Owners of iPhones of the fourth version, as well as later models - iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and others, often encounter error 3194 when updating their device. A problem such as error 3194 when restoring an iPhone 4S can occur both at the beginning and at the end of the iPhone update process. Depending on the stage at which it arose, the application of measures that can be used to restore the functionality of the gadget will depend.

To resolve the problem caused by error 3194, you need to determine what caused it. And to understand this issue, it is necessary to consider how the iPhone four is updated.

The update algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. Clicking the appropriate buttons in iTunes, connecting to the Apple server, sending a message asking to flash a gadget connected to a PC or laptop.
  2. After receiving feedback, the IPSW file with firmware is downloaded to the computer, which must be unzipped.
  3. After this, the gadget switches to recovery mode and re-sends a request to Apple to sign the received and unpacked file with an ECID certificate.
  4. Next, the most important thing begins - the procedure for restoring the iPhone, and the display shows the dynamics of everything that is happening.

In the case when, at the final – fourth stage – the owner of the gadget still does not wait for a response from Apple Corporation, iTunes informs the user about error 3194. This means that it was not possible to restore the iPhone. Another such error sometimes occurs at earlier stages of the update - when the software is downloaded to the iPhone.

By carefully monitoring the iPhone update process, the user should notice exactly when error 3194 occurred and, based on this data, take steps to eliminate it. So, if the error appears at the very beginning, when you try to download files and the Apple logo appears on the display, its reasons lie in malfunctions in the program. The error is caused by hardware problems if it appears when the update job is nearing completion and is already 70-90% complete.

Error 3194 and how to fix it

According to the experience of many iPhone 4 owners, hardware problems can only be solved with the help of a specialist by contacting the service department. Usually they are caused by a faulty iPhone modem. And, as a rule, problems are associated either with the failure of a part, or with its disconnection from the phone board. Thus, the problem can be solved only in one of 2 ways:

  • Completely replace the modem in the iPhone.
  • Solder the part to the board.

Of course, the first option to solve the problem is more expensive. But buying a new iPhone will cost even more.

In a situation where error 3194 is caused by hardware faults, the owner of an Apple gadget can easily solve the problem on his own. To resolve error 3194, you need to do the following:

  • Update iTunes to the latest version. In this case, you need to take into account that flashing iPhone firmware is only allowed on the latest version of iTunes. This will help prevent misunderstandings in the gadget update procedure. You can download the latest version of the program from the Apple website or from the application itself.

Note! When downloading iTunes from the Apple website, you must first remove the previous version from your PC or laptop.

  • Check the hosts file for entries from Apple. In this file, you can prevent your laptop or PC from accessing certain sites and servers. The hosts may contain data about the ban on accessing the official Apple website, and then error 3194 may occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove the ban by going to the folder where the hosts file is located and running it using the notepad program. When you open Notepad, you need to delete the line containing the Apple company address from the entries, and then close the file and save the changes. It is also necessary to restart the computer after the entire procedure.
  • Disable antivirus programs. It is possible that error 3194 may appear due to certain actions of antivirus software. In this case, you need to turn off all anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, including those provided by Windows.
  • Refuse TCP/IP filtering. This is done in the settings of the router connected to the iPhone. The correct solution would be to remove the router from the Internet connection to the computer. Simply put, you need to connect an Ethernet cable directly to the PC or laptop through which the gadget is updated.

By performing all the above steps, users, as a rule, manage to safely get rid of the problems caused by error 3194. But this is only if it is caused by hardware failures. In situations where the cause of the error lies in a breakdown or disconnection of the modem from the board, only contacting a service center will help. In any case, error 3194, although it occurs frequently, cannot be called critical. In most cases, having certain skills in handling equipment, users fix the error on their own.

If iTunes does not work correctly, the user sees an error on the screen accompanied by a unique code. Knowing the error code, you can understand the reason for its occurrence, which means that the process of fixing the problem becomes easier. We're talking about error 3194.

If you encounter error 3194, this should tell you that when you tried to install firmware on your device, there was no response from Apple servers. Therefore, further actions will be aimed at solving this problem.

Method 1: Update iTunes

An outdated version of iTunes installed on your computer can easily cause error 3194 to occur.

In this case, you only need to check for iTunes updates and, if any are found, install them. After installation is complete, it is recommended that you restart your computer.

We should not exclude the possibility that a system failure has occurred in the operation of this or that device. In this case, you should restart three devices at once: your computer, your Apple gadget, and your router.

Method 3: Checking the hosls file

Since error 3194 occurs due to problems connecting to Apple servers, you should also suspect a modified hosts file.

As a rule, in 90% of cases the hosts file on a computer is changed by viruses, so first you will need to scan the system with your antivirus or use the special treatment utility Dr.Web CureIt.

Once all viruses have been detected and successfully removed, restart your computer. Now you need to check the status of the hosts file. If it is different from the original, it will definitely need to be returned to its original condition. How to find the hosts file on your computer, as well as how to return it to its original form, is described in more detail on the official Microsoft website.

