1 year ago

  • I would add 100-200 ADA / Cardano and XLM / Stellar coins to the investment portfolio “for the future” - they have VERY good potential.
  • I would take a couple of 1060 video cards from Computeruniverse for the experiment (promo code for a discount in 5 — FWAUCZB ) for Zcash mining.

And now - in more detail.

XRP (Ripple protocol)

XRP (Ripple) cryptocurrency logo

In December 2017 - January 2018, the price of the cryptocurrency for cheap international transfers Ripple (XRP) soared in price from $0.2 per piece to $3.8. In 2017, the Ripple rate increased by 3,803%, after which the coin firmly established itself in the top three cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization. During the current year, analysts confidently predict further growth - up to $10 and even up to $100. Why is XRP/Ripple considered so promising?

  • Ripple solved the two main problems of Bitcoin and Ethereum- slow transaction speed and high transfer fees. An international transfer takes from 3 to 7 days through a bank, over 1 hour through Bitcoin, and 15 minutes through Ethereum. Bankers ask for a commission of $3.85, Bitcoin - $35, Ethereum - $0.4, . ARipple allows you to make international transfers in 4 seconds and with a commission of only 0.00001 XRP, i.e. de facto free.
  • Ripple is already working - popular banks use it. If Bitcoin only achieved its appearance in futures trading in the United States in 10 years, then Ripple gained support in just five more than 100 banks, including American Express, UniCredit, Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Chartered and UBS. They already work with the Ripple protocol - and !
  • Ripple is not a “revolutionary”. Ripple’s plans do not include the destruction of banks and governments, as “traditional” cryptocurrencies declare. On the contrary, Ripple is ready to cooperate with the “powers that be” in order to earn money and at the same time make the world a little better. It is not surprising that XRP is so readily accepted by banks - they see the new currency not as an enemy, but as a partner.
  • XRP is inexpensive- now it’s about 50-60 rubles. As a result, investing in a coin is not difficult even for a person with a small amount of money.

Ripple forecast for 2018

Stagnation and price decline in the first quarter (a good chance for purchasing at a low price), then $5 in the second quarter. Further growth is possible up to $10 per piece (conservative). $100 apiece is optimistic.

But, of course, the price is far from the most important thing in the story with Ripple.

None of the cryptocurrencies you'll read about have the same chance of eventual adoption in the real world as Ripple!

Ethereum (ETH)

Cryptocurrency No. 2 in the world, only Bitcoin is cooler. The author is “our man”, a developer originally from Russia (but lives in Canada) Vitalik Buterin. It is expensive and growing quickly - on December 31, 2017, Ethereum cost $750, on January 10, 2018, the price soared to $1,300. What is it about this project that makes it so attractive to users?

Ether is expensive - and it can be “mine”(mining) on ​​video cards! In 2016 and 2017, Ethereum miners were literally swimming in gold.

Ethereum has smart contracts- a technology that the authoritative magazine The Economist calls “a new era in financial” technology. What it is? A smart contract is a programmable agreement, the careful observance of which is monitored not by people, but by two objective arbiters - the Ethereum virtual machine and blockchain technology. Where can it be used? Wherever people need to agree on something. For example, you want to safely sell something on Avito to a person from another city. A smart contract is created, and the person will not receive your item until he transfers the money. Poor scammers, how will they deceive people, they will probably have to find a normal job :).

The prospects for Ethereum were very well considered by large businesses. Ethereum's partners already include: Microsoft, Mastercard, BP, Intel, Samsung, JP Morgan, Toyota and Cisco.

Ethereum has not yet become the No. 1 cryptocurrency in the world only because it has not yet solved two serious problems - slow transaction speed(20 per second - compare with 1,500 for Ripple / Stellar and 50,000 for Visa / MasterCard) and their high cost(commission for online transfers reaches 5%).

True, Vitalik Buterin and his colleagues have already presented a solution for both problems - the transition from the “heavy” PoW mining protocol to the “light” PoS protocol. In PoS, users will leave a portion of the ether coins they own in their accounts. This will allow them to be part of validator pools (certification centers) and receive a reward for conducting transactions in the amount of 2 to 15% for each transfer.

In other words, it is better to buy or mine at least a little “ether” right now, so that later you can make money on it all the time.

How to mine Ethereum

For this you will need a video card. The most profitable way to transport them is from the best online store in Germany - Computeruniverse. Video cameras are 20% cheaper there than in Russia, because... we don't have to pay German VAT, plus the store offers a branded promo code for a €5 discount - FWAUCZB. The most productive video cards for Ethereum mining in 2018 are “red”, these are AMD Radeon RX 570 (27.9 + sol) and Radeon RX 580 (30.2 +). The best manufacturer is Sapphire.

