Taobao is today's largest Asian Internet platform for purchasing various types of goods. You will find here everything you need, from small office supplies to clothing, electronics and computers. Taobao was created in 2003 and belongs to Alibaba Group. The principle of this trading platform is that it unites many different user online stores, which post information about the sale of certain goods. Some products are also offered for sale by private sellers. Items offered for sale may be either new or used. Sales can be made either at a fixed price or through an auction. In the general understanding, Taobao is a kind of Asian analogue of the well-known eBay auction. The only exception is that the sale of goods on Taobao is focused mainly on the domestic market.

Quite recently, anyone could register on the Taobao website until the site’s management blocked this function. Now, in order to fully register, you must have a working Chinese phone number. Residents of the CIS and Europe cannot now register. The only way to create an account on the site, if you are not in China, is to seek help from a huge number of intermediaries who can be found on the Internet. They will register for you for a certain fee. You can search for products on the site, as well as place orders, regardless of whether you are registered or not.

A country: China.

Payment by Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian) bank cards: No. In order to be able to make payments in the Taobao store, the cards must be imitated in China. You must have an account in a Chinese bank to be able to transfer money for goods from it.

Other payment methods: The most popular payment method on Taobao is Alipay. It is with the help of this system that most payments are made on this site. In addition, you can transfer payment directly to the seller’s bank account, as well as resolve the issue of payment through an intermediary.

Free International Shipping: It is possible, but as a rule in this case the delivery cost is simply taken into account in the cost of the goods.

Cost and terms of international delivery: It is quite problematic to make a purchase on Taobao without being in China, since sellers are not very eager to deal with international shipments of goods, therefore, the best way to purchase on this site is to use the services of intermediaries. In this case, delivery times will be determined by the processing time of the ordered goods by intermediaries.

Discounts, codes, bonus points: Present.

Weekends and holidays: The largest and most revered holiday in China is the New Year. It is at this time that all factories, factories and suppliers stop. In order to fully understand exactly when the site does not work, you must know on what dates the new year begins.

Here is the schedule for this event for the next three years:

Despite the fact that these days the state declares only six days off from January 22 to 28, sellers will not work one week before the start of the new year and two weeks after it.

We have already mentioned above that only residents of China can register and fully make purchases directly on Taobao. However, in China, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus there are enough companies that offer intermediary services for making purchases on Taobao and delivering goods from this site.

It is quite clear that the conditions for making a purchase through one or another intermediary will be different, as will the tariffs for their services. Therefore, in this article we will not consider the mechanism of working with an intermediary (this can be viewed directly on the website of the intermediary company). We will focus only on finding the necessary goods, selecting goods and choosing sellers, because... This is a fundamental process and no matter what intermediary company you use, you will have to deal with it one way or another.

As a rule, you can also search and sort products on the website of the intermediary company. But for the most part, not all sites allow such searches to be carried out accurately and correctly. But on almost all websites of intermediary companies it is possible to search for a product using a direct link from the Taobao website.

Thus, the main purpose of visiting the Taobao website directly is to search for that very link to a very specific product from a very specific seller.

Searching for a product on the Taobao website is done in two ways. The first way is to use the search menu on the main page of the site. In order to search for a product, you will have to use a translator and enter names in Chinese characters, since if you enter them in English, it is unlikely that you will find anything.

The second way to search is to use the rubricator, which is also located on the main page of Taobao.

For a more convenient search, in the future we recommend translating the page using Google Translate or using the translators built into the browser. As a result, you will get an image like this.

After you have gone to the required category menu or entered the name of the product in the search bar and clicked “Find”, you will see a page with the results of your request.

Here you can use the menu to sort products according to the parameters you are interested in, by price range, models, material, color, as well as many other characteristics. Just below, you can sort by criteria such as TaoBao Mall, Auction, Popular, Used and New. You should be aware that in this online store, if you end up with an unscrupulous seller, you can get very low-quality items, consumer goods. To prevent this from happening, be more careful when choosing sellers. The surest way is to visit TaoBao Mall.

After you have sorted all the products you are interested in, you can select the best offer and then go to the website of the seller of the product that you liked most.

To make it more clear how to get all the information you need about the product you have chosen, you should go to its page by clicking on the product picture. As a result, we will see a page with the same layout as in the figure.

On this page you can find out not only all the information about the product, but also about the seller and in which province it is located. This page also indicates the quantity of goods that is in stock, but note that this figure is almost always unreliable. Also, the cost of the product and the cost of shipping by various types of mail are indicated here.

To imagine the approximate cost of a product in more familiar monetary units, let’s give an approximate exchange rate of the Chinese yuan to the US dollar and the Russian ruble.

1 CNY ≈ 0.16 USD

1 CNY ≈ 5 RUR.

When deciding to purchase a product, you need to evaluate the reliability of the seller. After all, the quality of the purchase will depend on his conscientiousness.

All information about the seller is on the product page. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail.

