Copypaste– this is what can be called theft. The copy-paste itself is very, very simple. Someone else’s author’s article is taken, copied and pasted onto a completely different site on a similar topic. That's it, the copy-paste can be considered complete.

It would seem, who might need this, and why steal articles like that?

It turns out that this is exactly what those site owners do who do not want to write copyright or rewrite themselves, and they simply do not have the money to buy original and unique texts.

So they, the poor things (literally and figuratively), have to do copy-paste. Or simply put, theft.

Strange as it may seem, sometimes it happens that a site on which all the content is pure theft is ranked much higher in the search results than its source or donor site. This is exactly what those who want to make money on the site easily and quickly use.

However, in this matter it is worth following some rules.

Copy-paste rules

1. Do not copy pictures under any circumstances.

2. Do not copy the title under any circumstances.

3. Never forget to fill out the so-called meta tags.

4. Change keywords in the text.

5. Indicate the original source at the end of the article - copy-paste.

No, I in no way encourage you to engage in this shameful activity!

I just want to write an introductory and detailed article for you on this topic, although such filling of websites and blogs is now a thing of the past.

After all, search engines are far from being stupid, as some people think. For such liberties, the site may soon be blocked.

By the way, strange as it may seem, there are also types of copy-paste. Let's try to look at them in more detail.

1.White copy-paste. Everything is very simple. Copy-paste is posted on the site, but only on the condition that the link to the original source remains open for indexing. That is, there is no nofollow or noindex. Although who are you to prohibit Yandex or Google from indexing what is prohibited. But the forbidden fruit, as you know, is incredibly sweet...

2. Gray copy-paste. Everything is quite simple here. The text that has been copied and pasted is placed on the page of the new site, but under this page there is not a link to the page - the original source, but only a link to the site from which the article was taken.

3. Black copy-paste. This is where all these nofollow and noindex are applied to links. There seems to be a link, but at the same time it’s not there. And sometimes there is no link to the original source at all.

Just today copypaste practically died. Such sites are being made less and less often. I don’t advise you to do this either. well, or just for the sake of experimentation.

By the way, I want to reveal a little secret about how copy-paste appeared in the world.

The word “copypast” itself consists of two parts - “copy” and “paste”. This literally means "copy and paste".

Some will think that this type of theft appeared along with the Internet. In fact, history knows such a fairy tale.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, the poet and famous critic Johann Jakob Bodmer lived in Switzerland.

It was he who first used the expression “scissors and a pot of glue.” What was he talking about like that? And he said this precisely about copy-paste.

Even in those distant times, and this was already 1744, the following method was used: their old articles or articles of other authors were divided into parts, and then they were glued together, and new works appeared. For example, the first paragraph is a copy-paste of the work of author A.

This is how “great” texts were sometimes born with the help of scissors and glue.

Greetings to the readers of the blog site. Copy-pasting articles is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that almost every Internet user systematically encounters.

Remember, have you noticed that after a query in a search engine, you had to see several resources that contain the same information.

No, the owners of these resources do not write the same texts, they simply steal them from one site and install them on others, which is copy-paste.

Who does copy-paste and why? Copying of materials is carried out by owners of low-quality resources who want to increase the amount of information on their website, but at the same time do not want to spend money and effort on creating it.

There is nothing easier than collecting a lot of materials from other sites and putting them on your site, but such actions do not lead to anything good.

As practice shows, search engines fiercely fight webmasters who copy articles from other sites and ban their resources, or exclude some pages from searches.

Considering this factor, using copy-paste is the worst option for filling the site.

In addition to the fact that webmasters who use copy-paste have problems with search engines, they systematically have to deal with problems related to copyright.

The fact is that the copyright to the site’s articles belongs to its owner, therefore, when copying information, web masters break the law. The exception is when the author indicates the possibility of copying materials accompanied by an active link.

If there is no information on the site, then initially you will need to ask permission to copy from the site author.

Unscrupulous owners of well-promoted sites quite often use copy-paste, and cause problems for the owners of “young” resources. The fact is that developing sites take longer to be indexed than already promoted projects, so by “stealing” an article, a web master can become a primary source for search engines.

In this case, the author of the article is considered a copy-paste artist and it is quite possible that search engines will react negatively to this. To avoid such situations, consistently add unique materials to your site and thereby increase your indexing speed.