Helpful advice: It’s better to buy 2 cards cheaper than one more expensive one, because two cards for comparable money will give you more so-called. “solov” (a unit of video card performance in mining). But do not forget that goods worth no more than 1,000 euros per month can be imported into the Russian Federation from abroad. The maximum volume of one order, in order to avoid suspicion of a commercial shipment from customs in 2018, is 2 video cards.

P.S. Don't forget the brand name promo code for €5 discount— FWAUCZB

Zсash (ZEC)

Zсash is the first truly anonymous cryptocurrency in the world, the best alternative to Bitcoin according to Edward Snowden himself and a very promising direction for mining in 2018. Now, first things first:

ZCash is the only altcoin designed and implemented specialists and scientists in the field of cryptography. It provides the user with absolute privacy - and therefore donations to ZEC are accepted by fighters against world governments from WikiLeaks Julian Assange. Why, even the creator of the competing cryptocurrency Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, speaks favorably of ZCash!

  • Firstly, ZCash, unlike Bitcoin, allows users to do not post data on the amount of payment in ZEC, as well as their sender and recipient on the public blockchain. So, there was some kind of transaction, and who sent what to whom, the devil only knows. Zcash coins also do not store transaction history. As a result, only the participants in the transaction have information about this. So a third party, even if they wanted, could track a transaction in Bitcoin (the intelligence services have already learned how to do this), but not in ZEC.
  • Secondly, ZCash offers an incredible thing at first glance - it mathematically proves to the entire community that a transaction without any data about it(owners’ wallet addresses, transfer amount) after all took place. And at the same time it does not report any data to the blockchain! A truly unique protocol is responsible for this zk-SNARK, developed by the creators of cryptocurrency based on the so-called. “zero-knowledge proofs.” Here's how it works:

Zcash is also very popular among miners:

  • The currency is expensive - around 40,000 rubles;
  • Favorable conditions for mining - a block is formed quickly, in just 2.5 minutes, weighs 2 MB, and the reward for mining one block is 12.5 ZEC;
  • Ethereum has already announced that it will abandon mining for the foreseeable future. Zcash developers are just starting to think about this, i.e. throughout 2018 and, most likely, 2019, ZEC production through mining will not go away.

For Zcash mining buy “green” NVIDIA 10 series cards. The best option in terms of price-mining speed ratio is the GTX 1060 with 6 GB of RAM (hashrate - 330 sol). “Farmers” with a lot of money are buying up more expensive GTX 1070 Ti video cards (520+ sol). The best manufacturers of these video cards are ASUS (Strix) and Palit.

P.S. Don’t forget the company promo code for a €5 discount - FWAUCZB

Lumen/XLM (Stellar)

Official Stellar logo

This is the “little brother” and the “correct” version of Ripple!

Lumen (XLM) cryptocurrency and Stellar blockchain protocol were invented Jed McCaleb- a figure in the cryptocurrency industry practically legendary. Why? Firstly, it was Jed who created the first popular cryptocurrency exchange Mt Gox(it accounted for up to 70% of global Bitcoin transactions in the early 10s). His second crypto project turned out to be... our old friend Ripple! But McCaleb left the company after he had a falling out with his partner and, in addition, realized that XRP had become a “minion” coin for banks and governments around the world. I grieved and grieved, and launched the “correct Ripple” called “Stellar”.

Why is Stellar better than Ripple?

  • Improved protocol. In 2014, when Stellar was still working on the Ripple blockchain, the so-called crash happened to it. "network collapse" A key element of the protocol was at fault - consensus mechanism, it turned out to be a technology with inherent vulnerabilities. McCaleb developed a new, more advanced consensus mechanism - the "integrated Byzantine treaty."
  • System of simple smart contracts. Ethereum relied on complex smart contracts - and became a victim of hackers. Therefore, the developers of the Stellar protocol deliberately made “smarts” simple - so as not to generate errors and not give hackers a chance to hack the system.
  • Platform for launching other cryptocurrencies. Even an inexperienced developer will create a smart contract on the Stellar protocol in a period of several hours to 1-2 days. And users will be able to buy new coins from him not only for lumens, but also for more popular currencies - ether and bitcoin. The first ICO has already taken place - the “killer” project of Google Play and App Store Mobius collected $35 million from large investors.
  • Like Ripple, Stellar offers instant money transfers(3-5 seconds) with a negligible commission - 100,000 XLM transfers cost... 1 cent!
  • Fixed the main flaw of Ripple. De facto, Ripple is not a crypto project, but an ordinary commercial organization, i.e. his main goal is to make money for the owners. For Stellar, McCaleb chose a completely different form of organization. The project is managed by the non-profit Stellar Development Foundation (SDF). There is no owner - McCaleb is a co-founder, but is not even on the board - no preferred members, no shares. The fund lives solely on 5% of XLM Lumen coins as originally reported.
  • Large buyers of Lumen entered into a restrictive agreement banning the sale of XLM for 5 years to prevent them from collapsing the currency. So at least until 2019, the Stellar/XLM rate is not threatened by a large release of coins onto the market.
  • Serious partners. Computer giant IBM and Stellar are testing a system of free international transfers through XLM coins. And the famous consulting company Deloitte in 2016 already launched a joint bank with Stellar with transfers in 5 seconds versus 3-7 days for conventional banks. So Stellar also has a practical implementation.
  • It's inexpensive— $0.64 per lumen.