The store's rating depends on the number of transactions completed. Visually, the rating looks like the presence of pictograms under the seller’s name (box 1 in the picture). There are 4 types of pictures: hearts, diamonds, blue and gold crowns. The gradation of ratings is shown in the picture.

It becomes clear that sellers with golden crowns have the best ratings. It is safer to order a product from a store with a rating of at least 10, that is, the icons are blue and gold crowns. The fact is that sellers can artificially inflate the sales rating for money, so low values ​​should be alarming. However, you should not immediately discount sellers with low ratings. Perhaps the store is still new, and the required number of sales simply has not been achieved. The opening date of the store can be viewed in box 2. It may also indicate in which province the store is located. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the product: if the product is seasonal or very rare, sales will also be small. If the store has been open for a long time, and there are not many sales, there may be something wrong with the seller or his product. Therefore, we continue to explore the product page.

Let's look at box 3 in the picture. Another row of ratings is displayed here. It is better that these values ​​are not lower than 4.5. What are these indicators? The first line informs about the correspondence of the information specified by the seller in the product description with the actual product received by the buyer. This is a very important rating, because sellers often use only pictures from catalogs in their descriptions, while real photos are not posted. By the way, the presence of real photographs in the description is a very good sign. The second line talks about the seller’s attitude towards the customers of his store. The third line reflects the speed of delivery of the goods by the seller. If these ratings are high enough, the store can be trusted.

Another good sign of the seller’s reliability is indicated in box 5. If this icon is present on the product page, it means that the seller has passed personal identification and provided his documents.

Information about the seller can be viewed in a separate window. To do this, click on the seller's rating - hearts, diamonds or crowns (box 1). The following page will open.

This window contains almost all of the above information. In addition, you should pay attention to the presence of the following icons in box 6.

1 – the seller provides the opportunity to return the goods within 7 days from the date of receipt if the buyer is not satisfied with the product.

2 – the seller guarantees that this product is original. If the buyer manages to prove otherwise, the store will reimburse three times the cost of the goods.

3 – this icon indicates fast delivery of the goods – within 24 hours after receiving payment.

4 – the product is under maintenance for a month from the date of sale (most often this applies to electronic goods).

5 – the product has a quality certificate.

In addition, another icon, box 7, is important - it indicates a high correspondence of the description to the real product.

In box 8 you can see the number of reviews - good, neutral and negative. Review icons are also displayed in this box: a good review is shown with a red flower, a neutral review is shown with a yellow flower, and a negative review is shown with a dark flower. The reviews themselves can be read below this table.

Another way to assess the reliability of a seller is to host a store on TMall. TMall or otherwise Taobao Mall is a division of Taobao. This includes stores with high ratings, whose sellers have been verified by the Taobao administration.

Taobao, like any other online store, provides its customers with sales, discounts and bonuses. But unfortunately, if you are not familiar with Chinese characters, it will be incredibly difficult for you to find out about the appearance of hot prices. In order to make searching for discounts easier, below we provide the main hieroglyphs that indicate the start of sales and the hieroglyphs that indicate the size of the discounts

特价 - a hieroglyph meaning a special discount on the site.

促销 - sale on the website.

优惠 - current additional discounts

包邮 - This product offers free shipping

The following hieroglyphs will also be very useful to you:

杀秒 - large but short-term discounts

清仓 - goods sold at cost, seasonal discounts.

- this hieroglyph must be used to search for the size of the product you need at a discount. In order to carry out such a search, you will have to indicate the discount hieroglyph, and then write this hieroglyph.

The TAOBAO discount is indicated as follows:

1折 - 90%

2折 - 80%

3折 - 70%

4折 - 60%

5折 - 50%

6折 - 40%

7折 -30%

8折 - 20%

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During perestroika and post-perestroika times, Chinese goods were considered synonymous with poor quality. Many of them fell apart or came apart at the seams literally five minutes after purchase. At the same time, many items of decorative and applied art were very popular and were welcome gifts. In recent years, anyone can travel to either using the services of a travel agency or on their own. And, naturally, the question of what can be bought in .

What to buy in China and what should you pay attention to when buying? When writing the article, I relied on my experience and the experience of my parents - for work, we have to visit quite often and for a long time.

I talked about where it is better to shop and how to bargain in the article. If you haven't read it, I recommend you check it out as well.

Quite a lot of electronic products are produced in China. These can be either products from well-known brands or your own brands. There are relatively inexpensive high-quality goods, but you can also buy low-quality counterfeits.

In China it is worth buying all sorts of small things: headphones, microphones. They also sell all sorts of “spy things”, such as pens with a small video camera or voice recorder. Be sure to check the legislation of your country to see if it is possible to have such products for personal use. From personal experience, it seems that it is better to buy in stores with a fixed price - it will be cheaper.