Finally, I would like to say that we strongly recommend that you exclude such an option for filling the site as copy-paste.

If you want to implement a really high-quality website, then it is better to fill it with copywriting or at least deep rewriting; in addition to the good attitude of search engines towards your activities, you will definitely have regular visitors.

Copy-paste, how to do it?

It's surprising, but some people are interested in how to copy materials from other people's sites. In order not to create copies of certain sites, several suitable resources are first found or the necessary queries are simply entered and the first pages of the TOP are opened.

After this, the text is selected and copied to the buffer:

Then the data is inserted onto a new page of the site and simply posted. You can check copy-paste without any problems, but not every webmaster does this.

The easiest way to check is through programs for determining the percentage of uniqueness, such as. If text is added to your site, simply indicate it in the "Ignore domains" field or use the address bar, so that the check is performed directly:

In addition, a special service has been created where you just enter the page address to find all copies on the Internet. For the test, we added the main page of our blog, it turns out that it was copied to a couple of resources:

Now you can go to these sites to write to their owners about the need to delete them. If they don’t respond, you’ll have to write to the hosters (). Hosting providers do not need problems with the law, so they will easily block a site with copy-paste.

How do copy-paste websites develop?

Now copy-paste and rewriting are actively used, despite the negative attitude of search engines towards such types of content extraction. It’s just that some resource owners choose different development paths.

There are many examples of large projects developing despite the fact that they are filled with copied information. An excellent example that offers to receive interesting materials in one feed.

The most interesting materials are selected, and people show interest in the site, since it contains everything that is published on various resources:

The organizers of this project know firsthand what copy-paste means and actively use it.

Even though they don’t receive traffic from search engines (since there is no unique information), there are other sources. They do not violate the law; they invite site owners themselves to maintain accounts and also leave a link to the original.

Mostly users come here from social networks.

Now you know what copy-paste of articles is, how it is used and why copy materials at all. If you have a high-quality resource, it is better not to resort to this method of obtaining information, since search engines still remain the main source of traffic.

Although you shouldn’t completely abandon copy-paste, sometimes it comes in handy. For example, to post interesting news on the site (the main thing is not to forget to put a link to the source).

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Hello everyone, you are visiting the site, which means you will learn a lot of interesting things, what is copy-paste of articles, about the system, creation, as well as a blog.

Website and blogging is closely related to writing or taking notes on various topics, sometimes completely unfamiliar to us. Therefore, if you are one hundred percent focused on your topic, then write all the content yourself accordingly.

But what to do if you need to cover a topic that you have little understanding of? In previous posts, I touched on issues for filling my website, as well as as a type of income, that is, for sale.

Today we will talk about copy-paste of articles, what it is and what both search engines and ordinary webmasters (like you and me) think about it.

Here's what our favorite reference book says about this:
users often began to compose texts by mechanically combining quotes from one or more sources, and as a result, the meaning of the new text turns out to be uninteresting and illogical.

This method of writing articles is called "copy-paste" and first we will look at its types, and at the end Let’s evaluate this “creativity”, so to speak, from a moral and legal point of view.

Types of copy-paste articles

1.)White Copypas t - when you copied an article from someone else’s site for your own, and left a link to the source page at the bottom of your page. This is often done, especially on news portals, and then you do not need to be afraid of penalties from the search engine (search engines).

2.)Gray copy-paste- when you copied someone else’s article and put a link not to the page, but simply to the source site - do you feel the difference?

3.)Black copy-paste-when an article is copied and placed on your website without a link to the original source, or closed in nofollow-noindex tags (noindex;nofollow).

How to “copy-paste” correctly

If you consider yourself an honest blogger, then in order to borrow an article or note you like, write to the administrator of this web resource. And find out what other conditions for reprinting articles exist on this resource. As you know, on many sites usually this information is given in the footer.

In any case, white and gray are preferable., both from a moral and legal point of view, at least your conscience will sleep peacefully.


Although this is an easy way, it is also the most unprofitable way to fill a site.. With this method, you can win only in time, but lose in the rest, up to and including getting banned. A site filled with copy-paste does not have a chance to rise in search engine results. And has a very high probability of falling out of the index, which means all the work and all the labor will be in vain.

Hello dear readers of the site! To be honest, I shouldn’t have such a post on my blog, because it’s somehow wrong to tell someone how to copy someone else’s content and create a website on it that will also bring profit.