Since January 2018, Stellar has firmly entered the TOP 10 cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization. The scale of Jed McCaleb's personality and the characteristics of the Stellar project suggest that the price of XLM will only increase.

Where can I buy: on the Russian-language exchange Binance (only for bitcoins).

ADA (Cardano blockchain)

But “Adochka” is a whole “scientific” cryptocurrency! It quite surprised the world with its growth rate at the turn of 2017-2018 - in mid-December ADA cost 20 cents, in early January it was already almost 80. What is the secret?

Cardano has created an international consortium of cryptocurrency researchers. “Pundits” from the USA, Scotland and Greece studied a mountain of literature, identified the shortcomings of the existing “cryptocurrency” and proposed their own version of a blockchain currency for money transfers with the maximum level of security and confidentiality for the participants in the transaction. By the way, programmers from the countries of the former USSR made and are making a very large contribution to the development of Cardano.

More benefits of Cardano:

  • Project Manager Charles Hoskinson stood at the origins the world's second most popular (and market capitalization, of course) cryptocurrency Ethereum, in 2013-14 he even headed the company. In other words, ADA/Cardano is led by a very strong and successful manager in the industry.
  • Blockchain technology 3rd generation- with the abandonment of mining (expensive and time-consuming) in favor of staking (cheap and fast), the ability to modify the platform through soft forks (Bitcoin and Ethereum, when changes are made, new forks have to be created)
  • ADA is already popular in Japan— the currency is called “Japanese Ethereum”, because During the Cardano ICO, 95% of the coins were bought up by risky guys from the Land of the Rising Sun.
  • The most important thing is about to happen: Debit cards will become available in Japan with instant exchange of ADA for fiat (ordinary, in our case - yen) currencies and first 5 ATMs. You feel? It's already

The actions of speculators and the policies of financial regulators will determine which cryptocurrency will grow to new highs in 2018. In addition, analysts note technological features that will affect market dynamics. Pessimists warn of a future collapse of digital currencies, the value of which will fall tenfold.

Growth factors

In 2017, there was a rapid increase in cryptocurrency quotes. These trends will continue in 2018, experts say. Increasing capitalization of the digital currency market will depend on the following factors:

  1. Legalization of transactions by financial regulators, which became the main driver of growth in 2017.
  2. Development of technological infrastructure and solving security problems.
  3. Expanding options for using investment assets.

In 2017, the total capitalization of altcoins for the first time exceeded the corresponding indicators of Bitcoin. Analysts have different assessments of which cryptocurrency will be the most promising in 2018, noting the five most likely options.


Bitcoin will remain the undisputed leader in the digital currency market. In 2018, the value of this asset will exceed the $20,000 mark, experts say. Despite the leadership in exchange rate dynamics, further rise in price of Bitcoin will be restrained by the following factors:

  • technical imperfection;
  • slow transaction processing;
  • emissions according to the POW (proof of work) principle.

The rapid increase in the number of miners leads to a corresponding increase in electricity consumption. In the future, the cost of mining will increase, which will affect the profitability of mining. In such conditions, analysts exclude Bitcoin from the list of cryptocurrencies that are profitable to mine in 2018.

In addition, Bitcoin reached a new level of popularity in 2017, which provided an influx of speculative capital. As a result, the expected increase in the value of digital currency will be 50-100%, which is significantly behind the performance of altcoins. Analysts expect Bitcoin quotes to increase to $25,000/BTC.


This digital currency remains the second largest by capitalization and has significant prospects for further growth. The main advantage of Ethereum remains the transition to the POS (proof of stake) emission method, which will significantly reduce energy consumption during mining.

Despite the technological challenges associated with increasing the number of users, the value of Ethereum will more than double in 2018. As a result, the Ethereum rate will reach the range of $2000-2500/ETH, and the total capitalization will exceed $150 billion.

Bitcoin Cash

One of the new cryptocurrencies that investors will be investing in in 2018 is Bitcoin Cash. This asset appeared as a result of a hard fork, separating from Bitcoin with minor technical differences (Bitcoin Cash is based on an eightfold increase in the size of the data block).

Technological change allows us to solve one of the main problems of BTC - the speed of transactions. The developers emphasize that increasing the block while maintaining the information structure will be the main advantage of Bitcoin Cash. The price of this asset will reach $5,000/BCH next year.


One of the most promising cryptocurrencies in 2018 is Ripple. Investors will invest significant resources in this asset, since it is used in the classical banking sector. Ripple allows you to speed up transactions between financial institutions. At the same time, transaction costs are reduced, which is an additional competitive advantage. The final choice of representatives of the banking sector will determine what prospects await Ripple in 2018.