I have been using a car recorder purchased in China for a long time. Small, convenient, it is indispensable in the car, and easily fits into a bag when I leave my car in the parking lot. Also indispensable was a small fan, which is inserted at one end into the USB port of the computer. On hot days, working with him is a pleasure. Depending on the quantity, such fans cost about 20-30 yuan (translated into rubles - multiply by 5, i.e. about 100-150 rubles). China also has a large number of batteries for phones and cameras, as well as chargers for them. If possible, choose products made in Taiwan.

Many of my students actively use Chinese phones purchased during their internship in China. According to my observations, now it is more profitable to buy them from us - in recent years, prices in the Middle Kingdom have increased significantly. If you decide to purchase a computer, then it is better to do it in Russia. You also need to be careful when buying Chinese Apple products - you may encounter a fake. But in Hong Kong you can buy without fear - at least that’s what our Chinese friends say.

In Beijing you can buy good electronics at the market Hongqiao-shichang红桥市场 ("Pearl Market"; at the eastern exit of) and on the street Yabao-lu雅宝路, where many sellers speak Russian, as well as in the electronics market.

In general, when purchasing electronics, it is better to check all goods on the spot so that there are no unpleasant surprises later. You also need to keep in mind that at Russian airports, passengers on Chinese flights pass through the “red” corridor.


Very good watches are sold in China, including well-known brands (we will not discuss the issue of fakes). On average, the cost of a women's watch is about 40 yuan, and a men's watch is about 50 yuan. High-end watches from famous Chinese brands can be bought for somewhere around 800 yuan and above. When purchasing, you can try on the watch and, if necessary, they will immediately shorten the bracelet. Sometimes sellers demand extra money for the battery - don’t give it, it’s already included in the price.

Pearls and jewelry

You can buy beautiful pearls in China. However, there is also a high risk of running into a fake. Stores usually sell pearls grown on special plantations. Different colors of pearls - pink, cream, bronze, silver, gray, purple, black - are obtained by adding special dyes to baths with shellfish.

Among the fake pearls, the following types can be distinguished:

  • plastic,
  • blank balls are coated with a special varnish that imitates pearls,
  • Mother of pearl from shells is applied to the blanks.

Pearl beads are often sold without a lock - you can choose a lock on the spot. In front of you, the seller or assistant will transfer the pearls to another thread, often knots are tied between the pearls. It is worth making sure that the thread and knots are not rough.

When buying pearls, there is haggling, haggling and haggling again. The average price of a string of pearls is about 50 yuan. Initially, the price may be around 300 yuan or more. The larger the pearls, the more expensive the beads. Carefully inspect the pearls - they should be sorted, approximately the same size and quality, and shiny; There should be no dull spots, dots, or dents.

In Chinese markets, which look more like modern shopping centers, you can buy certified pearls in boutique stores. The price will usually be higher.

Along with a string of pearls, you should also buy earrings with pearls. You can separately select a pearl and a metal base, from which ready-made earrings will be made immediately. The cost of the earrings is 150-200 yuan; by bargaining, this price can be significantly reduced. Typically, the pearl is attached to the base using glue. Make sure that the glue holds it tightly - I had a couple of times when the pearl flew off, although right into my hand.

Before buying, it is better to carefully consider the question of how to choose high-quality pearls and distinguish them from fakes.

Also in China they sell very nice silver products - various chains, necklaces, pendants. The average cost of a silver chain is about 20 yuan.


In recent years in China, prices for many good products have begun to rise, which is associated with an increase in the standard of living of the Chinese. Therefore, it will be more profitable to buy many products from us - because... they come in large quantities from the factory. But the choice, of course, will be much smaller.


Chinese painting has long been very popular in Europe. Paintings bring oriental flavor to the house and decorate the home. In China you can find any kind - on paper and silk, drawn and embroidered, in various genres - “mountains and waters”, “flowers and insects”, etc., and well wishes. The prices are very different. The main thing is not to fall for the seller’s persuasion that this is a unique work of art.

Art objects and paintings can be bought in the parks. Often a calligrapher will write an exquisite inscription right in front of you. Many interesting works of calligraphy and painting can be found at the monasteries.


Tea is another product that is traditionally imported from China. When you buy Chinese tea, you can try it - the seller will be happy to brew you several types of tea and explain the features of its preparation - it’s free. A tea store must have a refrigerator where green tea is stored. Usually tea is packaged in packages of 500 grams (1 jin), in tourist places there are packages of 100 grams.

There are different teas: green, floral, white, red (black), pu-erh, oolong, fruit, various mixtures. Many of them are good for health. You can find out more in the article. But it is better not to buy tea with ginseng - it is no longer found in nature in China; it is grown artificially, with the addition of a large amount of fertilizers, including pesticides.

Tea is usually packaged in beautiful and stylish boxes, especially expensive varieties. Tea prices vary greatly; there are varieties that cost several thousand, or even tens of thousands of yuan or more. Tea should be young, up to a year, but pu-erh - the older, the better.