I want to convey with this article that many factors related to website ranking are involved and the uniqueness of the content is not the most important thing.

If the site is useful, helps the visitor find answers to their questions, but has copied content, then such a site will be indexed and bring traffic from search, which can be safely monetized.

I'm sure you've seen the site and his clones, how do you like his attendance?

And there are many such examples, now let's move from words to deeds...

Steps to create a website using non-unique content

It all started about 4 years ago, when I tried to make batches of websites for Sapa, and since I bought a lot of domains, I decided to leave one of them as a project on SDL, but it would be filled with articles from other sources.

After reading a dozen articles on forums, I realized that there are tens of thousands of similar projects on the Internet and many of them have achieved decent traffic and, of course, income.

I don't take into account news sites, which are mostly created 100% copy-paste. I was interested in MFA (made for Adsense) content projects.

The process of filling the site was done according to the following scheme:

  1. With the help of Kay Collector, I collected a semantic core on the chosen topic, leaving less competitive queries.
  2. Articles should be used from different sources, preferably from little-known ones.
  3. Posts are posted manually, away with parsers and programs for automatic filling (like ).
  4. We change TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS the latter may not be used at all. Come up with unique meta tags, but keep them relevant to the article.
  5. We format the copied text a little (quotes, numbered and bulleted lists), and make links to other posts.
  6. We take images without watermarks. It would be best to use other pictures, but I left the same ones as in the donor article, although I changed their name.
  7. Let's combine some articles. If possible, make one out of two articles so that it turns out to be more comprehensive and solves the visitor’s question from all sides.
  8. To avoid claims from the authors, it is better to put a link to the original source at the end of the post (I did not do this).
  9. We add no more than 4 articles per day. There won’t be enough strength for more, since the work is very dreary and monotonous.

The site itself should be easy and pleasant to read, because your task is to retain the visitor. For example, I used a not very hackneyed template, which I modified a little, plus I created .

As a result, search engines gradually indexed all the content without any problems, but no one will rank such articles in first place in the TOP search results.

Personally, I think it’s all about the Trust, which the new project does not have. There were some attempts to get links from comments and forums, but I quickly got tired of this, especially since I realized that everything could be in vain.

As a result, see what happened below:

  • The first traffic came from , but in the next update the site received a filter and today its visibility in foreign searches is almost zero.

  • Next came Yandex, although there is not much traffic there, but it is there. While I was publishing posts, growth was observed; I had completely given up on the project for more than a year.

What we have according to statistics:

  • In total, about 150 - 180 articles were published,
  • TIC - 20,
  • Daily traffic - 350 - 400 visitors.

The most interesting thing is that in those years when Yandex rolled out the AGS-40 filter and it reset all my sites from Sapa (some had rewritten and scanned content), the copy-paste site felt great and only the only one survived. ((

I didn’t specifically install Google Analytics on the site, so I can’t say anything about the bounce rate, but looking at the data, it’s clear that the visitor stays on the site for about a minute and doesn’t look at more than one page.

The site receives most of its traffic from low-frequency queries.

That’s all, as you can see, this technique works and sites with non-unique content can also receive traffic, I’m sure that if you work on the link profile, micro markup, structure and usability of the site, the result will be even better.

I just don’t want to get a filter one day and have my efforts go in vain.

Therefore, I am all for high-quality websites, believe me, you get many times more pleasure from this, as well as confidence in the future.

I would be glad to hear in the comments your stories about creating websites using stolen content, what kind of traffic does anyone have?

Let's talk today about copy-paste. The myth that copy-paste is evil is just a myth. Sites with copy-paste live well in the index; it is important to be able to prepare it correctly. Here are some tips for copy-pasting articles correctly.

  • 1. Rewrite the title of the article. It will take a little time, but you will have a unique page title, which will reduce the likelihood of being filtered. If at the same time you sharpen the title of the article under some low frequency, then you will also get .

  • 2. Add pictures to the article. In those low-frequency units for which you sharpened the name.

  • 3. Design your articles beautifully. Many people worry a lot, but for some reason they completely forget about its design. Although for Yandez, according to my observations, it plays a big role. It is possible that, among other things, these criteria are used to calculate GS, where text without paragraphs is often stupidly dumped into one heap. Therefore, highlight and underline key words in the text, insert quotes, etc. All this will add.

