other types of online advertising, the price of attracting an audience to the site is relatively inexpensive;
  • Due to the natural results of search engines, a higher level of user trust in the resource;
  • Through proper optimization, interested users are immediately taken to landing pages.

This type of advertising is published on websites or on search engine resources, taking into account the thematic area, according to the interests and preferences of the user, therefore its advantages are:
  • A very quick opportunity to get an interested audience;
  • Due to parameter settings, advertising is shown only to target visitors;
  • Pay only for a user click on an ad;
  • Available tracking of the effect of contextual advertising.

The disadvantages include: attracting targeted visitors costs a lot of money, setting up effective contextual advertising requires experience and skills, and with plugins that block advertising for the user, your ad will become inaccessible to him.

Such advertising on social networks takes the form of ads with images and is offered in two forms - pay-per-impression and pay-per-click. It works well to increase sales of both new and established products and services. Targeted advertising can be used to inform and promote brands. Another advantage is the targeted impact on a group of people through flexible settings. The disadvantages of targeted advertising are exactly the same as those of contextual advertising. If you fail to customize for the target audience, you can waste your entire budget.

This is an advertising, usually commercial message to a specific audience via email. The main goals of email marketing are to increase trust in the company, provide information about products or services, and attract new customers and clients. Through email newsletters, business relationships with subscribers or clients are consolidated. Taking into account the pros and cons of various types of online advertising, you can always find the optimal one that will allow you to achieve your goals. Try and experiment, evaluate the result.

Viral advertising

A minimal investment in viral advertising can yield amazing results. By distributing free and interesting information with hidden advertising, you receive a huge number of visitors who may well turn out to be your clients. Viral advertising has two disadvantages - the creation of a truly creative product, and after losing relevance there is an immediate decline in the audience.

Display advertising

Banner or display advertising is one of the most common and effective advertising on the Internet. Its advantages are:
  • Extensive coverage of possible buyers;
  • Increase in sales volumes of popular products and promotion of new or innovative services and goods;
  • Banner advertising works well in promoting brands and carrying out all kinds of promotions.

The disadvantage is the high cost of attracting each client, since payment is made not for results, but for the number of impressions.