By the way, it is not necessary to buy Chinese tea directly from China. As my family's experience has shown, you can buy excellent tea at a lower price through online stores. Read about how to do this correctly in articles and.


You can buy beautiful ones in China. There are quite a few intermediary companies with Russian-speaking employees who will help you choose and place an order. It is transported to Russia in containers by rail.


Of course, not all food sold in China can be brought home. However, there are things that are worth buying for yourself and as a gift.

A package of muer (tree ears) mushroom costs about 18-20 yuan. Muer is not only a tasty mushroom, but also medicinal and helps with some diseases. You can read more about it on my blog “Moscow Region” in the article “Black tree mushroom muer (“wood ears”, or “Judas ear”)”.

Chinese beer is very tasty. But don't take it too strong. Local wines are also good. But we didn’t like the French ones that are sold there. And, of course, be sure to buy maotai And .

It’s also worth bringing dried fruits, cookies, brown cane sugar, and rock sugar.

Before transporting products, be sure to read the transportation rules.

Medicines and cosmetics

In China you can buy very good medicines made according to traditional recipes. I’ll name just a few: ointment 999 (cooling, against insect bites, burns), tiger balm, red oil, pencils for runny nose, plasters, ginkgo biloba tablets, etc.

We really like Chinese shampoos, herbal creams, and face masks.

Again, check customs and shipping regulations before purchasing any of these in large quantities. So, aerosols are prohibited on airplanes, and we had a case when we were carrying shampoo in packaging that resembled an aerosol. Beijing airport employees asked to unpack the suitcase and inspected the packaging.


China is a haven for lovers of gardening and gardening. Stores sell bags of incredible varieties of vegetables and flowers. You can also remove seeds from fruits and then grow them at home: lychees, persimmons, “dragon eggs” (pitaya), etc.


A fan, as it turned out, is a necessary item, not only in China, but also here in the hot summer. I always have a small fan in my purse in the summer and, if necessary, I use it, to the envy of passers-by sweltering in the heat. Fanning yourself with a fan is much more effective and aesthetically pleasing than using a magazine or a sheet of paper. The Chinese often use fans. In addition, in the summer, many shops will offer you a fan while you choose a product.

A sandalwood fan, which spreads a pleasant smell, costs about 40-45 yuan, a wooden one - 20-25, there are also cheaper ones. Personally, I found small, lightweight fans that I could carry with me to be convenient.

Other products

Here I will simply list some products that can also be bought in China and which will be a welcome gift.

Cosmetic bags "matryoshka" made from silk. Smaller ones are added to a larger one in descending order. The usual number of cosmetic bags in such a set is 3-5.

Sun hats. The simplest sun hats cost 3-5 yuan, souvenir ones - 20-40 yuan. They are made from bamboo, they are light and protect the head well from the heat.

Kites sold almost everywhere. There are an incredible number of types and colors of them in China. It is worth buying a tape measure with a rope for the kite.

Batik. You can buy clothes and bedspreads.

Thermoses. People who lived during the Soviet era probably remember Chinese thermoses. In China you can buy different thermoses - both decorative and for hiking. Thermos mugs with a sieve inserted into them are very convenient.

Flasks. Decorative flasks made of painted rock crystal and jasper are for sale. Unfortunately, there are many fakes among them.

CD. You can buy good wheels in China. Unfortunately, not all formats are readable, even if the disc is checked in front of you in the store. What is the reason for this - I don’t know. But about half of the discs brought from China are not readable on my computer or in music centers.

More small things: small microscopes, magnifying glasses, miniature photo and film cameras (“a godsend for a spy”), pocket devices for detecting counterfeit money, phone cases.

And finally, as a general rule: be sure to keep all receipts. Pack the purchased goods well in a suitcase, because luggage is not handled in the best way during transportation. And don’t forget to read the customs and baggage rules before going to the store.

Happy shopping in China! I think now you will not be tormented by the question of what to buy in China.

Our purchases in Chinese stores and on Chinese trading platforms were limited to small things. These were mainly accessories for computers and phones. But they also purchased many Chinese phones in China, as well as an e-book and a Xiaomi Mi Mitu construction kit.

Chinese online stores of electronics, household appliances, clothing, shoes, toys, accessories,...