  • 4. Add the first paragraph of the article. If you take a good, but unoptimized article from somewhere, then you can add a small introductory paragraph to it, saturating it with the keyword under which you tailored the title and which you entered in the alt of the picture. This is done as follows.
    Let's say you take an article about how to choose a TV. tells us that the keyword “how to choose a TV” is requested 5944 times a month. It will be difficult for a non-unique article to reach the TOP for this keyword without links. But there is a key “how to choose the right TV” (390 views). We will sharpen it under it.
    We write the title - “How to choose the right TV” - add a picture of the TV to the article, and also write “How to choose the right TV” in the alt. Next, we write the first paragraph. Like that:
    Before purchasing, many families think about how to choose the right TV. In this article we will try to tell you in detail about the right choice: plasma or LCD, diagonal, price, etc. Here are some tips and recommendations on choosing a suitable TV (website rewritten):
    Such simple text, firstly, will make the article more unique, and secondly, it will increase the key density, which will bring additional traffic.

  • 5. Link to source. Whether to install it or not is a matter of conscience. Although it is not always possible to determine exactly who the original source is. In any case, if you do put a link, then in order for your article to not be glued together, put it on the face, and not on the article page.

Dear readers and blog subscribers. Write questions and topics that interest you in the comments. I will try to cover them in future posts.

Author: Alexey Abramov.

More materials on this topic:


remove the border from the pictures, otherwise square smileys look ugly)
required- April 9, 2010 @ 0:02

Interesting, I'll have to try it...
PS: Border is a feature, without it it won’t be the same))
Quacker- April 9, 2010 @ 0:20

In principle, I wrote everything correctly. But I will still continue to rewrite with a greater % of uniqueness. With an optimized rewrite, you'll rush to the top in no time!
Promising blogger- April 9, 2010 @ 2:19

For me, this copy-paste should still be in moderation, and I choose the following percentage ratio: out of 10 articles, 6-7 are unique, and 3-4 can be copied and pasted and such sites live in the index
Mikasi- April 9, 2010 @ 6:07

It’s a medical fact that the life expectancy of a copy-paste directly correlates with the extent to which one’s hands grow from outside =]
Johnny- April 9, 2010 @ 8:01

You already had a similar topic and there you gave an address to a vareznik that was made like that. So, he did not survive the April Fools' AGS. Can you provide statistics on how many sites have been done this way and how many have survived the AGS?
Phantom Lord- April 9, 2010 @ 9:20

As for me, the example with TVs is not very good. Clearly overkill. Two mentions are enough. Although if the goal is only traffic and money, then it doesn’t matter.
igorka- April 9, 2010 @ 10:58

A good post, but IMHO every novice SEO should know this, because this is the main way to increase traffic at the expense of low-frequency engines!
Interns- April 9, 2010 @ 11:20

Depending on where you write the article, if it’s on a portal for people, then I think it’s better to rewrite it, and if it’s for traffic, then you can use your technology, but still, unique content will always be better than pure copy-paste.
I’ve already asked you to write a couple of times about how to promote Varezniks/adults/movies online, you promised in long-ago articles, but it hasn’t happened yet. Interesting read.
Ilyukha- April 9, 2010 @ 11:53

By the way, “...well-known events related to mchost hosting...” is just an example of the fact that people shit in the place that fed them.
seoded- April 9, 2010 @ 13:33

About hosting! Tell me about dle, and generally a reliable hoster!
Denis- April 9, 2010 @ 13:33

Cool. Seoded, it’s better to share your experience than to vilify the paravoz - put a link to the materials of your experience. I was surfing your megasite - the paravoz blog is somehow more interesting to read.
Advert, thanks for the post! I’ll try to “modernize” my first syllables using this technology. The last salvo of the AGS took out only what was in my glanders, and the rest lives on for now. Liex rules!
Alive- April 9, 2010 @ 18:02

Answer the question: HOW MANY pages should there be on a website? Approximately, of course. It’s one thing to copy-paste 10 and wait for the result, another thing is 300-400. I heard that Yandex noticed the site and it brought more or less at least some traffic, there should be about 300 pages. You mean, to accumulate, process and insert 300 pages, even at super speed you need min 5,300x5 = DAYS!! %(
Victor- April 9, 2010 @ 20:29