A favorable scenario involves an increase in the Ripple rate to $5/XRP. As a result, the capitalization of this asset will come in second place, losing only to Bitcoin. The largest banks will ensure sustainable growth in demand, which will affect price dynamics. However, speculators will take into account changes in privacy policies, which will be a major factor of uncertainty. The outflow of speculative capital could significantly weaken XRP's position.


One of the oldest cryptocurrencies has technological advantages over Bitcoin, but the dynamics of Litecoin remain unstable. Investors use this asset to differentiate their portfolio. At the same time, Litecoin is losing to modern altcoins, which will restrain the increase in its value in the near future.

In 2018, litecoin quotes will approach $350/LTC, which is recorded in the base scenario. A favorable forecast suggests an increase in the cost of LTC to $400.

Pessimists warn of risks that could lead to a crushing collapse of digital currencies in 2018.

Potential threats

The digital currency market reached its peak in 2017, after which a decline phase will begin, pessimists say. A blow to the market will be new restrictions from China, South Korea and Russia, which intend to take control of transactions with cryptocurrencies. Also, when deciding which currency to buy in 2018, investors should consider the following threats:

  • speculative capital will behave unpredictably, which will lead to additional volatility;
  • increasing complexity of technologies will affect the increase in transaction costs;
  • A further increase in the number of users will lead to new security problems.

Taking these factors into account, the most promising cryptocurrency for investment in 2018 is Ripple. Even if the pessimistic scenario is realized, this asset will remain in demand from large banks, which will help stabilize quotes. As a result, Ripple will maintain its position despite the collapse of other digital currencies.

Boarding for the Ripple 1 to 3 attraction is available throughout the week.
Don't miss a lot of impressions!

Bitcoin, launched back in 2009, served as a clear example that revealed the variety of benefits of cryptocurrency development. This has inspired many enthusiasts to follow in the footsteps of virtual currency developers. In less than ten years, the cryptocurrency system has evolved so much that today there are over 1,000 different cryptocurrencies. New ICOs and startups appear almost every day:

New ICOs

Of course, not all of them have the same potential and prospects as the founder of virtual money. However, in recent years, several projects have emerged that maintain a trend of stable growth, which is ensured by high transaction speeds and talented development teams.

Which cryptocurrencies to buy in 2018?

  1. Ripple(XRP). Launched in 2013. Almost the entire year it kept its starting price with minor deviations, which amounted to 0.5 cents. 2017 was a stellar year for Ripple. Today it is one of the fastest growing cryptocurrencies. Capitalization – 50 billion. Of course, it has rolled back from the maximum by 2 times, but its popularity is very high and there is a chance for growth to be restored.
  2. Ethereum(Ethereum, ETH). “Domestic produced” cryptocurrency. Launch date: July 2015. At the start, the cost did not exceed 1 dollar. However, this price remained with various fluctuations until 2016, and then it began to grow steadily. However, growth could not overcome the ten dollar mark. But by the summer of 2017, the $400 mark was reached. After that the price dropped by half. And yet, in January 2018 the price was $1,500. Total capitalization is more than 100 billion.
  3. NEO. Chinese version of cryptocurrency. Started in the fall of 2016. The advantages of Neo are the absence of a single control center and inaccessibility to government control. There are rumors that Neo will be included in the financial system of the Middle Kingdom. The rate growth is ensured by negotiations between developers and the Chinese government.
  4. NEM. Japanese cryptocurrency. Its peculiarity is the original formation of the blockchain. The growth of the rate is due to the almost instantaneous completion of transactions (the system provides 4 thousand transactions per second). Capitalization – 7 billion.
  5. Bitcoin Cash(abbreviated as BCH). Bitcoin's little brother. Some call Bitcoin Cash the true Bitcoin, as its technology has major innovations compared to the original BTC. At its maximum it reached almost $4,000, although now, like the entire TOP, it is in a rollback. Capitalization – 25 billion.

Crypto capitalization 2018 February

If you are not satisfied with the level of profitability of 1.5-2 times and need more “X’s” - pay attention to

The popularity of digital currency is growing every day. More and more people are discovering its advantages over traditional money. It ceases to be exclusively an exchange asset and begins to be perceived as a full-fledged payment instrument. Therefore, it becomes extremely important not to miss the most promising cryptocurrencies of 2018. Some of them have already managed to gain fame and recognition, others are only on the way to this achievement.

The coming year promises many pleasant surprises for fans of electronic money. Among them is the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to legalize trading operations with Bitcoin and other digital coins. This measure will make it possible to tighten government control over financial flows, as well as more effectively combat tax evasion and illegal capital laundering through cryptocurrency transactions.

As Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation Aleksey Moiseev said, government structures must have the appropriate powers to accurately identify all those involved in the deal. In addition, the participants in the transaction themselves are required to know the necessary minimum information about each other, as is now practiced by traditional payment systems.

His words are confirmed by Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova. “Electronic currency will soon acquire legal status. In this way, the state will be able to ensure the honesty and reliability of transactions carried out by decentralized services,” the official reports. The largest financial institution in the country, Sberbank, also predicts widespread integration of blockchain technology into various industries in 1 or 2 years. A large-scale transition to the use of digital money mechanisms can be expected over the next 5 years.

As for cryptocurrency in 2018: the most popular tokens will be those that can compete effectively, avoid all kinds of vulnerabilities, and, in addition, offer truly innovative solutions. This article will tell you which virtual platforms are among these.

We should start, of course, with digital coin No. 1 - Bitcoin. It is not for nothing that he is considered the progenitor and founder of the unique blockchain technology. In addition, it was he who managed to bring electronic money to the international market.

The project was launched in 2009. Its main advantage is complete confidentiality when carrying out transactions. Another interesting feature is the open source nature of the platform. Anyone has full access to the technical content of the currency and can easily verify that it does not contain hidden functions. The software is distributed under a free MIT license. Thanks to this, the resource is much less susceptible to human factors than standard payment systems. Trust in the issuer or regulatory structure has been successfully replaced by mathematical algorithms and cryptographic principles. Another positive aspect is official recognition in a number of states, the list of which is growing more and more every year.

However, despite the obvious advantages, Bitcoin could not avoid certain disadvantages. Among the disadvantages are usually the constant increase in the difficulty of mining and the limited release of coins.

Owners of special farms engaged in the extraction of digital money have to invest considerable funds to solve computational and organizational issues. However, for various reasons, expenses are constantly growing, and profits, on the contrary, are decreasing. But if you look at the problem from a different angle, then the electronic currency approaching its limit becomes more in demand, and accordingly, gains weight in the eyes of investors.

The number of users mining at home is rapidly decreasing. At the same time, completely new prospects arise for the joint production of digital money through a single system. Pools provide opportunities that are not available to one miner. In addition, distributors and computer hardware manufacturers receive additional motivation to develop significantly more powerful and technologically advanced platforms.

As mentioned earlier, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to launch the process of legalizing Bitcoin. Although in this case the currency risks losing its main advantage - anonymity. Today there is no consensus among legislators. Some officials believe that granting legal status to cryptocurrency in 2018 will reduce the degree of interest in it from ordinary citizens. Others, on the contrary, argue that the adoption of the coin at the official level will make it more convenient for market transactions.

Most experts expect the Bitcoin rate to be around 8-9 thousand dollars by the end of the year. Now the market for decentralized platforms is overflowing with various projects, but only a few coins can truly compete with the No. 1 currency. According to some experts in the field of finance, it is Bitcoin that claims to be the most promising cryptocurrency of 2018, which is capable of giving its holders maximum profit.

This electronic platform started in 2015 and in a relatively short period of time has acquired unprecedented popularity, currently second only to Bitcoin. The basis of the resource is an open decentralized platform that offers the function of smart contracts. With source code developed by users all over the planet, Ethereum was created as a coin that can adapt and transform to solve absolutely any problem.

A special internal token of the service is ether. Its use is not limited to participation in transactions. This coin can be used to carry out transactions with a wide variety of instruments, including financial assets. Due to its versatility, Ethereum is widely used in areas of economic activity such as accounting, logistics, and currency conversion. Most financial analysts assume that in the near future it will be able to replace the obsolete functionality for making payments,

In June of this year, the cost of one platform token exceeded $270. And back in March, its price was only $35. These are good growth indicators, and, consequently, huge potential for investing in the project.

By the beginning of 2018, the total amount of invested funds should reach almost 4 billion American rubles. Among the positive factors are favorable conditions for trading operations with the ETH/USD pair, which the eToro web resource offers today. This will certainly have the most beneficial effect on the resource.

When considering the most promising cryptocurrencies of 2018, one cannot help but pay attention to Litecoin coins. This digital currency rightfully ranks among the favorites and is incredibly popular among the general public.

This coin is the second fork of Bitcoin after Namecoin and boasts undeniable advantages over it. It was launched in the fall of 2011. The developer of these electronic money was Charlie Lee, who managed to establish himself in the world of blockchain. The main distinguishing feature of this crypt is a new mechanism for calculating transactions and mining tokens, which allows you to carry out the required operations at a significantly higher speed.