  • GeekBuying- Chinese online store specializing in the sale of electronics. The assortment includes more than 10,000 products in 14 main categories: smartphones, tablets, TV set-top boxes, DVRs and other gadgets. The store provides a 1 year warranty for free repairs. You can pay for your order using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover bank cards, as well as using the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages, including Russian (automatic translation using Google)

  • GearBest is a Chinese online store created by gadget lovers for gadget lovers. On GearBest you can purchase popular gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, TV set-top boxes, remote control cars, radio-controlled quadcopters, flashlights, watches and other electronic devices. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express bank card, as well as using the PayPal payment system. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • TomTop- a Chinese online store that received the title of Gold Supplier from the Chinese trading platform Alibaba. The assortment includes more than 1 million products: smartphones, tablets, computers and accessories, radio-controlled models, cameras and photo accessories, clothing, jewelry, health and beauty products, sports and outdoor products, auto products, musical instruments, toys. The Price Match program allows you to get products at the same price as in another store. 1 year warranty for most items. You can pay for your order using payment systems Yandex.Money, QIWI, Paypal, as well as using bank cards. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • BangGood- a universal Chinese online store offering various products from the developments of Chinese electronics manufacturers (phones, tablets) to jewelry. The BangGood store offers electronics, clothing, accessories, household goods, outdoor and sports products, toys and auto-moto accessories. BangGood also boasts a good selection of radio-controlled toys. In addition, there is a separate section for adults. The total assortment of the store includes more than 70,000 items. You can pay for your order using payment systems PayPal, QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex Money, as well as a bank card. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Zapals- Chinese online store. The assortment includes high-tech devices (smartphones, tablets, cameras, flashlights, electronics accessories, USB gadgets), a variety of devices for home and kitchen, sports, recreation, health, beauty, women's and men's clothing, jewelry, bags, toys, pet supplies. The company focused on creating an online store with the delivery of the widest possible range of products directly from manufacturing plants. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • EverBuying- Chinese online store. The assortment includes electronics (smartphones, tablets, TV set-top boxes, computers, accessories,...), women's and men's clothing, watches, jewelry, toys, accessories, goods for sports and outdoor activities, and household goods. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system and a bank card (via Paypal). The site is in several languages, including Russian (Google auto-translation).

  • BuyInCoins- Chinese online store. The assortment includes more than 55,000 products: smartphones, tablets, accessories for Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod, electronic gadgets, clothing, shoes, accessories, watches, cosmetics, goods for sports and outdoor activities, auto products, goods for children,... . The store cooperates directly with Chinese factories, which allows you to sell goods at a lower price. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. You can pay for your order using the payment systems QIWI, Paypal, Webmoney, as well as using bank cards. The site is in Russian.

  • LightInTheBox- Chinese online store. The assortment includes women's clothing (handmade dresses, wedding dresses, cocktail dresses, evening dresses, clothes and shoes for dancing,...), men's and children's clothing, goods for home and garden (lamps, faucets, sanitary ware, paintings, culinary tools , dishes,...), wedding goods, shoes, bags, sports and outdoor products, wigs, makeup and beauty products, car electronics, mobile phones and accessories, tablets,... Worldwide delivery, including to Russia. The support service employs native speakers. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • MiniInTheBox- Chinese online store. The assortment includes more than 100,000 items of goods: accessories for Apple and Samsung, accessories for mobile phones, accessories for computer games (Wii, PS3, Xbox, etc.), jewelry, watches, LEDs and lamps, electronics, sports goods, toys, beauty and health products, clothing. Works directly with supplier factories. You can pay for your order using PayPal, Yandex Money, QIWI and Webmoney payment systems, as well as with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express bank card. Free returns within 30 days. The site is in several languages, including Russian. The staff speaks 27 languages.

  • CNDirect- Chinese online store. The range includes: women's clothing, men's clothing, bags and shoes, intimate clothing, jewelry and watches, children's products, home and garden products, health and beauty products, electronics, toys, auto products. Worldwide delivery is carried out using China Post Air Mail, EMS, UPS, DHL, Fedex. You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system and bank cards. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Coolicool is a Chinese online electronics store. The range includes smartphones, tablets, phone accessories, watches, sports cameras, car electronics, and toys. Delivery to Russia is free. You can pay for your order using PayPal, QIWI and Webmoney payment systems, as well as with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover bank card. The site is in several languages, including Russian. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Focal Price - Chinese online store. The assortment includes more than 70,000 products: accessories for Apple, mobile phones and tablets, accessories for cars, photo and video cameras, TV set-top boxes, projectors, computer accessories, jewelry, watches, goods for home and garden, toys, sports and active goods recreation. You can pay for your order using PayPal, Yandex Money and Webmoney payment systems, as well as by credit card. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • CesDeals (formerly NewFrog) is a Chinese online store. The assortment includes more than 5,000 products: consumer electronics, auto parts, cell phones, LED lamps, strips and flashlights, computer accessories, video games, accessories for Apple iPod and iPhone, flashlights, women's and men's clothing, underwear, jewelry, sports goods and active recreation, photo and video cameras. You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system, as well as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express bank cards. Delivery on any product is free. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • - a large Chinese online store of electronics and gadgets from China. The assortment includes more than 300 thousand products and 150 daily additions. Delivery to Russia is free (China Post, EMS). You can pay for your order using PayPal and Webmoney payment systems, as well as with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover bank card. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Sunsky Online is a Chinese online store. The range includes accessories for iPhone and iPad, accessories and spare parts for smartphones, tablets, action cameras, electronics, accessories for photo and video, computer accessories, car accessories, security systems and video surveillance systems, TV set-top boxes, toys, gadgets, smart watches, projectors, home theaters, MP3 players, walkie-talkies, video cameras, scales, batteries,... You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system and bank cards. Website in English.