I was a little freaked out by this!
1) An hour ago I left you a comment here
2) Half an hour ago I looked into LI (by accident) and found a view from this post
3) 2 minutes ago I looked into Ya.Webmaster and the swelling was complete - there is a backing for me from this post (!)
As they say, comments are unnecessary)))
Alive- April 9, 2010 @ 20:52

Of course, for me it’s still better to rewrite rather than copy-paste.
And so you can try.
border is a feature.
Zalizna lyudina- April 9, 2010 @ 22:42

Sometimes you can simply buy articles on the exchange or order them. Especially when you need to quickly fill a site with unique text. Indeed, if you rewrite it yourself, it will take too much time!
aidos- April 9, 2010 @ 22:53

I’m very interested in text processing for Dors, everything that I haven’t tried (Markovka, Panchenko’s algorithm, as suggested from all files, Marx) works unstable, in most cases Dors are banned, preliminary synonymization with M1pluss does not improve the result (((Maybe you can expand on this topic in the future or at least give me a hint?
Seryoga- April 10, 2010 @ 22:14

I don’t understand why you need copy-paste if you have a scan? It's not that expensive...
doctor- April 11, 2010 @ 19:11

Although I use rewriting, for the sake of testing I copy and paste this manual for myself))
Garlic- April 12, 2010 @ 2:35

aries, do you believe that copy-paste sites can get into dmoz?)
Starche- April 12, 2010 @ 9:13

Ruslan- April 12, 2010 @ 17:06

Good tips on copy-paste.. I’ll have to try it.... well, in general, I usually look for articles in English and translate them.. then in Russian you definitely can’t call it copy-paste)))
Alexander- April 12, 2010 @ 18:21

The main thing here is to choose the right synonyms so that the text changes and the meaning remains the same.
dem- April 13, 2010 @ 14:31

Thank you, interesting blog, little water, a lot of practice.
seomanka- April 16, 2010 @ 9:27

I told myself something new. My site consists entirely of copy-paste, so I am very grateful for your advice.
Blenker- April 18, 2010 @ 21:41

Copy-paste is gaining momentum)
Good article. Recently I myself have been using this method to create websites for Sapa.
You can also dilute the text with quotes and anecdotes.
I’m waiting for more sensible articles)
ahmetoff- April 19, 2010 @ 15:08

I also had a website on mchost, I had to do this with people.
You are right, now sites are not banned for copy-paste, if you follow all the points above, I myself personally observed two sites, one was just copy-paste, it did not hang in the index for a long time, but copy-paste with a different name and suitable pictures is still in the index!
Barbie- April 20, 2010 @ 12:28

I sometimes indulge in copy-paste myself. Good point about the pictures.
PS. Don’t remove the border from the pictures, it’s more fun))
GodCow- April 20, 2010 @ 16:32

Thank you very much for the article, you can really sometimes dilute the rewrite with copy-paste and everything will be ok. And the question is, I heard that Yandex does not respond to copy-paste until selling links appear on the site, what can you say about this?
Alex- April 21, 2010 @ 15:05

Copy-paste is bad! Rewriting is good! But not a crap rewrite, but a good rewrite! It’s not realistic to get to the top with copy-paste... although, no matter what search engine you use, Google often lets sites with copy-paste into the top!
Rick- April 24, 2010 @ 22:50

Alex, most likely this is not so, at least I have never encountered such a thing and have never heard of it.
realn00b- April 25, 2010 @ 0:40

it feels like everyone was paid money - a complete butt-licking of the author and the article. Everyone has known for a long time that copy-paste is not valued... what is unique is valued. content!!! Even sites with unique content are thrown out of Yandex, but what can we say about copy-paste?
Butya- April 26, 2010 @ 9:24

I checked it today and it flew out of the box. I always rewrote a little on the last two articles, I was lazy and made a copy-paste, Yasha’s boat has sailed, but he’s not sitting badly in Gosh. Don’t be lazy and rewrite)) or better yet, move the balls in your head
gunato- May 1, 2010 @ 23:11

Copy-paste will live for a long time if you leave a link to the source. Everyone knows this... But I also recommend that everyone take five minutes to give the “stolen” material at least some uniqueness.
Denis- May 12, 2010 @ 0:39

and if you correctly change 2-3 synonyms per sentence in the copy-paste, then Yasha can actually eat something unique =)
Gomel resident- June 3, 2010 @ 21:59

