contract workers, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Logging in without registering as a military personnel completely eliminates the need for trips to the accounting department to find out the amount of accruals. After creating an account, you can issue a certificate.

If you are receiving funds from the ERC MO and you know your personal number, enter into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the “Login without registration” button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Payslips” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you must create a full-fledged account. On the page mark “Register”. You will be offered another form in which, in addition to your date of birth and personal number, you must enter your self-created password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on “Register”, go to your email and follow the link provided in the letter sent from the Ministry of Defense website.

Benefits of accessing your personal account

Logging into a serviceman’s personal account using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Russian Ministry of Defense of all military districts with addresses and telephone numbers is available. You can fill it out and send it by email or fax. To receive a paper form to mail or submit in person, print the form on paper and fill it out.

More recently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a new program for all contract military personnel, with the help of which each of them can view the amounts of money to be paid. It was developed in connection with the emergence of frequent questions from military personnel about the calculation of payments and its amount, and many others.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense Each serviceman is given the opportunity to enter his personal account, where he can view all information about the accrual of funds from 2012 to today. The received data can be printed or transferred to a removable disk.

Login page for a military personnel's personal account

Registration in a military personnel's personal account

Any user can register on the site and gain access to the account in a few minutes. This requires entering a login and password, as well as filling out personal data. This is data such as:

  • Serviceman's personal number;
  • Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • Specifying your email.

The user comes up with the password independently. It must consist of at least six characters. For security, it is better to come up with a complex password.

To complete registration, the user will be sent an activation email to the specified email address. After the serviceman clicks on the link, he will automatically be taken to his personal account, thereby confirming registration.

Personal account of a Soldier without registration

Unregistered users can also view information on the site; just check the checkbox next to “log in without registration” and enter the required data, but still, to receive all the services provided by the site, we recommend activating your personal account.

If the user forgets his login or password, it can be easily recovered. To do this, you need to find the “forgot password” tab in the registration field and perform all the actions requested by the site. If you encounter any difficulties, you can seek help from specialists by writing a letter to the specified mailbox, or calling one of the specified numbers.

How does a military personnel's personal account work?

After the first login, each serviceman can find out how a payslip is generated, which includes all the information about accruals and deductions.

To form, you must indicate the required date and year.

For subsequent viewing, the personal account allows each serviceman to save pay sheets to his computer or removable disk.

Ministry of Defense website: login
Login to the Serviceman's Personal Account: login
Phone numbers of the Main Personnel Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense:
Hotline telephone number of the IRC RF Ministry of Defense: 8-800-737-7-737

Electronic mail (e-mail) for communication with the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense:

– Consulting department (Call – center);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.- Secretary;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Legal department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Administrative and regulatory department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (accounting) of the Southern Military District, Western Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (calculation) of Central Military District, Eastern Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (analysis and control);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– IT department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (bank settlements)

When making your request, do not forget to indicate:

1. Your personal number of a military person (SNILS - civilian).
2. Position (military).
3. Military rank - for military personnel.
4. Your last name, first name, patronymic (for alimony recipients additionally - last name, first name, patronymic of the alimony payer).
5. The essence of the appeal.
6. Telephone for communication.

IRC contact information (phone numbers and address)

Address of the unified settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya street, building 2, fifth floor.

Phone number to order a pass 8-495-693-65-01.

The settlement center is located on the fifth floor.

At the fourth call center, there is a database where you can check information on payments to military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

Hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

You can find out additional information about monetary allowances, check accruals and ask questions to employees of the unified settlement center of the Russian Ministry of Defense at the following contact numbers:

- IRC hotline 8-800-200-22-06 (toll-free number).

Opening hours of the IRC hotline (Moscow time)
Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 20.00
Saturday - Sunday from 09.00 - 18.00

More hotline numbers: 8 495 951 18 01, 8 495 693 66 33
- Head Loschenova Olga Vasilievna 8 495 693 65 02
- You can also call: 8-495-693-65-09, 8-495-693-65-10, 8-495-693-65-11, 8-495-693-65-12, 8- 495-693-65-13, etc. up to 31 at the end of the number.

Other contact numbers of the RF Ministry of Defense:

contract workers, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Logging in without registering as a military personnel completely eliminates the need for trips to the accounting department to find out the amount of accruals. After creating an account, you can issue a 2-NDFL certificate.

If you are receiving funds from the ERC MO and you know your personal number, enter into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the “Login without registration” button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Payslips” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you must create a full-fledged account. On the page mark “Register”. You will be offered another form in which, in addition to your date of birth and personal number, you must enter your self-created password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on “Register”, go to your email inbox and follow the link provided in the letter sent from the Ministry of Defense website.

Benefits of accessing your personal account

Logging into a serviceman’s personal account using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Russian Ministry of Defense of all military districts with addresses and telephone numbers is available. You can download the form, fill it out and send it by email or fax. To receive a paper form to mail or submit in person, print the form on paper and fill it out.