  • TVC Mall - Chinese online store. The range includes spare parts and accessories for mobile phones, mobile phones, tablets, consumer electronics, computers and network devices, tools, home and garden products, GoPro accessories, sports and outdoor products, security and video surveillance systems, car accessories . The company is a leading supplier of spare parts and accessories for mobile phones. TVC Mall has its own production sites and also sells products from other manufacturers. Products are available wholesale and retail. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, JCB, HSBC bank card, as well as Paypal, Webmoney, Astropay payment systems. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Cafago is a Chinese online electronics store. The range includes cell phones, remote-controlled toys, cameras and video cameras, smart wearable devices, LED lights,... You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Amex bank card, as well as payment systems Webmoney, QIWI, Paypal. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • DinoDirect - Chinese online store. The assortment includes phones and tablets, flashlights and laser pointers, photo and video cameras, video games, computer accessories, clothing, shoes, accessories, wedding goods, electronics, accessories for cars and motorcycles, security systems and video surveillance systems, toys, Apple accessories, goods for sports, beauty and health products, home and garden products, jewelry, watches. You can pay for your order using the PayPal payment system, as well as by credit card. The site is in several languages, including Russian (Google auto-translation).

  • SheIn(formerly Sheinside) is one of China's leading online stores of fashionable clothing, shoes and accessories for women. It has been operating since 2008 and has more than 10 million clients. Targets a female audience aged 16 to 35 years. More than 2 million products and 500 new products every day! Daily new items correspond to the latest fashion trends. The assortment includes fashionable dresses, tops, skirts, leggings, shorts, trousers, jewelry, and accessories. The company has warehouses in China, Europe and the USA.
    Delivery to Russia is free for orders worth $50+. The lowest prices can be found in the Promotion section. You can pay for your order using a bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • SammyDress- Chinese online store of fashionable clothes at wholesale prices. The assortment includes women's clothing (wedding dresses, evening dresses, cocktail dresses, prom dresses, ball gowns, tops, swimsuits, ...), men's clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, accessories, ... You can pay for your order when using PayPal and Webmoney payment systems, as well as a bank card. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • DressLily- Online store of clothing and accessories. The assortment includes women's clothing (dresses, sweaters, blouses, leggings, underwear, outerwear,...), men's and children's clothing, jewelry, bags, shoes, watches. Worldwide shipping is free. The lowest prices can be found in the Clearance section. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. Website in English and French.

  • Zaful is a Hong Kong online clothing store. The assortment includes women's clothing (dresses, sweaters, blouses, jackets, coats, skirts, shorts, trousers, jeans, leggings, swimsuits, outerwear,...), men's clothing, sportswear, shoes, jewelry, bags, footwear, belts, hats, sunglasses,... Lowest prices in the Sale section. Free shipping on orders over $49. You can pay for your order using a bank card (Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Maestro, Diner's Club), as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages, including English.

  • Newchic is a Chinese online clothing store founded in 2013. Focuses on clothing and fashion accessories. The assortment includes women's clothing (dresses, blouses, T-shirts, jeans, trousers, overalls, kimonos, underwear, swimsuits...), men's and children's clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, watches, goods for home and garden, goods for health and beauty,... Free shipping on orders over $35. Free Express Shipping on orders over $99. You can pay for your order using a bank card (Mastercard, Visa), as well as payment systems Yandex.Money, QIWI, Paypal. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • RoseGal is a vintage style clothing and accessories store. Free shipping worldwide, including to Russia. Unconditional return guarantee - 30 days. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. Website in English and French.

  • Chiquedoll is a Chinese online store specializing in fashionable clothes and shoes for young girls. Offers more than 100,000 types of women's clothing, shoes and accessories. Delivery to Russia is free for orders over $120. You can pay for your order using a Visa/Mastercard bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in English.

  • YesStyle is an online retailer offering fashionable clothes, accessories, cosmetics from Asian brands (China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan,...) Free shipping worldwide on orders over $35. Return of goods and exchange within 14 days. The site is in several languages, including Russian (automatic translation by Google).

  • TideBuy is an international online store. The assortment includes more than 30,000 products: fashionable clothing for men, children and women (dresses, sweaters, coats, jackets, jeans, leggings, shorts, tops, swimsuits, underwear, maternity products, large sizes), shoes, bags, bedding lingerie, wigs, cosmetics, jewelry, electronics, wedding dresses, accessories. You can pay for your order using a bank card and Paypal payment system. Website in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese.