However, this is not the only advantage of Lightcon:

  1. The wallet encryption algorithm ensures its protection in the most reliable way. Before each viewing of a completed payment or account balance, you must enter a personal password. It will also be required if the user decides to spend internal currency. This guarantees the safety of funds from attacks by various types of scammers, viruses and Trojans.
  2. The Litecoin blockchain can process a significant volume of transactions, which sets it apart from Bitcoin. Due to the more frequent creation of chain links, the system is able to carry out a huge number of transactions without resorting to any drastic changes to the network.
  3. In addition, Litecoin is positioned as one of the most stable cryptographic currencies in the world. Its creation brought balance, equalizing the chances of ordinary users of the platform with the owners of powerful farms. Today, the work of the site is supported by more than one and a half billion investments.
  4. The current rate varies in the range of 70 US dollars, but back in the spring the coin was quoted at only 10 dollars. Such changes in value make Litecoin an unusually promising asset to buy, and therefore worth paying attention to.

Digital money with this name appeared on the list of decentralized platforms with great potential relatively recently, although their development dates back to the beginning of 2014. This means that this electronic currency appeared even before Ethereum. Monero, or “coin” translated from the artificial language of Esperanto, is a cryptographic currency based on the CryptoNote algorithm, designed to increase the level of anonymity of transactions. Created on April 18, 2014 as a fork of Bytecoin. When network participants found out that over 75% of the total emission of Bytecoin tokens had already been issued, they decided to carry out a strict division of the system. Taking the name Monero, the new platform started with zero pre-mining.

At the moment, more than a quarter of a billion dollars have been invested in this cryptocurrency. Moreover, the size of investments increases every month. The cost of these electronic money over the past six months has increased more than 7 times - from 20 to almost 150 US dollars. According to experts, Monero is only at the very beginning of its journey, which means that the resource will present many pleasant surprises to users who finance it.

This type of digital currency is open source. It is a peer-to-peer payment system that uses its own internal XRP token. Based on the technology of confidential transactions between network participants. Users can easily convert their savings at an incredibly favorable rate with just one click. Due to the fact that the coin is developed on the basis of a different protocol than Bitcoin, it has a more advanced security system.

Ripple's capitalization has exceeded $2 billion, and the total number of issued tokens is 100 billion. Over $200 million has already been invested in this cryptocurrency. The current rate shows an indicator of $0.23 per 1 XRP. Of course, this is not a very impressive result in comparison with other top altcoins, but the growth dynamics of the site are still impressive. In March, the price of one Ripple token did not exceed 2 cents. Undoubtedly, the coin will undergo further development and a multiple increase in value.

In addition to the top five, you should consider less popular, but no less promising cryptocurrencies in 2018:

  1. So, the first one is NEM - a platform created in Japan. Launched at the beginning of 2015. It features an advanced multi-stage contract and an interesting push notification mechanism. The token price is currently $0.2.
  2. IOTA is a decentralized platform designed specifically for companies to facilitate the integration of completely new business models. Primarily focused on conducting operations in the so-called Internet of Things. The main task of the resource is to guarantee connection with smart devices on the network. Since the platform began operating, its capitalization has managed to surpass such titans of the blockchain world as Dash and Litecoin. Experts predict further growth in indicators. The current rate of one token is $0.86.
  3. EOS is the main competitor of Ethereum. It is a completely independent and autonomous platform for creating smart contracts. The service recently launched a token pre-sale, which will continue until July 2018. The price of 1 coin is now 1.84 US dollars.
  4. Waves is actually no different from the currency mentioned above. A similar system of smart contracts, but with a lower cost of concluding crowdsale agreements. Your own currency can be initially distributed even for $15. The current cost of one coin is $5.36.
  5. NEO is the Chinese analogue of Ethereum. This cryptocurrency has become a real sensation this year, making breathtaking growth. True, now, due to a series of bad news, it has sank somewhat. Currently trading at $36 per token.
  6. Next up is Golem. The resource is positioned as an independent peer-to-peer network used to perform a wide variety of operations. The creators of the project call it a global supercomputer or a large-scale market for productive capacity, which both owners of weak laptops and owners of large data centers can join. The price of one coin is $0.22.
  7. Siacoin is a promising cryptocurrency project. This coin is capable of encoding and sending information from service users. The communication channel is completely encrypted. No institution will be able to gain access to the transferred information, which distinguishes this currency from traditional cloud storage. The current value of one token exceeds $0.0051.
  8. Finally, Status - Telegram from the world of blockchain. It is a combination of a convenient browser and messenger. Messages sent in it are encrypted not by the central server, but by the nodes of the block chain. You don't even need a cell phone number during registration. A generated specialized key issued during authorization is enough. The price of 1 coin exceeds $0.0337.

As mentioned earlier, new types of electronic money are launched literally every day and it is simply physically impossible to cover them all. However, it is quite possible to identify the most promising types of cryptocurrencies in 2018 and monitor them. It's never too late to start studying this market.

Cryptocurrencies have huge investment potential, which can be seen at least from the dynamics. In just a year, the world’s main crypto coin has grown more than 10 times, reaching the $7,000 mark. And experts believe that this is far from the limit forBTC.