If you had to make adjustments to the hosts file, be sure to restart your computer after saving the changes and try the restore or update procedure in iTunes again.

Method 4: Disable antivirus software

Some antivirus programs may block iTunes' access to Apple servers, mistaking this process for virus activity.

Try pausing all security programs on your computer, including antivirus, and then restart iTunes and check for the error. If error 3194 in iTunes has successfully disappeared and you managed to complete the recovery (update) procedure, you will need to go to your antivirus settings and add iTunes to the list of exceptions. Active network scanning in an antivirus can also cause a similar error, so it is also recommended to pause it.

Method 5: Direct Internet Connection

Some routers may block iTunes access to Apple servers. To check this possibility, connect to the Internet directly, bypassing the use of a modem, i.e. unplug the internet cable from your router, then connect it directly to your computer.

Method 6: Update iOS on the device itself

If possible, update your device over the air. We have already talked about this procedure in more detail before.

Of all the errors that appear every time you try to update, restore or synchronize an iPhone, perhaps the worst is the occurrence of the well-known iTunes iPad error 3194. It's not that this mistake can't be corrected. No. There are many fixes for this error, but they are quite complex. We will try to use several solutions in different combinations to achieve our goal. .

Apple's support page for specific iTunes errors isn't as helpful as I'd like. So when you try to downgrade iOS 8 update to iOS 7, you will waste a lot of time. When you're dealing with jailbroken iPhones, things get much worse.

If you are lucky, you will not see any errors that occur when you try to update or restore your iPad or iPhone. Most users who don't usually fiddle with their iPhone are the lucky ones. Rest of you, check out this tutorial in case you are facing iTunes errors.

How to fix iTunes error 3194 when updating iOS on iPhone, iPad or iPod:

You simply update the firmware, but iTunes continues to show this error. In most cases, this error occurs due to a simple problem with the hosts file. Here's how to fix it:

When we try to restore or update an iPhone or iPad from an iTunes backup, sometimes we get a pop-up: “iPhone cannot be restored. An unknown ipad error 3194 has occurred.” If you see these messages, try updating or restoring again. If this doesn't help, follow the steps below to fix the error.

Note: This guide may also be helpful to fix the following errors in addition to iPad error 3194:

Error 17

Error 1639

Errors 3000-3020

Errors 3100-3999

This device is not supported for the requested build

How to fix iPad error 3194 on iPhone as well

Step 1. Make sure iTunes is installed on your computer.

Step 2. Open the following files on your computer:

a) For Windows users: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

b) For Mac users: /etc/hosts

Step 3. Open the hosts file with administrator rights.

Step 4. Copy “ gs.apple.com” in the last line of the “host” file. Then save the file.

Step 5. Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable and open iTunes.

Step 6. Press the “Power” button for 10 seconds to turn off your iPhone.

Step 7 Switch your iPhone or iPad to dfu mode by turning off the phone and then holding the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds, then release the Power button but hold the Home button until iTunes tells you that the device is in recovery mode.

Step 8 In recovery mode, you can restore iPhone. However, restoring iPhone will delete all data on your smartphone, so make sure you back up your iPhone to iTunes or iCloud.
Step 9 After updating iOS, go back to the hosts file and delete the line “ gs.apple.com” so that iTunes can update correctly. This is an important step, if you don't do this you may encounter other errors in the future when trying to update or install the latest versions of iOS.

Solve iPhone error with iOS system recovery

To change hosts files to remove the error from your iPhone, here is another practical way to solve error 3194: FonePaw iOS system recovery is to handle severe cases on iOS devices.

Step 1. After installing the program and connecting your iPhone to the computer, simply click on the fourth option called: “More tools” on the left side. You can view iOS Recovery systems on the screen and use it to fix what you want.

Step 2. If the program can recognize your phone, please check the information on the screen, compare the phone model and if everything matches, download the firmware for your device model.

Step 3: Once the firmware is successfully downloaded, the program will attempt to repair your iPhone.

Step 4. As the download progresses and reaches the final stage, the screen will show you the following sentence: renovation completed. Your phone can now reboot and it will return to its normal operating state.

If you don’t really understand what to do, it’s better to turn to specialists for help.

Most owners of Apple mobile devices have at least once in their lives encountered any errors in iTunes that occur when updating the gadget's firmware or restoring it. in iTunes - one of the most common. If it appears when you try to restore your device or update the operating system, you don’t need to immediately rush to the service center, since you can fix this situation yourself absolutely free of charge and without leaving your home.

First of all, it is worth noting that no one is immune from the appearance of the code “3194”. during recovery it occurs on any device, and this does not mean that the device is damaged or the user is doing something wrong. Often errors occur due to the operation of programs on the computer that are responsible for security. The cause may also be incorrect router settings or problems related to Apple servers.

iTunes Error 3194: General Information

This error can occur in a variety of cases. Most often it is associated with the operation of the operating system or programs, but these are not the only reasons.

Error 3194 in iTunes occurs in the following cases:

  • Restoring the device.
  • Operating system update.

In the event that an error appears during recovery, the user will see a warning on his computer screen that the gadget could not be restored because an unknown error with code “3194” occurred.

When updating, a similar message pops up saying that the operating system could not be updated.

Reasons for the error

In order to understand the reasons why error 3194 appeared in iTunes, it is necessary to consider the entire process of restoring the device step by step.

  1. The program downloads the firmware file from the company's servers.
  2. The archive with the firmware is unpacked.
  3. The device is put into recovery mode.
  4. The device update is being checked. At this moment, iTunes sends a request to the update server in order to sign the firmware file with a special unique certificate.
  5. Once the firmware is signed, the recovery process begins. At this point, the device display shows the company logo, as well as a status bar showing the progress.

If, after sending a request to sign the firmware with a certificate, no response is received from the update server, the same error occurs. iOS is not updated.

Categories of error causes

The reasons fall into two categories:

  • Software.
  • Hardware.

In order to diagnose the cause, you need to monitor the moment at which it occurs.

If the error appears before the logo and status bar appear on the screen or at the moment it begins to fill, then the reason is software.

If the error appears already during the firmware process itself, which usually happens 75 percent, then the reason is hardware.

Software reasons

If the error turns out to be software, then the reasons for its occurrence are:

  • Outdated version of iTunes on your computer.
  • Address filtering, antivirus or firewall.
  • The hosts file contains redirection of program requests to third-party servers.

Hardware reasons

It must be said that error 3194 occurs not only due to problems with software. If it appears at the moment when it is approximately 75 percent full, then we can say with full confidence that the reason lies in the hardware - a malfunction of the device’s modem or its power supply.

Bug fix

So, the user sees the code “3194” - an iTunes error. How to fix it? The method depends on the causes of occurrence. If there is a hardware failure, then you need to contact a service center. It is unlikely that you will be able to repair the device yourself.

If the reason lies in the software, then you can fix it yourself.

Sometimes the error appears due to an outdated version of iTunes. In order to fix the problem, you need to update the program to the latest version. This should only be done through the official website.

If the problem is related to the hosts file, then you need to check it. If it contains extra lines, they must be removed. To do this, you need to find the file on the system drive, open it through a text editor and delete all lines that look like “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx gs.apple.com”. After this, it is recommended to restart the computer.

If the reason is address filtering, antivirus or firewall, then it is difficult to clearly determine the cause of the error. You need to do the following:

  • Completely disable security software. This is done only during recovery.
  • Disable TCP/IP filtering in the router settings.
  • Remove the router or router from the chain connecting the computer to the Internet. This means that you need to connect the computer directly if access is wired.

Does iTunes get error 3194 on all versions of the operating system? iOS versions 7 and lower are affected more often than newer ones.

Thus, using the methods described above, you can easily fix it.

If iTunes, when sending a request to sign the firmware with an IPSW certificate ECID(SHSH blobs) cannot receive a response from the Apple server, then an unfortunate problem occurs error 3194. Today we will talk about ways to combat this disease.

There are at least two reasons for this program behavior: 1) Apple has stopped signing older firmware versions. 2) Modification of the system “hosts” file to use Cydia cache servers.

Fixing error 3194 when restoring (updating) the firmware:

Method 1.
1] Download and install the latest version of iTunes. You can do this from the website
2] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 2.

3] Uncheck Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (connect to Cydia servers instead of Apple’s).
4] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 3.

Mac OS X - Go ->

3] Open the "hosts" file:

7] Launch iTunes.
8] Try to restore the firmware.

Fixing error 3194 when downgrading the firmware:

Method 1.
Similar to the first method for restoring (updating) the firmware.

Method 2.
1] Download and install the program
2] Launch it and go to the Advanced tab.
3] Uncheck Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (connect to Cydia servers instead of Apple’s.
4] Put your i-gadget into DFU mode - hold the lock button for 3 seconds, without releasing it, press and hold the home button for 10 seconds. Now release the lock button but continue to hold the home button for another 30 seconds. When a gray background appears on the device display, the button can be released. iTunes will report that your device is in DFU mode.
5] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 3.
1] If iTunes is open, close it and disconnect the i-device from the computer.
2] Find the “hosts” file on your computer:
Mac OS X - Go -> Go to Folder in Finder. Folder /etc/
Windows – C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc – “hosts” file
3] Open the "hosts" file:
Mac OS X - Using TextEdit
Windows – with administrator rights in Notepad
4] Find and delete the line
5] Close the file (you need to save your changes when exiting).
6] Connect your i-device to your computer.
7] Launch iTunes.
8] Put your i-gadget into DFU mode - hold the lock button for 3 seconds, without releasing it, press and hold the home button for 10 seconds. Now release the lock button but continue to hold the home button for another 30 seconds. When a gray background appears on the device display, the button can be released. iTunes will report that your device is in DFU mode.
9] Try to restore the firmware.

After the recovery procedure is complete, close iTunes. Find the “hosts” file again and remove the line “" This way, you can update your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch through official Apple servers.

Also, in the same “hosts” file, after deleting the above line, add the “#” symbol before the beginning of all other lines. Then you need to close/save the file and open iTunes again.