  • Yoins is a Chinese online store of fashionable clothes and shoes at affordable prices. The company was created with the mission of giving young people the opportunity to express themselves through fashion of high quality, but at an affordable price. Yoins collects the best styles and trends from the world's runways and the streets to create comfortable and fashionable clothing. The assortment includes: women's clothing (dresses, tops, T-shirts, suits, trousers, jeans, shorts, leggings, skirts, coats, jackets, underwear, swimsuits, kimonos, large sizes), men's clothing, shoes, bags, accessories, jewelry, Goods for beauty and health. Free shipping on orders over $40. Free Express Shipping on orders over $99. You can pay for your order using a bank card, as well as Paypal and QIWI payment systems. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • PandaHall is an association of Chinese factories and also an online market for Chinese small goods. The range includes beads and accessories for sewing wholesale and retail, including: jade, silver, pearls, precious stones, lampwork beads, crystal goods. You can pay for your order using a bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Rotita is a Chinese online women's clothing store. The range includes: dresses, outerwear (coats, jackets, raincoats, vests), trousers, shorts, leggings, skirts, blouses, sweaters and cardigans, swimsuits, jewelry, accessories, and much more. New items arrive on the site every day. The store calls itself a Mecca for modern and fashionable girls. On the site you can find trendy items of the season at inexpensive prices made from quality materials. You can pay for your order using a VISA/MasterCard/American Express bank card, as well as the PayPal payment system. The economical Flat Rate Shipping type is free, but you can choose faster delivery.

  • TwinkleDeals is an international online store of fashionable clothing and accessories. The assortment also includes shoes, bags, jewelry, cosmetics, watches, and household goods. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. Website in English and French.

  • Rose Wholesale is a Chinese online store of clothing and accessories. The assortment includes women's, men's and children's clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, watches. The lowest prices can be found in the Clearance section. You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system and a bank card (via Paypal). Website in English and Spanish.

  • TrendsGal is a Chinese online store of fashionable clothing and accessories. The assortment includes clothing for women, men and children, shoes, bags, jewelry, watches, cosmetics, and household goods. The lowest prices can be found in the Special Offers and Clearance sections. You can pay for your order using the Paypal payment system and a bank card (via Paypal). Website in English.

  • DressLink is a women's fashion clothing and accessories retailer located in Shenzhen, China.
    The range includes winter jackets, women's coats, evening dresses, T-shirts, women's tops and vests, fashionable outerwear, sportswear, romantic accessories and jewelry, as well as custom-made wedding dresses. It is a supplier to many clothing stores, boutiques, online stores and wholesalers around the world. Supplies fashionable clothes and models from popular fashion magazines. The company has its own factory in Zhangzhou. In addition, to provide more than 6,000 styles, DressLink uses several large Chinese partners with mass production of clothing for export. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. The site is in several languages , including in Russian.

  • TinyDeal is a Chinese online store specializing in selling a wide range of inexpensive electronic goods (phones, tablets, wearable electronics, TV set-top boxes, accessories), clothing, toys, cosmetics and beauty products, household goods, auto products and other goods. The site features 50,000+ products. Delivery is free worldwide, including to Russia. You can pay for your order using payment systems PayPal, QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex Money, as well as a bank card. The site is in several languages, including Russian.

  • Azbro is a Chinese online store specializing in fashionable clothing. The assortment includes more than 30,000 types of women's clothing, shoes and accessories. Worldwide delivery is free. You can pay for your order using a Visa/Mastercard/Maestro/AmEx/Discover/JC B bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. Website in English .

  • NastyDress - Online fashion clothing store. The range includes clothing for men and women, shoes, accessories, bags, jewelry, wigs, as well as sexy dresses, swimsuits, lingerie and costumes. Delivery worldwide, including to Russia, is free. The lowest prices can be found in the Sale section. You can pay for your order using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro bank card, as well as the Paypal payment system. Website in English.

The largest Chinese trading platform with delivery only in China

  • TaoBao is the Chinese answer to Amazon and eBay. Taobao presents 700 million items from inexpensive Chinese clothing to branded goods. To work with it, you can use the intermediary Izobility or KupiNaTao (formerly RuTaoBao), whose products are translated into Russian, and you also have the opportunity to pay in more convenient ways and deliver to Russia. I have no experience working with TaoBao and Chinese intermediaries, since I prefer to buy branded items on American sites, including.

Large Chinese trading platforms (alternatives to eBay) with delivery to Russia

Examples of my purchases in Chinese online stores

  • - Remote control for the camera. Made great friends with my Nikon DSLR. Of course, only one shooting button works, but that’s what I expected after the reviews. Considering the price of a branded remote control is 15-20 dollars, it is generally a cool thing - it does its job. I used it for Chinese Star G5 phones, whose cables and/or connectors break all the time. It charges normally, but I'm afraid that the contacts can be easily mixed up. Because of versatility, you have to sacrifice something.

  • Star G5 TV is a phone with two SIM cards and color TV. Despite the good reviews, I didn’t like the phone at all (my relatives and I had 4 of them, so I’m not judging by a single copy). I don’t look towards Chinese phones anymore.