There are currently approximately 2,000 cryptocurrencies or tokens. Do you realize how many investment opportunities you have? Among these thousand (there will be even more coins in the future), 100% there are potential “stars” of the world of cryptocurrencies. They can make theirs to the moon. That is, a serious increase in price. We will try to find the most promising coins for 2018.

Before considering the list of promising cryptocurrencies, we will determine the main factors that you should pay attention to when evaluating a particular cryptocurrency:

  • Who is behind the coin and what is their reputation?
  • Are there any developments underway to improve cryptocurrency?
  • What technology is behind the coin?
  • Does crypto have additional functions and capabilities?
  • Is it possible to mine cryptocurrency or was it issued immediately?
  • Current value?
  • Is cryptocurrency traded on an exchange?
  • Is there potential for growth?

As you can see, there are really many factors. Including those for which it is difficult to make an objective assessment. Therefore, our list is subjective and is not the final authority. Well, you know the world of cryptocurrencies. Here everything can change in one second.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the material will only consider full-fledged coins that are already traded on exchanges. Those. serious projects with a reputation. This is not a review and their tokens.

Below is our top arbitrary ok.


The project appeared almost out of nowhere and in a matter of days broke into the top currencies by capitalization. This is a very solid open source blockchain project. In short, this is an analogue of Ethereum, only of a “new generation”.

The main highlight is a strong development team, a scientific approach and very ambitious plans. And the world of cryptocurrencies loves big words - for example. But in this case, real professors, scientists and engineers are working on the project, and in total three companies are involved in the work.

Well, an important fact: the leader of Cardano is Charles Hoskinson co-founder of Ethereum.

Stellar Lumens

For a long time he was in the shadows. More precisely, it didn’t shoot like some other currencies. By the end of 2017, its strength becomes truly noticeable.

This is a payment infrastructure development project supported by IBM. And this fact alone speaks volumes. Companies of this level do not take anyone under their wing.

Moreover, Stellar is focused on working within the banking system, has already been tested in the field, and is in contact with some banks.

It is also a platform for application development - like Ethereum. Only with scalability, Stellar is completely fine...

Request Network

It's like PayPal 2.0. In general, the project is similar to Stellar in its goals, but primarily differs in that it is built on Ethereum (and therefore has a number of corresponding disadvantages).

The project is called one of the most undervalued at the end of 2017. The development team is excellent, and the global Colossus update, planned for the first quarter of 2018, was released in mid-December!


Until recently, the project was little known to anyone. But the coin is actively being developed and is considered one of the fastest of its kind. The main goal of this coin: instant, almost free transfers in any quantities within the system.

It’s hard to see the potential behind the rather simple official website, but it’s definitely there. The coin barely made any progress and is still traded on a couple of provincial exchanges. Despite this, Raiblocks is growing before our eyes and is already approaching the top 30 in terms of capitalization.


This is a token related to the Steemit platform. This is a decentralized blogosphere where authors receive compensation for their posts in the internal currency - Steem dollars. These dollars are then exchanged for the public token Steem, which in turn can be converted into fiat (dollars, euros...) on a cryptocurrency exchange.

The potential of the Steem token lies in the value of the platform itself. Participants are focused on creating quality content, as they receive monetary rewards for this. The better and more you write, the higher your earnings. Inside the platform there is Steem Power (the power of Steemit), which allows members to vote. To obtain it, you also need to use the dollars you earn.

The idea of ​​a blogosphere with monetization of author's content turned out to be very innovative. Without Steemit, projects like Nimses would not have appeared. Currently, there are about 400,000 registered users on the platform, and daily traffic exceeds 10,000.

The potential for growth is enormous. When searching for content in search engines, materials from Steemit are often in the first search results. The blogosphere was launched in March 2016, and already in 2018 it can get its millionth user.


What's happened ? The official project page says the following:

“Provides users with innovative practices through the development and integration of blockchain technology. Being flexible and adaptive,Ark“is a safe platform for mass use and the release of services that are interesting to consumers.”

There is technology behind this cryptocurrency SmartBridge. Its value lies in the fact that blockchains of different cryptocurrencies can be connected through a “bridge.” Imagine being able to connect to the blockchain via . Sounds good.

The development is carried out by a competent and active team. Among the project’s associates are the developers who were involved in the launch of Lisk and Crypti. The Ark blockchain can please users with high transaction speeds, a special physical card system and a secure file system. The coin looks promising and complete. So its price should increase in 2018. There was already a partial “native moon” in 2017.


No, this cryptocurrency is not named after the popular pop singer. But it is consistently in the top 50 capitalization ratings and has good growth potential.

The currency has an emission ceiling of 40 billion coins, which will be reached in the near future. The value of a coin lies in the fact that there is a real product behind it. To be more precise - a decentralized space for storing data with a high level of protection from hacker attacks. In this regard, it can give odds to many cloud services.

Yes, competition in this environment is high: Amazon S3, Google Drive, DropBox. However, Siacoin offers increased security at a lower cost. To use the service, it is enough to have 2000 coins. Taking into account the fact that the emission of coins has its own ceiling, in the future this will provoke a serious increase in the price of cryptocurrency.

So far, SIA is a pioneer among blockchain platforms for data storage. If you study future ICOs, it is easy to see how promising this direction is.


People often think that Bitcoin is completely anonymous, which is not entirely true. But anonymity is definitely one of the strongest aspects of cryptocurrency. This is one of the reasons for the growth of the coin rate in 2017.

Another interesting fact about XMR is that it is still mined on regular computer processors. And millions of viruses in the computers of ordinary users called “hidden miners” mine Monero.

Also, when a transaction is carried out, it is divided into several small operations. That is, if you transfer 100 XMR, then they can come in three transactions of 20, 30, 50 coins. Unlike Bitcoin, other users cannot track the transaction route on the blockchain.

Taking into account the fact that Bitcoin can be “squeezed” in many countries in 2018, such an anonymous cryptocurrency as Monero will only benefit from this.


It proved its promise and attractiveness in 2017, firmly becoming the second most popular cryptocurrency in the world. When the price of ether reached $300 in the summer, hotheads predicted $1,000 by the end of the year. It didn't work out. Bye.

Numerous ICOs and hundreds of new cryptocurrency projects are the merit of the Ethereum platform and its smart contracts. The Ether blockchain has truly revolutionized this medium. Based on this platform, startups are created and projects are released that really add value to the digital world.

Why is investing in ETH promising? At least because of the introduction of the Proof-of-Stake protocol, which will actually stop cryptocurrency mining. By the time Proof-of-Stake is introduced, a serious jump in the exchange rate of this currency is expected. And even $1,000 doesn’t seem out of reach in 2018.


Based in Thailand and dedicated to reforming the payments industry in southern Asia. OMG is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform allows for real-time currency exchange between representatives of different jurisdictions. Both cryptocurrencies and fiat (dollars, euros, etc.) are supported.

Holders of OMG tokens are rewarded through commissions. This means that the more transactions there are in OmiseGo, the more earnings network participants will receive. And the higher the coin price will be.

The ceiling for the coin is high, since it is possible to attract large companies to the project, and a great team is involved in its development.


One of the most popular “non-blockchain” cryptocurrencies in the world. This is an innovative project in the field of transactions for the Internet of Things. It uses Tangle technology - an improved version of blockchain without the disadvantages of the latter.

Transactions within the network are not subject to commission. Crypto mining is impossible, and there are no restrictions on the number of transactions. So scaling is not an issue for IOTA. The crypt is not in danger of a fork, and To the Moon promises an interesting direction (Internet of Things).


One of the most interesting projects based on the Ethereum blockchain. This cryptocurrency platform is the world's most powerful decentralized supercomputer, which in theory will be able to perform a variety of tasks: scientific research, recording terabytes of files and even watching movies :). It will combine the power of all network participants to solve these and other problems.

Golem has huge potential when working with large amounts of data. Theoretically, the platform can provide forecasts for stock markets, identify trends in the economies of different countries, and even create medical consultations.

Golem has virtually no limits. This means that the project is potentially multi-useful. Isn't this an indicator that cryptocurrency has real value? GNT owners may be rubbing their hands because the next few years are shaping up to be Golem's big time. After all, the platform is just beginning its long journey. And for the success of this network, every computer and smartphone of its participants is important. So to some extent, Golem's prospects depend on you.


Borrowed SWIFT technology from the banking industry and introduced a small but very useful improvement. Inside Ripple, all transactions occur many times faster than with bank transfers. At the same time, commissions are also several times lower.

The benefits of Ripple have become evident in recent years for a number of major global banks: Abu Dhabi Bank, Standard Chartered, Santander, Shanghai Huarui Bank, Unicredit, SBS, Reisebank, ATB Financial and many others.

Ripple is not exactly a cryptocurrency, but rather a super-powerful payment system with elements of cryptography. The coin is far from new on the market, but has enormous potential due to its ability to integrate into the banking system. We expect that in 2018 Ripple will cease to be a cent coin.

NEO (ex ANShares)

A platform for “smart assets and applications” that Alibaba had a hand in creating. Essentially, it is the Chinese version of Ethereum. And like the original, it simply “blew up” the cryptocurrency market in 2017. If you had invested $20,000 in NEO in late spring, you would have been a dollar millionaire by late fall.

It seems that the moment of multiple increase in value has been missed. Yes, expecting again 5000% ROI within six months means being very optimistic. However, the cryptocurrency has a good chance of breaking through the $100 mark. Why? If only because the crypt survived the change in ICO laws in China and retained its 2 billion capitalization. As soon as the situation stabilizes, Chinese ether will go up again.

We not only talk about the situation on the cryptocurrency market and the most important events, but also review new, interesting and promising coins. So come visit and feel at home.