It takes a long time to do the rewriting yourself, but it’s expensive to buy (if you need a lot of articles)... it also takes a long time to process the scans yourself afterwards to give them a normal look... so in any case, you will need to work, we want to earn money, if you please, work hard anyway
Alex- June 17, 2010 @ 10:57

copy-paste with normal readable synonymy more or less lives, but you need to dilute it with a unique one or a deep rewrite
Alexander163- June 17, 2010 @ 11:00

I thought that copy-paste is not effective at all, I’m interested in rewriting the title...
Nastyuwka- July 15, 2010 @ 8:24

Sorry for getting into such a heated discussion, but copy-paste and copy-paste are different, what’s stopping you from making half-SDL with copy-paste? There are a lot of examples of such sites, they hang in the index for quite a long time and enjoy life. In general, you just need to come up with your head, but what about changing the title of each post? The method is effective, of course, but if we say this is a slog with auto-filling? Editing 10-20 posts a day is very difficult, especially on the grid.
Vyacheslav- August 28, 2010 @ 3:29

And it’s still not clear how to “tailor” this to keywords? How many should there be: 5 or 10 or 100?
Vadim- October 13, 2010 @ 0:27

You don’t need to feel great about copy-paste.
Another thing is about its survivability, but this depends on how you prepare it.
Artem- October 22, 2010 @ 1:01

If this is an auto-splog, then just set up a double translation script and it’s all in the bag))
Anton- November 12, 2010 @ 1:08

Anton, which CMS is best to do this in and what plugin is used?
Mark- November 16, 2010 @ 12:43

CMS – wordpress, plugin – Double Translator WordPress Plugin
Anton- November 16, 2010 @ 15:58

I'm new to this
I don’t yet know how useful the recommendations of the site’s author are, but from the entire article and sensible comments I learned a lot of useful and interesting things.
I want to say thank you to everyone!
Andrey- January 18, 2011 @ 10:37

I want to speak in defense of copy-paste, and criticize rewriting and copyright.
When creating a website for People, the main thing is that the site is interesting to people! And in this case, copy-paste is simply necessary! Let's say, developing any topic - recipes, SEO, vareznik, etc. you, as an author, even if you are a genius, will not be able to fill the site with interesting, completely unique articles. In any case, this will be a repetition of ideas and materials from which there are millions on the internet. And if you just chase unique text, then such sites are simply BORING! there is nothing interesting, but the author is proud of himself - everything is unique for me... and who needs it?! I went in and ran away from such a site! Therefore, a site with copy-paste can be very good for PEOPLE, because the admin has the opportunity to CHOOSE the best, add his knowledge, uniqueize, collect several ideas from different sites on the desired topic in one post. And such a site is doomed to success! Because there is not unique WATER, but necessary and interesting information! The user came to the site not to analyze the author’s water, but to take it to the laboratory! The visitor needs information! And the author’s task is to collect a lot of interesting things in one place! And Yasha is not very against this; he does not hold such sites in bad positions.
And as for the fact that Yasha is starting to have a bad attitude towards sites that contain corrupt articles and links - that’s true! While my site was in Lieksa, Yasha only had about 150 pages left in the index! As soon as I removed this mess, in a couple of weeks more than 1000 pages returned to the index again!
from and draw conclusions... and make websites for people, not for Yasha, even if it’s unique, if people don’t need it, then Yasha doesn’t need this website either! :+))
Alexandra- February 13, 2011 @ 10:18

A good way to copy-paste is to copy-paste in the form of a presentation. Just like in school – I read it and put it in my own words. The author will distinguish his article, but for the search engine it will be pure copyright.
John Lemon- February 16, 2011 @ 17:11

From the comments above, I realized that there is no way to do without copy-paste. You just need to do it in moderation, and of course, rewrite it.
megasprut- April 27, 2011 @ 9:42

Copy-paste is not necessary in any case; it is better to make a high-quality rewrite with keyword content
damir-tote- September 12, 2011 @ 10:45

Good article, I’ll add that a site offering repair services, with copy-paste, is doing well in regional search results. If a person lives in Uryupinsk, he needs a Uryupinsk website offering repair services, where he wants to find the information he needs. And then copy-paste to the site visitor on the topic. Alexander correctly says that a normal person will not post any crap for his clients on his website, the information will be sorted and selected.
And the seoded needs to heal his nerves
workyga- January 6, 2012 @ 12:23