  • Cheap film for phone screens. The quality is like a cheap film :)

  • Phone cases made from cheap Chinese leatherette. The smell is disgusting, but nothing is broken or spoiled.

As you can see, we didn’t make many purchases in Chinese stores. And all because half of the goods, or even more, turn out to be of poor quality. In the USA, of course, the quality is much better, so it’s not without reason that they occupy a huge place on my blog.

Today I will tell you about what is profitable to buy in China and what products you should pay attention to.

By the word profitable we mean low price, i.e. how much cheaper this or that product is in China than in our regular Russian stores.

Stop enriching local entrepreneurs! They order huge wholesale quantities of various products from the Celestial Empire for next to nothing, marking up each product (as a result, the price rises 2, 3, 4 or more times). And you are all ready to shell out such a lot of money for this product because you don’t know how much it actually costs - PENNY! Businessmen make money at the expense of you - people who do not know how to independently order cheap goods from China.

It is profitable to buy in China

1. New tablets and smartphones.

Unknown Chinese brands of mobile equipment are gaining a large number of orders and satisfied customers: ZTE, THL, JIAYU, etc. The secret to the success of these devices is that they combine low price and high quality.

It's time to forget the times when Chinese products were associated with low quality. Today everything has changed.

2. Copies of famous smartphones.

If you don’t have enough money and want to get a branded mobile device, that’s not a problem. You can buy a copy of a device, for example, iPhone 6.

3. Refurbished smartphones and mobile phones

Refurbished – already used (used) phones and smartphones that have had their panel, buttons, display, etc. changed to make them look like new. The prices for such things are very low. Among such mobile devices you can find the well-known NOKIA 6233, Motorola RAZR V3, NOKIA 1100, Motorola E398 and other retro phones.

4. MP3 players.

Players, like phones, are plentiful in China. For every taste and color (with a built-in battery, with a removable battery, with and without a display) -

5. Mobile device cases.

In Chinese online stores you can find a huge number of simple and original cases for smartphones, phones and tablets. For less than 50 rubles. choose something suitable. In our stores they charge 2-3 times more money for the same product.

6. Films for mobile devices.

This is one of the most popular cheap goods. For example, on Aliexpress you can find film for iPhone for just 15-35 rubles -

7. Cables, cords and headphones.

8. Clothes and shoes.

In the vastness of Chinese trading platforms, there is a wide range of clothing: jackets, pants, hats, scarves, sweaters, sneakers, etc. There is a huge selection of original clothing that you cannot buy in our stores and markets.

When shopping for clothes, everyone faces the problem of choosing the right size. I will write a separate article about this someday. If I'm quick, I'll say that choose clothes from China that are at least 1 size larger than you actually wear. For example, if you wear a sweater in size XL, then you need to order a similar item in size XXL from China.

9. Clock.

There are plenty of watches in China and they are cheap. You can find little-known Chinese brands and copies of world-famous watches.

For example, a copy of Casio G-SHOCK on Aliexpress -

10. Brands promoted on television and on the Internet.

The Chinese actively monitor what products are popular around the world. If you see something new on TV, then rest assured that the Chinese have already produced a cheap copy of this product. This category of goods includes:

  • knife credit card -
  • talking hamster -
  • big toe corrector -

11. Jewelry.

Chains, pendants, bracelets, rings... In general, whatever your heart desires. I hope everyone knows that costume jewelry is jewelry made from inexpensive materials. You cannot order jewelry from China, I already talked about this in.

Bottom line

The list of goods that are profitable to buy in China can be supplemented at least every day. China produces a huge amount of products, the diversity of which is simply dizzying.

Remember that not every purchase from China may be profitable . In order not to be disappointed in your purchase, before ordering this item, compare the price of it in China and in your region. If the price is not much different or even lower than that of the Chinese, then it is best to purchase the goods somewhere nearby, rather than wait for a package for several weeks.

1. Aliexpress. is a Chinese trading platform owned by the Alibaba holding. Quality products, buyer payment protection, tracking of sent parcels. You can purchase any Chinese goods wholesale and retail, without requiring knowledge of the Chinese language or a valid Chinese bank account. Simply select a product in the catalog in Russian and pay for it in dollar equivalent in any available way.

2. Dhgate. is a leading e-commerce service that has revolutionized online trading in China. Here, leading Chinese sellers and global buyers from all over the world meet. As a buyer, you can purchase goods at wholesale prices, even if you order only 1 copy.

3. Tinydeal. is a Chinese online store with free shipping. More than 50,000 products at cheap wholesale prices. You can buy retail goods at wholesale prices. Free shipping! The more you buy, the bigger discounts you get!

To buy on the sites presented, no additional skills, knowledge or special ingenuity is required. Everything is simple and clear. I myself sometimes buy all sorts of small things there.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. You should look for real treasures (in price and design) from TaoBao sellers, on such obscure sites:

P.S. Today I received a video camera and memory cards ordered in China:
